
The Beta's Queen

Cheyenne grew up in a small pack. They kept to themselves and never had any real problems. She graduated high school a year early at the age of 17. She was starting her freshman year of college when her quiet little, small-town life got turned upside down. Her mother had a deep secret that she had kept this whole time and now it could cost her her daughter. After a visit from the Moon Goddess herself, Cheyenne is faced with a choice. One that is life or death not just for her but her kind as a whole. What will she choose?

Kayla_Wintczak · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

Chapter 58

Cheyenne's POV

I stood there in utter shock for a moment until one of the guys behind me leaned down towards my ear and whispered.

"Do you know them?" Jax asked.

I let out a warning growl and took a defensive position causing both of them to do the same.

"I got this sweetie." Koa laughed. I felt this wave of energy come out of me and felt my eyes change colors. "On your knees NOW!" Koa growled.

The two intruders tried to fight but ended up on their knees with their necks bared in submission. It wasn't until I heard a whimper behind me that I realized that my command had affected even the alpha. I quickly released and apologized to the guys whom all reassured me that it was perfectly fine.

"So you gunna tell us who these two are?" Alpha Nik asked now standing beside me and pointing between the two.

"Alpha Nik, Beta Derek, Jax, these intruders would be two of my older sisters." I walked around them so I was standing behind them. I took a quick look Gunner still sleeping on the bed before returning my attention to the guys. I grabbed the one by the hair, ripping her head backwards so she was looking up at me.

"This is Ella. The one who couldn't live with dad because he had rules and she couldn't be a homie hopper." I stared at her the whole time, watching the anger rise in her eyes. I threw her head forward releasing her hair so she was staring at the ground.

"And this, gentlemen, this is Emma. She was always the prissy one who was always picking on me for being dirty, always was to good to play with Ty and me." I said ripping her hair back like I did with Ella before shoving it back down.

I walked back around to face the both of them and commanded them to look at me. Both of them were fuming with rage, and I couldn't help but smile. Oh how the tables have turned. I thought to myself.

"Koa, gunna need your help with this one. I'm liable to rip their heads off before we get any answers." I told her. I felt my eyes start to change and Koa just taking over slightly.

"Why are you here?" Koa commanded.

Both the women went to look at each other before Koa put a stop to it, "EYES FRONT!" She yelled and they both flinched before answering.

"We came to get revenge." Emma softly spoke.

"Louder!" Koa commanded.

Emma let out a sigh and then repeated herself, "We came to get revenge!"

"Revenge for what? She's your sister!" Alpha Nik demanded.

"That bitch isn't our sister!" Ella hollered out.

I couldn't help myself at that point and my emotions got the better of me. I walked up to Ella and just backhanded her making her head whip to her left.

"I was never your sister because you were a slut and were to good for our family. You talked so much shit about dad that it wasn't even true half the time. Oh and I've been wanting to do that for years now!" I said threw gritted teeth.

"Again, revenge for what?!" Alpha Nik boomed pressing his Alpha command out. It wasn't until just now that I realized that Derek had stepped out into the hall, and I heard him on his phone.

"This bitch got everything and we got nothing! We don't even have mates yet and she gets a mate and get's to become a fuckin Queen?! It's bullshit!" Ella answered.

"Oh that's such bullshit and you both know it. Greedy fucking bitches is all you are. I've had enough. GUARDS!" I shouted out over my shoulder and within seconds four guards were entering my room. "Put them in the cells next to my mother! And tell her I'll be down shortly to deal with her ass too." I said really pissed off at this point.

The guards asked no questions, grabbed both of them and hauled them off. It wasn't until they were fully out of sight that I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Just then Derek came back into the room.

"Alpha Brock is on his way." Derek told Nik who nodded in acknowledgment.

"Why him?" I asked.

"They are part of his pack are they not?" Nik asked me.

"Oh, yea they are. Sorry just never expected that one." I said as calm as I could. "One more thing, Jax and Derek, can you check with the gate guard and the patrols and find out how they got onto this territory with nobody knowing please?"

"Copy that." Jax said and Derek also nodded before they both walked out of the room. Derek stopped at the door to take a last look at Gunner before walking down the hall.

"You wanna tell me what this is about Cheyenne?" Nik asked more in a fatherly tone.

"I was never close to either of them. Can't say that I really even knew them as we grew up. Like I said before, Ella went to live a relative on her mother's side that I don't even know. Last I knew they opened a salon in town. Guess jealousy got the better of them." I shrugged. I really didn't understand any of this. They sure as hell didn't care when I was abducted so why now, and what were their plans on revenge?

"I will have them looked into Cheyenne. Check on Gunner and I will meet you at the cells in say, an hour?" Alpha Nik asked.

"Thank you Alpha. I really do appreciate it." I said offering him a soft smile.

"Would you just call me Nik already. You do outrank me now you know." He winked at me and left the room before I had a chance to say anything back.

I walked back over to the bed where Gunner was still lying and laid down next to him. I started softly talking to him just rambling off all the thoughts and questions going around in my head at the moment.

"I don't know how much more I can take." I whispered more to myself than anything. When suddenly he started rising off the bed. I jumped off the bed and landed on the floor with a loud thud. I quickly got to my feet and watched as he rose higher and higher. That's when I noticed that his mark was glowing a bright green. I squinted my eyes to see better.

"Koa do you know…" I started.

"Yes sweetie. He's finishing his transformation." She said.

"Finally! But Beauty and the Beast style? What the fuck?" I questioned.

Koa laughed before responding, "Everybody is different sweetie."

Although beams of light didn't shoot out of his fingers and toes like the beast did, it still reminded me of that final scene in the movie. It only took a minute or two and his body was back on the bed and his marked stopped glowing. As soon as it stopped glowing I walked up to look at his mark. It was a green wolf head howling with what looked like water splashing up behind it.

"Isn't that just fitting." I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

I reached out to softly touch it and when our skin made contact, sparks traveled up my arm straight threw the rest of my body. I felt a slight pinching feeling where my mark was, I immediately rubbed and noticed that something didn't feel right. I ran over to the mirror in the bathroom and pull the collar of shirt over so I could clearly see my mark.

My shape was the same as his but my color was more purple. I guess that made sense too since in the old days, the color purple signified royalty. I was still admiring my mark when Koa started jumping around and running circles in my head.

"Koa what the hell? You gunna make me lightheaded. Knock it off!" I scolded her.

"Mate!" Was all she said in return.

I ran out of the bathroom and back over to the bed but Gunner was gone. What the fuck is going on? Before I could get another thought processed, two arms wrapped around my waste and someone was breathing on my neck. Sparks were zooming everywhere throughout my body.

"Mine." A husky voice said right in my ear.

I relaxed, turned around in his arms still, gently placed both my hands on his face and looked him in the eyes. The sun was hitting exactly right making those bowls of honey shine.

"Mine." I repeated before our lips crashed together in a longing kiss.

After we both pulled away for a much need breath, Gunner rested his forehead on mine.

"How long have I been out?" He asked with a smirk.

"It's only been maybe 12 hours I'm guessing. I'm not exactly sure when you went under because you did it in your sleep." I said.

"Have I missed anything?" He asked pulling away to look at me and then got a concerned look on his face.

"A lot actually. You might want to sit down first." I motioned towards the bed.

Gunner sat on the edge and then pulled me down to sit in his lap. I softly kissed him again before resting my head on his shoulder. After a moment of silence I decided to start with the good news first. I gave him the update on Jax and his dragon mate, and how I might have volunteered to find them a home. Gunner agreed to help me saying he knew just the place for them.

Then I went on to tell him about finding my two of my older sisters in our room just an hour ago.

"OH SHIT!" I jumped up when I realized the time.

"What?!" Gunner asked with a voice full of concern.

"I forgot Alpha Nik wanted me in the cells in an hour to finish interrogating the fucktards." I said while scrambling to find my boots. "Fuck it I'll go barefoot. I don't care."

"I'm going with you babe." Gunner said getting up and walking to the closet for a shirt.

I just smiled and said ok. He took my hand in his and gave me a little peck on the top of head, told me it was going to be alright, and then he led me down to the cells. Alpha Nik was already waiting for me when we got there and I apologized for being late. Alpha Nik just smiled saying that I had a very good excuse, and then hugged Gunner.

"Has Jax or Derek found anything out yet? I know it's only been a short amount of time since we sent them out." I asked.

"All we know so far is that they didn't come through the gate, or the northern borders. So I'm guessing they crossed from their pack into ours somewhere." Alpha Nik stated and I just nodded my head.

"You ready for this?" Gunner asked me.

"You going in with me?" I asked looking over to him.

"Of course I am." He said with a shocked look on his face.

"Let Alpha Nik and I go in first. You stay behind and just listen. I wanna know what their plan was first." I said.

"Ok. If that's what you want babe." Gunner gave me a kiss and then Alpha Nik and I went into the cells.

As we walked down the stone steps underground, the smell of blood and other bodily fluids invaded my nose. It was disgusting and that was putting it lightly, but I couldn't show any weakness. The further down the hall we went, the more I could hear my sisters bitching. Apparently a cot and bucket wasn't up to their standards.

As we came into their view, they both jumped up and ran to the front of the cell reaching for me.

"Chey please let us go. We're really sorry!" Emma pleaded.

"Yeah Chey, please!" Ella followed.

"Oh shut your cocksuckers already. For starters, do NOT call me that. That name is reserved for family only. You think you can play me for a fool? I don't think so! Now I'm only going to ask you this once and you WILL give me the truth! What were going to do exactly to get revenge?" I snapped while glaring daggers at the both of them.

Both of them just looked at each other before Ella spoke up. "If we tell you will you let us go?"

"That depends on your answer." I said nonchalantly while crossing my arms over my chest. "And it better be the truth. I will be able to tell if you're lying or not."

Guess the lycan's heighten senses weren't such a bad thing because when I looked at Emma, I could hear her heart rate pick up, but Ella was still remaining calm.

"Oh little sis, we were just going to put some sleeping pills in your water. But then when we say that guy in your bed we kinda panicked." Ella said smoothly.

"I ain't your little sis! And I'm calling bullshit!" I hollered. "I want the truth NOW!" I commended them.

"Ok, we were going to kill your mate knowing it more than likely would kill you." Emma rambled out.

"Emma! Are you fucking kidding me!? I could understand that coming from her," I pointed towards Ella, "But from you? What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked in complete shock.

"I'm sorry Chey. It was all Ella's idea and I admit I let my emotions get the best of me. First your mom took my dad away from me, then you became his little princess, and now you're a fucking Queen. You have everything I've always wanted. I'm sorry!" Emma was bawling her eyes out.

My mom was your dad's second chance mate. She didn't take him from you. Did you ever stop to think why him and I were close? Hmmm? No? Maybe because I actually spent time with him. You know he's the one that taught me to work on the truck? He's the one that taught me to fish? To hunt? I wasn't afraid of getting hurt or god forbid I got dirt under my nails. He didn't have to worry about me. You on the other hand, if he so much as looked at you wrong you would flip shit! Use your fucking head dumbass." I rolled my eyes and turned around to gather my thoughts and that's when I saw Gunner poke his head around the corner. I motioned for him to come over.

I turned back around and Gunner stood behind me and my sisters' eyes went wide.

"What's wrong? You two look like you've seen a ghost." I smirked.

"Wasn't he just unconscious now an hour ago?" Emma stammered in disbelief.

"Eh, a little over an hour ago but yes." I said looking up towards him and smiling. Gunner then wrapped his arms around my waist, buried his face in my neck and inhaled deeply calming himself down. I knew he had heard everything and probably wanted to tear their heads off himself.

"One more thing, ladies. Have you ever thought why you two are the only ones out of all of us who don't have mates? I mean besides Sam and Eli, but that's only because they're still to young." I shrugged. "I bet you two don't even have mates because you are unworthy of it. No man would be able to stand either of you for your reasons. Ella you're nothing but an alcoholic homie hopper. What man wants a mate that's been with every other man in the county? Emma, your head is so stuck up your own ass you have no idea how you effect the people around you. You simply don't care who gets hurt as long as you get what you want." I stated and both of them dropped their jaws and just silently stared at me.

"What do you wanna do with them?" Alpha Nik asked.

"Well they will both be charged for trespassing on your territory for starters. I would like for us and Alpha Brock to sit down and discuss the rest, because I'm thinking of banishment to rogue life for the rest of their lives. But they are his pack members so he has to be a part of this also." I shrugged.

"Please no! Not rogue!" Ella and Emma both pleaded.

"Ella you'll be lucky if you don't receive the death penalty!" I shouted.

Ella immediately backed away from the cell door and just glared daggered at me. I caught sight of my mother out of the corner of my eye, and I could tell she had been crying for a while now, but I didn't pay her any attention at the moment.

"I will go check and see if he's here. I had Derek call him when we found them in your room." Alpha Nik said and I nodded.

"Go ahead Alpha Nik. I would like a moment with my mother now. Gunner you better go find Ben. He has been worried about his bestie." I teased.

"You sure you can handle this one on your own?" He asked placing one hand softly on the side of my face. I turned my head into it, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.

"I have to. Go on. I'll be fine. Also can you send guards down here. I want these two separated and moved." I asked him.

"Sure thing babe." He smirked and then kissed me goodbye before walking back out. I waited for the guards to arrive to move Ella and Emma before walking over closer to my mom's cell.

"Mom. I don't even know what to say to you. I don't wanna believe that you've been lying to me and the boys our whole lives but documents and damn near every other person on the planet has said otherwise. What the fuck?" I said sounding defeated.

"I'm so sorry babycakes. I was trying to protect you. He warned me that if I didn't surrender you, that he would take you. That's why I pushed your dad into the family vacation in Scotland. You were never meant to come back home with us, but when the time came, I just couldn't do it. I couldn't leave my baby there with a stranger. I didn't know what he would do to you. I'm so sorry!" She pleaded with tears rolling down her dirt covered cheeks.

"I am not a mother so I can't even pretend to imagine what it must have been like raising us all these years with that on the back of your mind. But fuck. Why didn't you just come forward and tell the truth when I was first abducted?! Why did they have to command you to tell them? I don't understand." I said.

"I was scared. I was scared what the Alphas would do to me. I was scared of what might happen to you if the King found out. I was lost too you know. Torn between blurting it out to the world just to find someone who would help me and keeping it to myself thinking it would be better on you. I didn't know what to do." She said between sobs.

"I guess it's in the past now and nothing can change that. Moving forward though, things are going to be different. I am the Queen Alpha now. All Alphas answer to me. I'm sorry to have to do this to you, but you've left me no choice." I took a step back from the cell, called Koa forward just enough to change my eyes. "You, Lilly, will never tell a single lie ever again as long as you live, and that is an order!" I saw my mom cringe a little bit before slowly nodding her head.

I didn't say bye or anything after that. I just turned and walked out. I told the guard at the entrance to have someone bring her some food and water, also a water bucket and rag to attempt to wash up. Yeah, I was pissed at her for hiding and lying about everything, but at the end of the day, she was still my mom.