
The Beginning (F.S.K Series)

F.S.K Series - Book 1 Fifteen billion years ago, before our universe, there was a Kingdom called The Cloud Kingdom. All the inhabitants were fairies, peaceful and kind. Every resident believed that there could be everlasting peace. Even so, one managed to ruin the stability of it all. What will happen when they release the most powerful being? No one knows where this person came from, yet they knew that they couldn't let this being destroy their home.

RoseLover2005 · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Our Story

This is a story about how the F.S.K's came to be. How they became known across the whole galaxy and that in their presence, peace has been obtained. No more war or famine. Humans and every creature alike, we're coexisting. The fairy princess ruled with kindness and democracy. Everyone was treated fairly and accounted for their actions. However, they did not get to this point easily. They had to deal with a lot of hardship and a lot of pain. A whole lot of bad events happened in the past, which shaped the prospering world.

Many of you may be wondering what happened, what could have been so evil? Well, as the narrator of this story, I must tell their tale from the very beginning. Every single detail will be revealed, not the smallest inquiry will be left unnoticed, and no deviation from the path of our story. This means going back to the origin of time before Earth was created. Why go back so far? I must say that it is important, for this is where the fairy race flourished. Many of you may think this isn't possible. Those living creatures couldn't have survived, everyone knows that the Big Bang created the universe and that space is uninhabitable. But many don't fully understand how the Big Bang occurred, theorizing that it was caused by a gas giant, a star. They couldn't be more wrong. It wasn't caused by mere scientific explanation, it was caused by magic. I know what you must be thinking, that magic isn't real and this is all some fairytale. But all I'm doing is telling the story how it was, the full truth, and nothing less. Now, let's explore the depths of this story together. Starting before the Big Bang, fifteen billion years ago.

In the void before the theorized gas giant, the Cloud Kingdom was a place that existed, big, and majestic. It was a platform that floated in the blackness. The greenery that was rooted here was not green, it was white as crystal, pure like a fresh snowflake. The clean purity was incomparable. Almost as if you were living in heaven itself. The castle was made of pure white marble, it shined in the darkness. It had a hint of blue along its window sills. The buildings that surrounded it had the same qualities. Everything was untouched, not even a scratch penetrated the surface. It was too good to be true, yet here it was, a Kingdom floating in space. The beginning of everything that followed suit.

Now the people that lived here believed that everyone could live in happiness and peace. All the citizens that lived here were fairies. These fairies were almost like Quakers, not wanting to elicit harm. Despite this, they forged weapons for protection against any potential harm that came from the blackness surrounding them. No one entirely understood what the blackness was made out of or what it harbored, so they wanted to prepare as a precaution. No one likes living in uncertainty. If we are uncertain about something, we defend ourselves and prepare ourselves for the inevitable, like something is going to attack us. I guess it is in everyone's nature to be fearful of everything.

Though, as they were focused on outside their borders they didn't even notice the festering inside their walls. Someone, a greedy royal, was the only person who believed peace was a nuisance. That the whole universe was one big, ungrateful place. That her people were something to be quenched. She wanted to seize control over them, to make them fear her presence.

Before I begin telling the story about the royal in question, let's talk about the royal bloodline. The Queen, Kayline Magic, and King Leon Magic had two daughters Serenity and Nanari. Serenity was the eldest, the uncontrollable sibling, one who showed great strength. Nanari was the youngest, a kind and gentle soul, the one who made decisions for the benefit of others besides herself. Serenity as you can imagine, was destined to be the next Queen. As she grew up, she became more ruthless. She was the one who desired power more than anything. She wanted power and to rule over the Kingdom with an iron fist. All she desired was to control everyone's perspective, to have everyone follow her command, her waking breath. Yet, no one knew of this because they were too preoccupied with the outside world. This would change, however, because the royal was planning to do something vile. To take power, like in chess, she would remove the King and Queen. How will she take them down? I'll leave that to you to figure out.

In the castle sitting proud and tall, Princess Serenity Magic was marching down the hallway with vigor. All Serenity thought about was how she could get back at her parents. You see, a few years ago, before she became all fussy, Serenity had fallen in love with a commoner in the city. As a princess, she was not allowed to mingle with commoners. The King and Queen would decide for themselves who their daughter would marry. But Serenity did not like this fact, she wanted to decide for herself who she would marry. But she wouldn't get approval from her parents, so she snuck out every night to see him. They would talk about all the things, random and exciting. Serenity's heart was taken completely by this man and all she wanted to do was run away with him. Though, they had nowhere to go. All that surrounded them was darkness, no place for two fairies to adventure. This meant they had to continue hiding their secret. Though, with all secrets, they one day reveal themselves. Serenity's parents found out about her sneaking around with this peasant. Her father was furious and commanded that her lover be brought to him. Serenity was dragged by the hair to the throne room to witness her lover's execution. The executioner, her father, chopped off his head. This left Serenity devastated and vengeful. Over time, her heart grew cold and isolated. The kindness that was left in her heart had been pushed out entirely. Evil intentions consumed her and she never loved again. All that was left was anger and Serenity wanted to punish her parents for their wickedness. She wanted to take away the one thing that had meaning to them, their throne.

Serenity continued to walk down the halls with a servant beside her, named Kathleen. She feared Serenity more than anything and awaited her beck and call. Serenity's pace was full of rage and power. When Serenity swung her head over to Kathleen, the servant jumped in her skin when the royal yelled her a command, "Kathleen, leave my presence at once! I have a pressing matter I have to attend to" A sinister smile was plastered on her face. As evil pursuits danced around in her head. She thought of the many ways that she would kill her parents. Kathleen saw all of this through Serenity's eyes and didn't respond, she just ran off in a different direction. This made Serenity laugh in amusement, she loved it when people squirmed in her presence.

Not only did she want to seek revenge, she wanted power because she reveled in the fear that people had. She was not willing to wait for her coronation, not willing to wait for her parents to die naturally. Serenity was planning on using a spell from the forbidden library, something that will surprise her parents. She knew she had the smallest chance of succeeding. Her parents were both adult royals with strong magic and Serenity was only a beginner. Though, she had a plan, a very thorough plan. The element of surprise was the only thing that could give Serenity a slim chance.

Yet, what she didn't understand was that her parents were hiding something. As I said before, a great democracy can not exist without its hardships. Before the Cloud Kingdom was peaceful, there was war ravaging it. All the most powerful and wise mages had been taken by some sort of dark magic. One powerful warlock fairy, Jerus, had found a very interesting artifact a few weeks before this incident. It was a mysterious book with black leather and a creased letter "M" on the front of the cover. This letter was twisted in weird ways, almost as if magic was creating the letter. The warlock said that the book came to him from the black void. He said that as he stood outdoors, looking into the great unknown, this book came floating toward him. It intrigued him so much that he took it without question and ran to the King and Queen. When he showed the book to them, they commanded that the book be opened to reveal its contents. But when they opened it, all the pages were blank and had a mysterious color, red. As they flipped the red, blank pages, they were frustrated because there was nothing. A few seconds later, however, the book rattled in their hands and fell to the ground. It continued to shake as a bright light came from the book. A black mist traveled from the pages and revealed itself to both the Royals and the warlock fairy. After this encounter, the warlock took the mist for experimentation and a few weeks later he came out of his experimentation mad. Mad as in he went insane. The once kind and gentle warlock had turned evil, full of rage. With his magic, he tormented every single fairy. He handed the people over to this strange mist which seemed to consume all the fairy's magic. Once she took their magic, the fairies were left as empty husks. One moment after they released their last breaths, they all turned to ash. Everyone surrounding the incident was panicking, running around, frantic hoping that they wouldn't be subdued by this monster. Though, even if they ran, the strange mist always seemed to find them. Killing everything in its path. It was as if it was poison. Every tree and every plant withered and died as the anomaly passed by its branches. The mist was a predator that needed to be squashed quickly. Since no one fully understood how to destroy it, it had to be returned to its original home. So, the King and Queen took action, sealing away the strange mist back into the book. Sorrowfully, they had to execute their warlock for he was far too gone to save. They placed the book in a secret cell, far away from everyone's view. The books that were here were placed by other kings who have also experienced dark magic of their own. Many spells and incantations are to be left untouched. No one was expecting an entity to come out of a book though, it was as if it was its prison. King Leon vowed that it would remain in its prison for all eternity. No one was going to endure the power of the mist again.

The entity that revealed itself, all the fairies that knew about it, called it The Mage. It behaved in a human-like manner and manipulated the subjects. Therefore it was suitable to call it by that name. Also, the strange book that The Mage came from, was called The Black Book. Since it came from darkness and was encased in mystery, it was appropriate to call it by this title. The name itself was alluring, but every fairy knew that it was to be left untouched.

However, both the King and Queen knew there would be fairies out there who would try to open it. Therefore, they had to keep its location a secret and never speak of the book again. They had to pretend as if the book never existed by teaching new generations that their Kingdom was built by peace and happiness. This was only half true and those were the best lies.

Over time the King and Queen's lies have led people to forget about the incident. After generations of fairies have lived, the new ones do not fully understand how The Cloud Kingdom became so peaceful. No one knew of dark magic, not even Serenity. It was like history vanished in plain sight. So even though her plan is thorough, she may stumble and fall.