
Chapter 715 Recognizing the Facts!

When Qin Rou saw who was coming, a Schadenfreude smile hooked upon her face.

Someone was destined to be unlucky today.

She looked at Xinyue, who was already dumbstruck, with a hint of pity.

Fang He was naturally very aware of the newcomer, yet his expression showed little change, though his heart understood without words.

Uncle? How could he be here too?

When she had called Uncle just now, he hadn't mentioned anything about coming.

Uncle looks so handsome right now!

It's just like the entrance of a Prince Charming from a fairy tale!

It feels like Uncle is glowing from head to toe!

Pink bubbles are already starting to fizz in her eyes.

Being infatuated with one's own husband like this, she must be the first one, right?

From the moment Chu Liyuan entered the room, his gaze settled on Jian Dan.

Although such a gathering wasn't short on handsome men and beautiful women, Chu Liyuan's eyes could only see his girl and no one else.