
The Best Blacksmith in Midgard Online

A brand new MMORPG game with great visual design and interesting mechanics, Midgard Online, captivated lots of gamers in the world. Satrio, a high school boy who happened to be just starting his school holiday, registered and played Midgard Online on the first day it was released. Having played countless games before, especially RPG, he chose the role of blacksmith as his first character, a role that he had never played before. Surprisingly, he found it a lot of fun upgrading various equipment with any rarity. He even became the best blacksmith in the game. One of his weapon, 'Normal Sword', despite being the weakest weapon, he kept upgrading it until max level. Unexpectedly, it turned into 'Legendary Normal Sword', a hidden Legendary weapon in the game. Shortly after that, one of the game developer contacted him through personal chat, telling something that made Satrio anxious.

Prasasti23 · Jogos
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It's against the game rules

Satrio opened his chat menu. He received lots of messages that he could not even read all of them without getting a new one. Mostly those were from players who asked him to do upgrading job. The first, new message from 'Dev_named_Carl', sitting there at the top of the message list.

"Hello there Zatrios, I see that you have successfully obtained our hidden LG weapon".

A player, or supposedly one of the game developers, casually greeted Satrio through his personal chat. Satrio, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes as he backed his head from his computer screen. He rubbed his little hairs on his chin.

"Yo dev, yeah I've just got my hands on this weird LG weapon. What is it? 'Legendary Normal Sword'?", Satrio replied.

"Have you seen its stats?"

"No, gimme a sec", Satrio tilted his head a little to the side as he open his inventory. He moved his mouse pointer and clicked to the weapon in question.

[Legendary Normal Sword]

[Rarity : Legendary (LG)]

[Damage : 501]

[Bonus Stats: None]

[Special Skill (Passive) : Legendary Normal Aura]

[The player using this weapon can only receive basic damage. Also, enemies receiving damage from this weapon can only deal basic damage. All bonus stats and buff effects from roles, skills (both active and passive), equipment, field effects and items are nullified for 10 seconds after receiving damage from this weapon. Getting hit again while in this effect will reset its duration. The player using this weapon is also immune to any buff and debuff effects. This skill penetrate any immunity effect. This passive skill works in both PvE and PvP.]

[Description : Take care your weapon, and your weapon will take care of you. Your Normal Sword has accompanied you since the beginning of your journey. Even if you almost never use it, you didn't throw it away or make it as your upgrade materials. Just by sitting in your inventory already makes this weapon happy. But to its surprise, you are also working hard upgrading this weapon. This weapon is grateful that it has bestowed upon you this strange power.]

[Obtaining this weapon without looting it from other players or getting it as a dropped item, will unlock a hidden achievement, 'Heart of The Blacksmith'.]

At first glance, it was just a Common weapon with an extremely low basic attack damage. The other Common weapon even had higher basic attack damage even if it was not in its max level. They also had some basic bonus stats. They might be the lowest stats bonus, but they were better than not having a single stat bonus.

"No way, this skill can do something like this?", Satrio knew well enough that top players had crazy stats which were derived from various high rarity equipment. Their stats could still go much higher when they consumed buff items.

"This normal looking, starter sword can make all those top players look like a joke?", Satrio paused, "And also, this thing makes the user immune to any debuff effects?".

Satrio recalled that the best debuff immunity effects were from an expensive item 'Potion of Immunity Lv. 5', which gave 20 seconds of debuff immunity. There was an item, an armor to be precise, 'Sacred Robe of Hilgrim The Grand Magi' provided its user a 40 seconds debuff immunity through its special active skill. But it could only be worn by players with Magician role. The item itself was a reward item by completing a certain difficult quest and defeating 'Hilgrim The Grand Magi' at his highest level.

"Dev, is this thing really that broken? Im gonna try it", Satrio equipped the weapon and moved his character to a nearby monster like a mad man.

"Yeah, please try it later. Right now, I want to tell you some things regarding this secret weapon. You decided not to publicly announced it, right?".

Satrio stopped and frowned, feeling something bad would happen, "Yeah, I dont wanna let other players have it".

"Unfortunately, it's against the game rules".

Satrio's feeling was right, "So, what are you gonna do then? Forcefully announce it?". He knew exactly why the game asked him to announce it or not. Midgard Online had some Legendary weapons which could be obtained in an extremely difficult way.

Either it was from a difficult quest or defeating strong boss that only a minority of players could do it. The thing that made it different from other RPG games, Midgard Online created unique competitive rule.

Any activity regarding Legendary weapons would be announced in public. Obtaining, dropping, giving or even selling those Legendary weapons would trigger a special notification which appeared at the middle top of the screen. Players could hunt down other players owning Legendary weapons through PvP.

To make things more competitive, there was only one item for each Legendary weapon. Currently there were only 10 Legendary weapons, meaning that at most only 10 players in the game had them.

"Nod... nod... But it's no fun if we just spill the beans like that. Our team will make it much more interesting, fufufu..."..

"What's that?".

No immediate response. Satrio felt anxious. A moment later, an event notification appeared.

[A Hidden Legendary Weapon has been obtained by a player!]

[The event will start 24 hours from now! Come and join the fun!]

"Oh boy, this ain't good", said Satrio after reading the event announcement.

All players, except him, would get advantage by using some special items during the event. The event also granted various rewards by doing some specific special event quests and tasks. An item called 'Event Coin' would be available along with event shop. 'Event Coin' could be exchanged with various useful items. Some of them were more expensive if players purchased them at normal shop.

"You kidding right!?", Satrio moved his fingers across the keyboard like doing his school assignment near the deadline.

"Of course not Zatrios, see you tomorrow in the event~", Dev_named_Carl replied..

Satrio tried to text him again, but to no avail. He then picked up his smartphone and opened the Chatter app.

"Dude, I'm in trouble", Satrio sent a message to his close friend, Edwin.

Edwin replied, "What? You forgot your notebook again?".

"Nah not that, in Midgard".

"Explain yourself, young man".

"Wait a sec, maybe I did really forget my note book again".

After a short while checking his school bag, Satrio returned to Chatter and explained the situation. Edwin, being his close friend since junior high school, was the only trusted player he knew in Midgard Online.

"Dang, what's with this shit? This sword's kinda broken", Edwin looked at a photo Satrio sent through Chatter. "Let's spar, Im curious", texted.

Edwin along with a sticker of a stickman saying 'Let's Go!!'.