
The beauty within me

Being ugly is normal for me. but things started to get chaotic when they appear one by one!

NIRRIN · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 2

I open my eyes and stop my alarm. Argh, it's already Monday and that means I have class now. I lazily crawl down from my bed and take my bathing essentials. I lazily walk towards the bathroom in my room. I turn on the heater and wait for the water to be hot. When the temperature is right, I open the shower and I shout silently. Geez, I really hate morning. After taking a bath, I wear my school uniform and comb my hair. I look in the mirror and see my ugly face, I just sigh deeply and put some sunscreen and put some baby powder in my face. I go down and saw my older sister cooking our breakfast. I hurriedly do my bento and eat my breakfast. Before 7 I'm already done and ready to go. I take my wallet and ID and run fast towards our school. This is my last year in high school and at last! I almost done studying! My school is near from our house so I just take a walk. When I arrive at school, I hurriedly walks towards my classroom and sit in my chair. I was about to take my books out when one of my classmates stands in front of me.

"Hi Keri! Good morning!"

"Good morning too, Tsukasa-kun."

He's Tanaka Tsukasa, he's one of the famous in this school and also a friend of mine. We become friends in the first day of school when we're still first year. He's a nice guy, he always talks to me whenever he has the chance.

"Hey Keri, did you do my assignment?"

"Ah! Yes!"

I rummage my bag and hand over to him his assignment. He smiles at me and pat my head. I lightly blush and smiles back at him. He walks towards his friends and they started to talk and laugh, when will I experience that? I wish I have friends too. I open my phone and saw my one and only boy best friend, Van! That is not his real name but I love calling him like that haha.

"Good morning keri, are you in school now?"

"Good morning too Van! I just arrive at school, how about you?

"I'm still at home, I have a practice today so it's okay if I don't go to school."

Ah~ I envy him; we both have asthma but he's active in sports. He plays basketball and once awarded as MVP in their school. I met van when I make a dummy account to post everything I can't say in my real account. He chats me and we get close to the point we're already best friend for almost 5 years haha. He's a big jerk, he changes his girlfriend like he's changing his clothes. I never see him in a serious relationship and he would always boast to me that he broke up with his girlfriend. But even he's a big jerk, he always at my side, he may not good at giving advice whenever I cried to him but he's a good listener. He would always listen to me whenever I'm down and he play along with my craziness haha.

"Ah~ I envy you van! You go to a prestigious school and good at sports."

"But you're much smarter than me haha."

"Ehhh~ like as if you really care about your grades lol."

"You're right, I don't care about it at all haha."

"See?! If you're really serious about your grades, I should already see you with a medal!"

"haha, I'm going to focus on studying when I'm college already haha."

"baka (idiot)"

"hai~ baka desu~ (yes~ I'm an idiot~)


Our teacher enters our classroom and I say my goodbye to ban because class is already starting. We stand up and say our greetings to our teacher. She starts to discuss and of course, as a good student I take down some notes.

It's already lunch time and I hurriedly walk towards the rooftop, my favorite space. When I arrive at the rooftop and there's no people at all. No one dares to come here because they said this place is hunted and well, I love hunted places! I love to read and watch horror! I sit in one corner and open my bento.

"Thank you for the food!"

I started to eat while listening to some piano piece. Ah- this is heaven. It's so quiet and peaceful here, this makes me calm. After I finished eating my lunch, I was about to go down when I heard some noise. My eyes widened and I try to find where's the sound came from. I shouted when I saw a body laying cold in the floor.

"Ah!!! A dead person!"

"I'm not dead idiot."


The corpse suddenly speaks and he sit down and look at me. I don't know this guy, maybe he's from the other class?

"Ah, are you okay?"

"Do I look like I'm okay to you?"

"eh? I'm sorry."

Maybe he doesn't want to be disturb and I slowly turn my back to go down when he suddenly pulled my hand. I look back at him with a question mark in my head.

"where do you think you're going? Are you not going to help me?"

"Eh? Ah yes! Wait, I have medicine here."

He sits down while laying his back at the wall. I take my sling bag where I put my inhaler (for my asthma attack), bandage, disinfectant and some medicines. He looks at me with his two brows meeting at the center. I know I look weird, well who a person in right mind would bring these things with them? I lay down everything I need and look at him. I take a deep breath because this would be hard.

"Excuse me, can you take off your upper uniform? I just need to put medicine at your back."

He just keeps staring at me like as if he didn't hear a thing. I try to wave my hand in front of him and I didn't receive any reaction. I keep saying "hey" while waving my hand in front of him. I touch his face and that's when he woke up from his daydream.

"Excuse me, hey? Are you okay?"

He slaps my hand away and coldly reply "I'm okay, you can treat me with whatever you have there, it doesn't matter." Well, aren't you so rude? Here I am, trying to save you and you're being so rude! He started to unbutton his upper uniform and I averted my eyes because he might think I'm a pervert who likes to peek at someone's body. But of course, my curiosity kills me and I slowly peek at him. He's already at the last button and I gulp hard but all of my expectations crumbled down when I saw he's wearing an inner shirt. He looks at me and out of panic, I randomly avert my eyes. He slightly sways his head and release a 'tsk'.

"Ah, eh, can you slightly up your shirt? So that I can treat your wounds."

He turns his back and rise his shirt so that I can see his wound. I gasped when I saw how deep his wound is. How did he even get this kind of wound?! This doesn't look like an accident! Who did this to him? He doesn't look like a bad guy though, well he may be cold towards me but he didn't do anything bad at me. I start to clean his wound using the disinfectant and as soon it touches his wound, I heard him hiss loud, well who wouldn't right? I slightly blow air into his wound to lessen the pain he's experiencing. After putting disinfectant, I started to apply medicine and he lowly growl and it startled me. I just realize this now, his voice is so sexy! You know, that kind of voice you can heard in a drama cd.

"Hey, can you apply it slowly? It stings!"

"ehh? I'm so sorry!"

After a few hiss and groan, I'm finished treating his wounds. Phew, that was a hard task! Imagine that you're a nurse and everyday your patient is like this, argh, I would rather quit than experience hell every day. I help him slowly lower his t-shirt and I put everything back to my bag. He pushes his back into the wall and sigh deep. I wonder if he's okay, maybe he's being bullied? But that would be impossible, he looks so cold and he's the type that you can describe with "looks that can kill", as in literal KILL. Maybe he's being bullied at home?! Oh, that is so sad.

"Hey, why are you crying?"

Ehh? I slowly touch my face and that's when I realized that I was shedding tears. I immediately swipe away my tears and look at him.

"well, you're being bullied right? Just by thinking all the things you have gone through, it makes me sad and want to cry. You're so strong, you've endured everything until now but if that happens to me, I would already give up in the beginning and that's make me sad that you have to experience those bad things while we're still young T.T."

He looks at me in disbelief and after a while, he started to laugh softly and walk towards me. He ruffled my hair and put his hand on my head. "Baka, I'm not being bullied, not by someone or my family. I'm a fencer and I train so hard and whenever my opponent's sword hit me, it sometime leaves a wound and that is normal so don't worry."

I look up to him with a question mark. Eh?! He's a fencer?! That's so cool!! I wipe my tears and smile at hi. "So you're a fencer? That's really the reason? And you're not lying to me?" He gives me a small smile and pat my head softly. "Yes, I'm not lying."

"phew, thank god you're not being bullied" I look at him and smile. The bell suddenly rang and that means it time for our next class. I immediately take my bento and look at him.

"Hey, I need to go now, I still have class hehe. Well, see you around! Bye-bye for now!"

I wave my hand at him and turn around to walk away when he pulls my hand. I look back at him with a smile. "What's wrong?". He averted his eyes for a few minutes and then look back at me again. "Hey, what's your name?" oh, so he just wanted to ask my name, aiya, I thought it's something serious.

"My name is Keri Agatsuma, I'm from class 1B, how about you?"

"I'm Yusuke Sato, from class 1A."

"Nice to meet you Sato-kun! Now I really need to go, see you around!"

I immediately run towards my classroom and on the way, I bump into someone. I immediately say sorry and help them pick up their stuff.

"I'm really sorry! It's just that I'm late for my next class now! I'm really sorry!"

I ran so fast towards my classroom and when I arrived there, I said "safe~" to myself and walk towards my table. My teacher immediately enters the room and start his discussion. In the middle of our class, I can hear some noises coming from outside, I just didn't mind it because maybe some class are doing their P.E and they're cheering their classmates. But it's weird because the noises are keep getting closer and closer. The door suddenly opened and a bunch of boys entered our room and beside them was the dean. The dean immediately speaks and the girls immediately squeals.

"Good morning students, these boys will be your new classmates. I hope you guys get along with them."

The girls started to shout and I immediately cover my ears. Why are they shouting so loud? Like as if they're so special. The dean immediately makes them hush down and told the new guys to find the seats they want. They walk towards my direction and I realize that only at the back has a lot of spare chairs. I can sense the deadly glare the other girls giving me, oh God, I hope I can survive this school year.