

Your life is grain of dust in an omni-infinite. The omniverse may never forget about you but it may bury you 6 feet down, in the face of our whole existence we believe that we are free but not true freedom. Freedom and acceptance is a bigdeal for us but theres a nigh-mighty wall seemingly infinite may it be width and height it is stopping us from true freedom the wall that is deemed impossible to cross is filled with sadness, empathy, curiosity, anger and hate why does it block us from crossing the other side? Because those who are sentient and who are not

has the a component which is what makes the wall. It blocks us from seeing something or feeling something without regret. What is true freedom? True freedom is "omnipotence" it self because there is nothing stopping what is omnipotent from crossing the wall because they have control over everything. Even though we cannot achieve omnipotence we still have happiness and pleasure if you live with happiness and pleasure that comes from good you've experienced what those who are omnipotent felt.

Life may be meaningless but theres no one stopping you from being happy may it be only a tiny bit or a large bit but it makes me believe or atlist think that life may have a meaning.

"When One has been depraved of happiness and pleasure that One doesn't have freedom." - Ken Narimatsuu

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