
The Beta's Queen

Cheyenne grew up in a small pack. They kept to themselves and never had any real problems. She graduated high school a year early at the age of 17. She was starting her freshman year of college when her quiet little, small-town life got turned upside down. Her mother had a deep secret that she had kept this whole time and now it could cost her her daughter. After a visit from the Moon Goddess herself, Cheyenne is faced with a choice. One that is life or death not just for her but her kind as a whole. What will she choose?

Kayla_Wintczak · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

Chapter 48

Seeley's POV

"REVA!!!!!" I shouted down my wing after returning from my morning run on the beach.

Reva was my sister in-law. She was my brother's mate but he went feral during the last war and was beating her and the pups and I couldn't stand back and watch anymore so I hid her away in this mountain with her pups, Harold, Howard, Leona, and Herbert.

She's been alone ever since then. Lycan's chance of a second chance mate is unheard of really. People have claimed it but you can tell after a while, when that "new toy" effect wears off that they weren't true mates. Yeah I'm sure they loved each other, but there was no bond there.

"REVA!!!" I hollered again. "My Chambers! NOW!"

I never heard a response with being to wrapped up in my own thoughts. Vampires?! What are those bastards doing back here?! I haven't had to deal with them in over a century! Then this young punk thinks he's going to come on my territory and threaten me!? Who the hell does he think he is?!

A soft knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts. "Come in."

The door opened slowly and a guy's head popped in, "Sir, I heard you calling for mom?"

"How many times do I have to tell you Harold, call me Uncle Seeley please." I motioned for him to come in and sit down.

"I was raised to respect my elders and leaders. You know that." Harold said looking down.

"Fine, 100+ years of telling you to call me Uncle isn't going to get threw that skull of yours so call me what you're comfortable with I guess." I shrugged.

Harold looked up and you could see the relief in his eyes and I offered a reassuring smile.

"Oh right, I heard you calling for mom. I came to tell you that she ran into the village to visit her parents' graves." Harold said.

Of course. I hung my head in my hands on my desk. How could I forget? It was the anniversary of her parents' death. She always went out to lay flowers on their graves and had a picnic with them. It was a little odd to me but it's one and only time she ever leaves the mountain and who am I to stop someone from visiting their parents' graves.

" Right. Well then, I need you to do something for me. I need to know what the vampires are up to." I started.

"Vampires?" He asked, "What are they doing back?"

"I think they're planning on a fight to take this mountain from us." I said tapping a pen on my desk now.

"How do I find out this information? I haven't led missions on my own sir." Harold questioned.

"Take Sadie and Jessica with you. They're both older witches and can help with spells and whatever else they do. Potions and whatnot. Also, take Gerreth and Alfred as backup just in case you run into trouble. They have fought their kind before and will know how to handle them if the need arise." I told him.

Harold nodded and then got up to leave. "Harold, I've been meaning to ask. How's the family? I haven't been around at all since my daughter came home." I hadn't been around my family as much as I used to be and I'm just now realizing it.

Harold smiled back at me and told me, "Howard and his family are good. Leona had threatened to move back here I don't know how many times when her mate pisses her off, but what you gunna do?" We both chuckled at that. Leona was raised to be the typical female; cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, and she was amazing at it, but as females gained for freedom and independence, she's become a little spit fire.

"What about Herbert?" I asked noticing he hadn't mentioned him.

"Last I knew, Him and Betty and the 4 T's were doing great." Harold answered with a shrug.

"Last you knew? When's the last time you talked to them?" I asked. It was odd that they haven't at least talked.

"I'm not sure. A couple weeks?" Harold said.

"Couple weeks? Have you ever gone that long not talking before?" I asked now curious after what the vampire said about a traitor being in my ranks.

"It's happened over the course of 100+ years. Rarely but it does happen. I just figured they went to visit other family outside the territory." He said.

"Yeah, you're probably right, but if you don't hear from them within the next 48 hours, please let me know." I said looking up at him.

"Yes sir." Harold nodded.

"Go on now son. Grab Sadie, Jessica, Gerreth, and Alfred and then report back to me before dusk." I waved him out.

"Sir, I do have one question and I hope I am not overstepping here." Harold had started to walk out but then stopped and turned back around before opening the door.

"What is it? If you're overstepping, I simply won't answer." I smirked.

"How are things going with Alida? I haven't been to training in a while. Knowing she's family, but not being able to talk to her, it was kind of hard on me." Harold hung his head again.

"Harold, she is doing better than expected. Carl, or as you know him, Les, has been keeping his eye on her from the sidelines. That fight between her and Kira was unbelievable. I think she may be ready." I had a smile that had to reach my ears and I was probably glowing with pride by now.

"That's good to hear sir. I can't wait to formally meet her. You know as family and not as pack members. Honestly, I think her and Leona will hit off just great!" He laughed.

"Lord have pity on all of us if they do." I smiled again. "Now go on son. Wasting daylight. Like I said, I want you back here before dark."

Harold nodded and walked out. Now leaving with more questions. How do six lycan's just vanish?

"Koda." I called through the mindlink.

"Yes sir?" He answered quickly.

"Get Alida to my office please." Please? I never say please. What the hell?

"Copy that sir." Was all he said before cutting the link off.

Cheyenne's POV

I was enjoying a nice breakfast in the hall with Jax and a few others. We were all gaining up on Jax and if he didn't have some type of complex, I'm sure he did now. But in my defense, he was firing the comebacks just as fast as we could dish them out too. To the point, that I decided that the first thing I'm doing when I get home is going to my sisters' salon and getting my highlighted roots touched up.

I had just flicked a piece of oatmeal at Aries, who was sitting across from me when Koda came busting threw the doors of the hall. Everybody went silent and turned to look at him, but you know me enough by now to know I wasn't going to give him the attention he wanted obviously. I turned my head back around to my plate and just started shaking it and laughing under my breath remembering our last little encounter. He was still walking with a limp from that day, which just made me laugh harder.

"Watch this." I said to Jax and the others sitting with us.

"What the hell are you doing now?" Jax said grabbing my arm as I went to stand up.

"Bitch has an authority complex and I'm gunna end it." I winked as I quickly moved away so Jax couldn't grab me again, but he stood up and followed behind me.

"You got another fuckin thing coming if you think you can just storm around this place breaking down doors whenever you fuckin feel like it bitch." I made sure I was loud enough for the whole hall to hear me. I heard some snickers behind me and some grumbles but I ignored them.

"Bitch?! Who are you calling a bitch?!" He wasn't two inches away from me at this point and I had to crane my head almost straight up to see his face. Just had to be the damn runt of liter.

"I do believe I'm talking to you, soooooo I guess that means I'm calling you a bitch." I said nonchalantly.

Koda was fuming at this point and I knew it and it took everything I had to refrain from laughing, although I did let a side smirk show.

"We've both said it before a million times, but I'm going to say it again. Your momma was right. Your mouth is going to get us killed." Koa chimed in.

"Oh, but I learn from the best, I'm just 'playing'." I retorted which made me smirk even more when she groaned and retreated to the back of my mind telling me I was on my own.

"I don't have time for your bullshit. The King has ordered me to bring you to his office." Koda snorted taking a few back.

"The King requested an audience with Alida?" Jax asked a little shocked. Hell, I was shocked.

"That's what I said. Now follow me and keep up runt." Koda said as he turned around.

All of a sudden I was fuming with anger. All the memories of home come flooding back. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY called me runt. That nickname was reserved for my mate! Yeah, it was annoying but hearing it from Koda, I wanted to rip his throat out. Jax saw the change in my eye color and put his hand on shoulder softly and shook his head to tell me no. I got my breathing and anger under control before speaking again.

"Fine, I'll go but Jax is coming with me." I said which had Koda whipping around.

"No, the King said just you. He didn't tell me to bring you and him." Koda said pointing a sausage finger at Jax.

"After what happened last time I left you to handle yourself with her, I think I'll tag along for your safety." Jax popped out.

Koda let out a warning growl and I just let my shoulders fall and started stomping my feet like a toddler who just got told no cookies before dinner. Jax answered Koda's growl with his own but louder.

"Do NOT forget your place in the rank's boy!" Jax grunted.

"Aries grab the popcorn this is about to get good!" I hollered back over my shoulder, which was answered by a room full of laughter at this point except from Jax and Koda.

"Let's go!" Koda said before turning back around and leading us out of the hall.

He led us down corridors that I have never seen in my time here, least not that I could remember anyways. Good thing Jax was with me because I don't know if I could find my way back and I don't have that Harry Potter map with me. I stopped using it a while ago.

After what felt like an eternity, we finally stopped outside a set of pine doors. They must have recently been replaced because I could still smell the pine coming off of them. There was a symbol carved in the wood and I was busy studying it when I heard someone clear their throat and break me out of my trance.

Koda knocked on the door after rolling his eyes at me and I heard a voice from the other side ordering us in. Koda opened the door and escorted us in. There sitting behind an oak desk was my biological father, the King with a serious look on his face.

"Thank you Koda. You are dismissed." He ordered.

"Hold up." I looked at the King, it was still to hard to call him father or dad or anything of the sort. "I outrank him right?" I asked pointing to Koda.

I saw the King and Koda and Jax all exchange looks before the King nodded and said, "I guess so. You are my daughter which makes you…"

I held up my hand to stop him, Jax knowing exactly why I did it. Fuckin princess bullshit was really getting on my nerves. "So, I can do whatever I want without punishment?" I asked.

Again, they all looked at each other. "To a certain extent, I supposed so." The King now folding his hands on his desk fully invested on where this was going.

"Ok I was just wondering." I shrugged, "You're free to go Koda." I smirked.

Koda turned around and as he walked past me, I just kicked backwards and nailed him right in his, now bad, knee. I heard him crash to the floor and had to refrain from laughing. A little chuckle did slip out and the King was staring at me.

"What, exactly, was that for might I ask?" The King asked sitting on the edge of his chair after standing up to check on Koda.

"He's a disrespectful little bitch, who by the sounds of that crash, needs to lose some weight." I said matter-of-factly.

"Koda get out. We will discuss this later." The King ordered.

Koda was side glaring me over his shoulder as he walked out of the office and closed the door behind him.

"I do believe that I only asked to see Alida. What are you doing here Jax?" The King asked.

"Sir, with all due respect, I came along one – to keep her in check," Jax pointed at me with his thumb, "And two – to make sure he made it out alive." Jax said throwing his thumb over his shoulder gesturing towards the door that Koda just walked out of.

"Good thinking. I didn't think of their last encounter when I sent him for you. Anyways, I guess it works out better with you here Jax. You know more of the people, you might be able to help. Seems we have a slight situation on our hands." The King said sitting back in his chair and motioning for us to have a seat also.

He went on to tell us of the 6 missing lycans, Herbert (who everyone knew as Herb), Betty, Tammy, Todd, Troy, and Tim. I tried my best to keep my heartbeat steady. I knew he would hear it if it spiked.

Could they really have chosen my side and left on one of the ships? No, there's got to be some other explanation to them going missing. I thought to myself. Koa had been extremely quiet this whole time, so there was no getting answers out of her.