
The Beta's Queen

Cheyenne grew up in a small pack. They kept to themselves and never had any real problems. She graduated high school a year early at the age of 17. She was starting her freshman year of college when her quiet little, small-town life got turned upside down. Her mother had a deep secret that she had kept this whole time and now it could cost her her daughter. After a visit from the Moon Goddess herself, Cheyenne is faced with a choice. One that is life or death not just for her but her kind as a whole. What will she choose?

Kayla_Wintczak · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

Chapter 13

Mystery Guy's POV

Ben and I had been combing through every book we could trying to find out what the creature was that Maddox chased across the territory the other night. We found creatures with red eyes and creatures that were abnormally large for wolves, but nothing with them combined. The best educated guess we could come up with was that these creatures bred and made hybrids, so we started compiling a list of everything these creatures were capable of. We needed to know if they were good or bad, but for me personally, I needed to know what they wanted with the runt.

Ben had a couple other close calls with the runt and the restricted section in the library. Why was she not in school? I decided to keep an eye on her from a distance. Maddox was whining in my head because he just wanted to be near her, but until we knew what was going on, I couldn't risk it. For all we knew, she could be this creature's damn leader or some shit.

Ben and I had been going at this most of the day, racking our brains, putting information together of the absolute worst case of what this creature could be when my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket and Dad popped up on the screen.


"Hey you busy today?"

"Kind of, why? What's up? We out of milk again?" I tried to talk dad into getting a cow or goat with the amount of milk that man drank. It was ridiculous!

"No. Just picked some up in fact. Alpha needs you and Ben in his office at the pack house asap."

"What? Why?" Ben could hear the conversation and we both looked at each other with confused expressions.

"I don't know. He didn't say but did ask that I was there too."

"Is he ok? He's not stepping down, is he?"

"Oh, heavens no son. I'm heading there now. I suggest you boys do the same. Of course, I am assuming you're with Ben."

"Yeah I am. We were working on…studying." I lied.

"He's not in school. What's he studying?"

"He's helping me study dad."

"Oh ok. Well, put that on hold for the moment and get to the pack house. I'll meet you there." With that he hung up. Ben and I started packing our things up and putting the books back. Little did they know, we were already at the pack house.

"Wonder what this is all about? Your dad didn't mindlink you, did he?" I asked looking towards Ben.

"I honestly have no clue dude. Dad hasn't said shit to me all day. He's still kind of pissy with me right now."

"Now what did you do?"

"More like didn't do. I forgot to take the trash out and Dingo got into it." Dingo was their pet ferret.

"Seriously? Whatever. We better head that way I guess." Ben and I grabbed our bags and start making our way to the other side of the pack house. We decided we better go out the back and then walk around so it looked like we were coming in from the front and had just gotten there.

We got to the office and could hear the alpha on the phone, or talking to himself, so we decided to wait in the hall before going in. While we were waiting, dad came walking up.

"Hey boys. Why are you out here?" He asked.

"Sounded like he was on the phone, and we didn't want to interrupt so we just stayed out here."

"Oh, good thinking on your part, but I don't care. This meeting interrupted my Oreos and milk snack." I just had to roll my eyes. He's a freaking werewolf but acts like a total human sometimes. Dad walked up and knocked on the door. We heard the alpha hang up the phone and then opened the door. He invited us all in and then closed it behind us. Dad sat in one of the chairs in front of the desk the alpha sat at while Ben and I took our usual seats on the couch on the other side of the room.

"Boys this is going to involve you too so pay attention." Alpha was staring straight at us, and he didn't look happy. Damn it Ben, did you have to forget the damn trash?

"What's this about anyways?" Ben spoke up first.

"I got an interesting phone call just now. The alpha of the Wolf Claw pack is asking us for a favor."

"Since when do they need favors? Thought they were pretty self – sufficient on their own over there?" Ben said. At the same time, the mention of Wolf Claw and favor had Maddox perked up. He saw this as a chance to get closer to the runt. He was willing to do anything at this point, even scoop up shit on their little farms. I, on the other hand, wanted to find that creature and kill it and I couldn't do that if I was doing favors for other packs.

"Shut it boy! They are still wolves, and we help our own kind. You will do well to learn that if you think you're going to be sitting in this seat someday." Alpha was pissed, although not at dad or me but at Ben. I had to choke back the laugh that almost came out of my mouth.

"What's the favor he is asking for? We are kind of tight on money right now and…" Dad was interrupted by the alpha holding up his hand.

"No no. Nothing like that. Apparently, there is a female who hasn't shifted yet, who wants to train. She claims that their pack is to easy and not teaching her enough. From the sounds of it, sounds like she's got an attitude. So, the alpha has asked if we could "whip her into shape" as he put it."

"A female who hasn't shifted yet but old enough to train? How old is she and what's her rank? I only ask because if she's lower rank, I don't see how she'll keep up with us." I motioned between Ben and myself.

"That's probably the point her alpha is trying to make. I can't say for 100% surety though. Maybe he's using her as an example to the rest of lower ranking members?" Alpha spoke out.

"I am guessing that you want us to train her and that's the reason you asked us to be here for this?" I asked.

"You would guess correctly. You two are our top warriors for your age bracket, which is the way it should be, but if we want to do this and get it over with quickly, then why not just throw her in with the top guys I got? If she can't keep up, then she doesn't come back. Simple as that. Sound like a deal?" Alpha looking at Ben and I for our answers, and dad was looking at both of us also waiting.

"I'm cool with it. I could use some fresh meat." Ben says jokingly.

"As long as it doesn't interfere with my classes and shit, I guess I'm fine with it." Maddox wasn't happy about the fact that I agreed to train another girl.

"Great. I will call the Wolf Claw alpha back and let him know our terms. I will let you guys know if and when this shit show is supposed to start. Dale…" Alpha was now looking at my dad and he immediately stood up and put his hands up.

"Oh no, you know this is my Oreo and milk time. Whatever you need can wait another hour." That man and his damn cookies and milk. The alpha chuckled and dismissed us all.

After we were back outside and alone Ben stopped me, "How the hell are we supposed to train a newbie especially from another pack?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know. Guess just like the rest of the newbies from here?"

"Well, I ain't going to take it easy on her. Sounds like she thinks she's some badass or something." Ben said, to which I agreed. This female thinks she's going to come over here and do what? Attempt to kick our asses? The thought made Maddox laugh and I even chuckled to myself.

I told Ben that I was going for a run and asked if he wanted to join me, but he said he had to get back to the house. With that I ran my bag home, told dad not to wait up for me, changed into a lose pair of shorts and took off towards the woods. I wanted to scope the borders to see if I could catch at least a glimpse of the creature again. Once I got into the woods, I stashed my shorts and shifted. I let Maddox take control while I was thinking about why the runt hasn't been back to school. Was she scared that people would make fun of her? Did her parents freak out and pull her from school? Just more questions with no answers on that case. I had been so focused on what was going on around here that I had completely forgotten about my mission to end the rogues that killed my mom. I guess I would have to get my revenge another day, because since this creature has shown up, there was no way I could just let it go.

When I finally snapped out of my thoughts and was looking around threw Maddox's eyes, I seen we were back behind the runt's house. I should have known better that to just let him run, with all the whining he's been doing about her. Ughh it was driving me crazy.

We see a car leave just as the scent of cinnamon and apples hits our snout. Maddox takes a deep breath in, committing it to memory. We sit in the woods and watch threw her bedroom window for a little bit when her light goes off for a second time and we see her stop by the window. She's looking up at the sky. She gets this small little smile on her face, and she just looks beautiful. I'm sure you could see the stars twinkling in her eyes if you were close enough. She starts to move after a few minutes but then stops and is looking straight at us.

"Shit, can she see us?" I ask Maddox.

"No, I'm a good 6 feet in, and I'm black! Unless she's got some ultimate night vision or something, there's no way she can see us." Maddox starts looking around aggressively, trying to figure out what she might be staring at. "It's back!" is all he said before he took off like a bolt of lightning.

I opened a mindlink to Ben, "Get your ass out here now! Maddox is on this thing's tail!"

"What the fuck!? Where are you?"

"Coming across the southwest border. Don't ask questions just get out here."

"On my way." Was all he said before he ended the mindlink.

Ben's wolf was waiting on us to cross the border when we got there. He tried to jump out in front of the thing, but I'm guessing it made a cut to the left and headed north, when Maddox went tumbling from trying to turn just as quick.

"What the hell are we chasing. I don't see anything!" Ben's voice entering my head.

"I told you! For some reason only our wolves can see them. So, at this point, all we can do is give them control."

Our wolves chased the creature completely across our territory to the northeast corner, where we both skidded to a halt.

"That's 2 creatures, 2 different directions, and only a couple days apart." I said as we shift back and grabbed some shorts that are stashed randomly around the woods.

"Are we sure it's actually 2 different creatures and not the same one?" Ben asked me.

"No these were definitely 2 separate creatures." Maddox was playing through pictures in my head comparing the 2 creatures. "The first one had brighter eyes, like bright ass red. This one had more of a blood red color to them."

"Well two things are for sure. They want something to do with that family, and we need to up our border patrols."

"Agreed, and all patrols will be in wolf form. Considering that's the only way to apparently see these things."

We were walking home and talking about things, trying to come up with some explanation as to why those creatures are here. As we got closer to Ben's street, he put his hand on my shoulder and told me to watch my back. We said bye and went our separate ways.

Just as I walked in the house, dad was sitting in his recliner with a bowl of ice cream watching some old tv show.

"I told you not to wait up for me." I told him.

"I know and I didn't. I stayed up to watch this show." I rolled my eyes and started walking off towards my room. "By the way, you start training tomorrow!"

I stopped dead in my tracks, rubbed my hands down my face, and groaned out loud. Of course, they would start it tomorrow. I thought I had like maybe a week or something before this started. I continued upstairs and took a quick shower and then headed to bed. How do you mentally prepare yourself to deal with an omega teenage female with an alpha complex?