
Chapter 11: Keefe

Keefe gritted his teeth and turned around. He was wearing a hooded cloak, so they shouldn't be able to recognise him.

"Y-you" Sophie stuttered

"Me." Said the figure calmly.

"Forkle. You thought you could rescue her?" Keefe wrinkled his nose. The Neverseen thought he was Mr FORKLE?"

Ew. He had WAY better hair. But for now, if he wanted to stay alive.....

And maybe he would have fun doing this.

Either way, he took a modified Addler and put it on quietly. His appearance shifted into Mr Forkle.

He started mimicking. "You got us this time, maybe." He turned around slowly with Sophie in his arms.

"Or not." Keefe swung his fist in the nearest member. He was carrying an unconscious Sophie, and he needed to get her out of this.


Keefe ducked under punches and kicks.

Only one thing wasn't planned out. How would he get out? Keefe ran for his life. Up he went the tower's stairs.

But there was no escape.

He was trapped at the top of the tower. Could Sophie teleport? He didn't think so.

There was only one thing to do. He heard hurried footfalls and backed up against the wall.

"We've got you now, Forkle."

Keefe turned around slowly.

Maybe you've got Mr Forkle. But you haven't got me. He let them catch a glimpse of his face before he leaped away to Alturverre.