
The Beta's Queen

Cheyenne grew up in a small pack. They kept to themselves and never had any real problems. She graduated high school a year early at the age of 17. She was starting her freshman year of college when her quiet little, small-town life got turned upside down. Her mother had a deep secret that she had kept this whole time and now it could cost her her daughter. After a visit from the Moon Goddess herself, Cheyenne is faced with a choice. One that is life or death not just for her but her kind as a whole. What will she choose?

Kayla_Wintczak · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

Chapter 50

Cheyenne POV

I stood there in the shadows of the caves waiting for Jax to meet up with me. I was lost in my thoughts staring out into the horizon over the ocean, wondering where they were, when I heard a rock skid across the ground and it snapped me back to reality.

"We are just 2 wolves out for a run if anybody asks." I said quietly looking him dead in the eye.

"Ok but what are we really doing?" He asked.

"Clearing the beach. They are still going to send trackers out but only a mile off the beach before they let the others off the ships." I said already slipping my shoes off.

Jax nodded and followed my lead. I headed behind a tree to shift while Jax remained in the cave and shifted. We just nodded to each other and then took off running down the beach. We covered about 3 or 4 miles of shoreline and into the woods before Jax got my attention and pointed towards the sun. No words were spoken as we didn't want anyone to overhear our conversations.

On our way out of the woods Jax started whipping his snout around sniffing the air, which caused Koa to do the same.

"What is it Koa?" I whispered. Wait why am I whispering? She's the only one that can hear me.

"Wolf." Was all she said back.

"One of ours?" I asked getting excited.

"I don't know. I don't recognize the scent." She out loud this time so Jax heard.

Jax looked at us and then just pointed towards some brush and gave some other hand signals. Koa must have known what he was saying, I hadn't a clue, because she nodded and then took off behind the brush and lowered herself to the ground and low as she could get and waited to pounce.

It wasn't long before we heard twigs snapping and a greyish wolf came into view. Koa watching him for a few moments, waiting on him to get closer. He suddenly stopped and stuck his nose in the air and sniffed. He started to turn in the direction that Jax went, and when he turned his back, that's when Koa leaped out and landed straight on his and damn near smushed him like a damn pancake.

"Who are you!?" Koa barked (no pun intended).

Being around lycans for so long, I forgot that wolves can not talk in wolf form. They can still mind link other wolves and that's how they communicate. So when Koa spoke, this wolf's eye went the size of baseballs. Koa rolled her eyes and then backed off him so he could face us.

"Ok here's the deal mister. You do understand English yes?" Koa asked toning it down a little bit.

The wolf just continued to stare at us. Ugh we weren't going to get anywhere with this shithead.

"Koa…force him to shift. We don't have time for this!" I said rather annoyed now.

"Shift now!" Koa demanded.

The wolf whimpered trying to fight the command. Maybe being half lycan of royal blood wasn't all that bad after all I thought. After a few minutes, the wolf shifted and was on his knees bearing his neck to Koa.

"Now I'm going to ask you again. Who are you?" She asked trying to be patient with this shithead.

"Who are you?" He asked? "Wolves don't talk so you must be one of them. But you don't look like one?"

"One of them? Hear that Cheyenne? He thinks we're one of them?!" Koa busted up laughing. "Clearly he's never even seen a lycan before."

The guy jumped up at the sound of my name and hugged Koa around the neck. "Cheyenne? Like THE Cheyenne?!!!" He said excitedly.

Just then there was a sound of the leaves crunching and twigs snapping. Both the guy and Koa looked in the direction the noise came from to see Jax hauling another wolf by his ear.

"Jax really?! They're on our side. Play nice!" I said sternly.

"Sorry Koa. I wasn't sure and I didn't want to take any chances." Jax just shrugged.

Koa turned back to the two wolves now, "How many trackers are there out here right now?"

"I think about 4 or 5…ish?" The second guy said rubbing his ear and giving Jax the death glare.

"Can either of you mindlink them and tell them to head to the beach?" Koa asked.

"I can get to 2 of them." The first guy that Koa tackled said.

"I can only get 1 of them." The second guy said.

"Ok, children. Today we're going to learn math. If he has 1 friend and you have 2 friends plus there's 2 of you here, how many does that make?" Koa mocked them.

"Wait, this smartass bitch is who we are here to save? I'm putting my life on the line for this?" The second guy blurted out.

"Shut the fuck up you twat waffle! You are not here to put your life on the line for me jackass. You are here to put your life on the line for your fucking kind. If we don't win this then all werewolves will die! And judging by the mark on your neck, I'm sure you don't want that to happen now do you?" Koa going off on him and taking slow steps towards him while doing it.

When the guy didn't respond Koa snorted, "Thought so fuckin ass-monkey." That caught him off guard just enough that Koa actually headbutted him and knocked him out! I was actually laughing my ass off the whole time to be honest.

"Grab your buddy here and have the others meet us on the beach near the ships." Koa said to the first guy.

He didn't even think twice but scurried by her and grabbed the other guy and threw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and began walking. Jax and Koa followed behind him closely while keeping watch for other lycans that might be in the area that should be. When we hit the tree line at the beach, Koa looked all around but didn't see shit.

"If this is some kind of joke, I will end you right here, right now." Koa growled. I know she's been…what word do I want to use here…desperate…yes desperate to be with her mate too.

"Just keep walking." Was all he said and he repositioned the other guy on his shoulder.

Jax and Koa kept a close eye all around them, Jax occasionally doing a full 360 while we walked. Koa was so confused. There was nothing here. No ships, people, nothing.

"Koa…magic, remember?" I said and it was like the lightbulb finally turned on.

Just then there was a ripple in the air and this dude walked right to it. I wasn't sure if Jax saw it or not but we sure as hell did. As soon as we passed it or walked threw it, whatever we did, Koa stopped dead in her tracks. There were 6 ships lined along the coast and there were men and women all hanging around on the deck.

"Can anybody hear us outside this…this…bubble?" Koa asked the guy and he shook his head.

Koa looked at Jax and did some curl hop thing all excitedly. Jax knew what was coming, I don't know how he knew but he did because he told the other dude to cover his ears and get low. Koa took off towards the water and as soon as she was about knee deep, she stopped and let out what I call the lion growl but it's her howl.

After a few moments of silence and Koa anxiously awaiting a response, one finally came. It was that same one that we heard right before we blacked out when everything went to shit. Koa started jumping up and down in the water.

"MATE! MATE!" That's all she kept saying over and over!

All of a sudden there was a commotion on the beach causing Koa to turn around and see people appearing out of thin air. Some of which were squaring off with Jax. Koa took off towards them, digging her back paws in more and more. She got between Jax and the others and let out a low warning growl.

"We are on the same side. He is with me so back the fuck up before I fuck you up." Koa growled.

You'd think we'd get used to the reaction of the shock on people's faces when they realize a wolf can talk, but actually it was just annoying at this point. Then there was the sound of someone laughing from the back of the crowd that gathered.

"Apparently someone thinks I'm joking Jax." Koa smirked.

"Koa don't you do it! You have to play nice. These are your people and here to help us. Don't be killing them off already!" Jax pleaded.

"Ugh fine! You didn't say that I couldn't play at all though!" Before Jax or I could even stop her, Koa leaped in the air and landed on, yep you guessed it, Gunner.

"You fuckin fluff ball!" I yelled. "Why would you do that!?"

"Well, you did say that he was going to pay for calling you Princess. Yep, you're welcome." Koa replied.

Ughhhh this damn wolf and her personality issues or whatever the hell was wrong with her. One minute she's the old-fashioned motherly type, the next she's some bad ass warrior, and the next she's just completely lost her mind. Never know what I'm going to get with her.

Gunner just laughed at Koa while rubbing the sides of her neck. "Nice to finally meet you Koa. But umm can I speak with Cheyenne please?"

Koa whimpered a little before plopping her big fluffy ass in the sand with a thud. "Fine. I guess I can give her control…"

"You guess? What do you mean you guess? Koa don't make force the shift back like that night again.

Koa rolled her eyes before asking someone for a blanket. Some girl searched through her bag and handed it to Gunner who took it and held it up to shield us from the crowd.

"Shower time!" Koa winked, she actually winked at him!

Gunner turned his head so as to not look as we shifted back. Once I was back in control and hurriedly put my clothes back on that I had tied around my ankle and then tackled Gunner to ground who was still looking away while holding up the blanket.

I landed on top of him in the sand and I could hear others laughing but I didn't care who was watching at this point. I finally had my mate. After the shock wore off him and we locked eyes, the biggest smile crawled across his face. He softly grabbed my face and rubbed his thumbs across my cheeks. I couldn't help but turn into one of his hands when I felt him move a little to late and he flipped us over and his lips crashed into mine. I could feel the sparks just flying everywhere. I'm sure if I opened my eyes there was probably fireworks going off.

He slowly withdrew his kiss and pulled his head back and we just stared at each other for a moment before our moment was ruined by someone in the crowd.

"Ok I know ya'll are mates but that's still gross." A familiar voice rang out and my eyes widen with realization.

Gunner laughed and stood up, helping me up in the process. When I got up, I scanned the crowd for the voice. It didn't take me very long to find him and I went sprinting straight towards him, the crowd parting for me as I ran straight into my brother's arms.

"TY!" I yelled as I smashed into him.

"Sis. It's actually you." He said as he squeezed the life out of me, or at least tried to.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, the scent of home and my mate's scent relaxing me to my core. I haven't been this relaxed in months. After we let go of each other, we just smiled and then my pack mates started coming up one by one and hugging me. I must have hugged at least a hundred people if not more.

I introduced Jax to everyone and explained his position to everyone and that he was on our side and has been the one helping me on this end of things. After some cheers from the crowd, Jax and I took them into the wood where they would set up camp. I finally got to meet the infamous Charlie and while I was talking to him, I was scared shitless when a woman appeared out of nowhere next to us.

"Hey bro! How's it going?" It was Alex. I would have never of guess them being related.

"Hey sis. I'm still alive and kicking. How about you?" He smirked. She just shrugged her shoulders in response.

"I'll let you guys do your thing. I'm going to go check on everyone else. By the way Alex, thank you. For everything!" I said gently grabbing her upper arm. She just gave me a soft smile in return.

I started making my rounds around the camps to make sure everything was good. Once I was sure that they were protected and good for the night, I found Gunner again and explained that I had to get back. It sucked leaving him again after just getting back to him, but we both knew that I couldn't stay. So, after a long kiss goodnight and goodbye, Jax and I headed back towards the beach and to the cave.

Luckily we saw nobody along the way. Jax walked me to my room and when he knew I was good, he left for his room. I changed and got in bed. I felt a smile creep across my face at the thought of finally being back with Gunner and my brother and everyone else. I fell asleep the fastest and easiest since I arrived at this place.