
The Beta's Queen

Cheyenne grew up in a small pack. They kept to themselves and never had any real problems. She graduated high school a year early at the age of 17. She was starting her freshman year of college when her quiet little, small-town life got turned upside down. Her mother had a deep secret that she had kept this whole time and now it could cost her her daughter. After a visit from the Moon Goddess herself, Cheyenne is faced with a choice. One that is life or death not just for her but her kind as a whole. What will she choose?

Kayla_Wintczak · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

Chapter 45

Collin's POV

I knew we were limited on time so sleep was going to have to wait. Dante and I arrived at the place the girl had described to a T. All down to the window trim.

"Remind me to make that girl one of our investigators." I said to Dante as we walked up to the house.

"No kidding. She gave a better description than some of the more seasoned investigators we have." Dante responded.

We walked up to the door and let ourselves in. It was oddly quiet in the house that was supposed to be the headquarters of the group. Just when we thought no one was there, Dante stopped me and put his finger to his lips and then his ear. I took the que and started listening and heard what sounded like people whispering.

We started following the voices quietly and when we came up to a door where they were coming from, I grabbed the handle and Dante took a defensive position, ready for anyone who might be stupid enough to try an attack. I twisted the handle and flung the door open. There were about 12 people on the other side of the door in what looked like an office of some sorts. When I flung the door open all eyes were on us.

"Who in the fuck is barging in my office uninvited!?" A voice from behind everyone else came out.

"Who in the fuck thinks they can disobey the laws?" Dante retorted back.

"I answer to no one, you pathetic little shit for brains weasel. I am the leader of this group and this is my office!" An averaged size guy stood up from a desk and started walking through the maze of people towards us.

"Weasel? Did he just call me a weasel?" Dante looked at me while pointing at him in shock almost.

"I do believe he did Dante." I said laughing, "Wait, if he's a weasel, than what am I?" I asked looking back at the guy and pointing to myself.

"You're the stupid mother fucker who barged into the wrong house." He said.

I looked back to Dante, "So you're a weasel and I'm a stupid mother fucker." I paused for a second and then Dante and I erupted in laughter. It was obvious that this dude had no idea who I was.

Once I could reign in my laughter long enough to regain my composure, I started slowly walking up towards the guy. "What's your name?" I asked now circling him.

"You broke into my house and you're asking my name?" He asked.

Ok I had enough of this cocky little shit. I reached out and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up until his feet were dangling. I could feel my eyes changing colors, "I am THE vampire you should fear. I am THE vampire that created ALL vampires." This guy's eyes grew to the size of baseballs at the realization of who I was. "Now I'm going to ask you one more time, what is your name?"

The guy tapped on my hand around his throat and I rolled my eyes and released him, dropping him to the ground.

"I…I…I am so sorry sir. I did not realize you were here. My name is Bau." He gasped for air.

"If you would follow the rules I set then I wouldn't be here." I said looking at him as serious as I could.

"I have followed the rules. I have not broken any." He spit out.

"Boy, I know your plans on attacking the wolves. That is against the rules!" I said threw gritted teeth.

His face told me everything I needed to know. He was caught. Simple as that. "Dante, take him. You resist, you will die. Now as for the rest of you, who else knew of his plans?"

Nobody was talking at first, all of them were just looking around like they were waiting on someone else to speak up first.

"I am being nice right now, but nice guy is about to turn bad guy in about 2.5 seconds if someone doesn't speak up!" I shouted the last part causing them all to jump.

That's when a few of them raised their hands slowly. " Dante take them as well. Whatever information pin brain over there won't give us, they surely will." I smirked and I saw them all galp. "As for the rest of you, you are going to return to your homes and be good little vampires. If I have to come back here and hunt you down I will kill you. Ok now, run along." I said with a smile.

I ordered Dante to get all their plans out of them while I looked through the house for anything else "interesting" that I might find. It wasn't long before Dante came to find me and told me their whole plan and how many of them were in this group and any other information he got out of them.

The plan was pretty much what Dominique had told us earlier, but to learn that there were over 200 vampires in this group was just…well I wasn't sure if I should be impressed or pissed. Dante also learned that Bau had some group members inside other groups to spy more or less.

"Good job Dante. The next thing that needs to happen is Bau needs to call in everybody in his group who is in on this plan. We cannot have them going out there and screwing everything up at this point. Go give that fool the order to call in his people, and now. Then I have something I want to run by you." Dante nodded his head and went back to the room where the others were.

As I continued to walk through the house, I was thinking about Bau's plan to take over the land in Scotland. It would be a nice place to have back. Nice training facility, and plenty of room for all new vamps. I was going to run the idea by Dante to get his thoughts on it before I make any decisions.

It was a little over an hour before Dante came back to me. I ran the idea by him and then asked for his thoughts. I could see him mulling it over for a little while and I let him take his time with it.

"I guess it would all depend on who wins the fight boss. If the King wins then I don't see him coming off his land that easily. I mean, would you if you were in his shoes?" Dante asked.

"Good point. I guess we'll just have to wait and see." I said.

"I guess so boss. It would be a nice piece of land to have though." Dante agreed with my previous thoughts.

"I'm going to head back to the hotel to give Michael a break. I will send him this way. Between the two of you, make sure once the others show up that no one leaves this place. Total lockdown until further notice." I made a circle motion with my index finger to infer the perimeter of the house.

"Roger that boss. Also, maybe it might be a good idea to get some more people here to help our side do the babysitting?" Dante asked cautiously.

I thought about it for a second, "You're right. I will make some phone calls when I get to the hotel."

"Thank you boss. Greatly appreciated." Dante bowed his head slightly and I made my way for the door.

Once I got back to the hotel, I relieved Michael of his guard duty and filled him in on what information we had gathered and gave him his new orders. Dominique was already passed out, so I pulled out my phone and started calling some leaders I knew that were closest and got some reinforcements sent over right away. Not a single one of them were happy with the news I had as to why I needed their men, so no objections were made.

Now it was just the sit and wait game.