
The beauty within me

Being ugly is normal for me. but things started to get chaotic when they appear one by one!

NIRRIN · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1

I saw a handsome guy walking towards me and my heart suddenly beat so fast. What should I do? He's coming near! I was about to turn away when there's a hand that stop me and when I look back, I saw the handsome guy is already in front of me. His face is coming near towards me and I close my eyes. When his lips were about to meet mine, suddenly something hard hits me. I open my eyes and saw my older sister standing in front of me. Geez, he was about to kiss me! Argh! Even if it's a dream, I still want to have my first kiss!

"Hey Keri, it's almost noon."

"So if it's already noon? What do you want me to do? Reverse the time?!". She suddenly smacks me at the head and it hurts like hell! Argh! This damn gorilla!

"Idiot, wake up already."

I lazily crawl down from my bed and look in front of the mirror. Argh, why am I so ugly? Messy hair, eye bags, chapped lips and lots of pimples. Sigh, why can't I be like my older sister or my mother? Both of them have a nice skin and body while me, I'm tan, fat and has a lot of pimples in the face. I just don't mind my ugly face and tie my hair. By the way, I'm Keri Agatsuma, 18-year-old, and I'm in High School now. I walk down to our living room and their I saw my older brother whom I hate the most! He always sticks to my face that I'm ugly, even though I already know it. They look so happy, they look like a real family and I'm not part of it. I just don't mind them and walk straight to the kitchen. When I arrive at the kitchen, I saw my dogs and started to play with them. I saw that there's no food left so I decided to cook my own meal. I take out the eggs, green onion from the refrigerator and ramen from the cupboard. I started to boil the water and cut the onions into small part. My day usually starts like this, I cook my own foods because they don't care if I starve to death and why would they? I'm the disappointment and burden in this family, they might be happy if I'm gone for good from their lives. After a few minutes, my ramen is already cooked! I transfer it into a large bowl and sit down in the dining table. Eating delicious foods makes me happy! It makes my mood better and make me feel better, that's why I'm fat. Why would I restrict myself? I'm still young and I want to enjoy my life while I'm still young! This is not the right time to restrict myself! After eating my meal, I decided to walk towards my room and play there all day. It's not like I want to be like this and of course I also wants to be normal, like those other kids. But then I realized that being alone is much better than having someone. I take my phone and play my usual game. It's a otome game, hehehe. This helps me when I was suffering from depression. Speaking with this characters makes me feels like there's some boys that like me. I only imagine those things because I know that in the real life, there's no way a bunch of boys would like me. I'm so ugly so, there's no way someone would like me haha. After playing the otome game, I open my another game and it's a RPG type game. By the way I'm a gamer, hehe, I just stop playing when my mother caught me playing. She said that games are for boys and I'm a girl, and I should be studying how to be a good girl. This life is really so fuck up. I throw away those negative thoughts and focus on my games. While playing, my friend chats me.

"hey Shaila, do you want to go to a dungeon with me?"

"yeah sure, just invite me"

He's Hades, yes, as in the underworld god. He's the first person to chat me in this game. Whenever we're playing together, I tend to forgot my problems and I can laugh. He's my sempai in this game, he's the one who taught me how to play, but our identity to each other is still unknown. I don't have the courage to show my face, that's why I'm using and anime picture as my profile picture. But I talk to him via voice chat whenever I can't reply. And also, I like his voice hehe, it's so deep and manly! A good voice is my number one weakness.

"Hey Shaila, where are you now? I can't see you."

"Wait a minute, I'm here near the fortress."

After a few minute, I saw Hades avatar running towards me and I started to imagine that what if Hades in real life are running towards me with a smile on his face. I can feel both of my cheeks burned up and I immediately snap out of it and stop it Keri!

"Here you are Shaila, shall we start now?"

"Huh? Start what?"

"We're going to a dungeon now, hey, are you listening?"

"ah! Yes! I'm listening, hehehe."

I slap myself to wake up from my imagination. Stop it Keri, I know that in the real world Hades is a handsome guy and I know that when he meets me, he would avoid me because I'm so ugly. We started to enter the dungeon and it is the boss that I really hate, argh.

"hey Hades, are you joking me? You know that I hate this boss!"

"I don't know what you're saying Shaila, maybe it's just a coincidence that he's the available boss now"

I heard him whistle and I smack my study table, imaging he's the one I'm smacking. Let's just play now, besides there's nothing I can do. After a few minutes, we win and I almost die!

"Hey Hades, you know that I hate that boss because of it's tentacles! Its skills hurt like hell!"

"Haha, it's okay, you did a good job."

"Eck!" Curse you Hades! You don't need to speak so deep! Ah my heart, I feel like I'm hyperventilating! I need oxygen! Wait, I felt like I dropped my heart, let me pick it up first!

"Hey are you okay?"

"Hey Hades, please don't speak like that."

"why? This is what my voice sound."

"Okay, fine. I'm going to log out now, it's already 3 pm here and I still haven't eaten anything. Bye-bye Hades! Wuvv yuu (I love you) Hades!"

I didn't wait for his reply because I saw his wife is already online and I know that they're going to chat. I envy his wife, maybe she's beautiful that's why Hades choose her. Hades is famous in the game world, he's a solo player like me, and I heard that he's already a pro gamer. I close my phone and do some stretching before going down. When I got down, I saw my older sister watching an anime, my father sleeping in a lounge chair and my mother sleeping in the rocking chair. I don't mind them and walk straight towards the kitchen and I saw there's no food left. I decided to buy can foods from the near convenience store. I change my clothes into a loose t-shirt and sweat pants. I just let my hair fall down and I wear my mask, it's not because I'm sick but because I want to hide my ugly face.

"Hey Ran, I'm going outside."

"okay~ take care."

I walk outside and feel the wind play my hair. After a few walks, I arrive at the convenience store. I take a basket and put a lot of cup noodles and can foods. While picking a drink, suddenly I saw the limited jujutsu kaisen drink! And it was gojo saturo! I immediately take it and walk towards the cashier.

"Good afternoon ma'am. Do you want me to cook one of the noodles or not?"

"No need, I'm going to eat in our house."

"Okay. The total is 3,000 yen."

I put 3,00 yen in the small tray in front of the cashier. I take the plastic bag when suddenly the cashier stops me. I look at him in confuse.

"Ah, I want to ask if you have a membership card? You have some points."

"Ah! Yes! Wait, here."

I gave him my membership card and he swipe it. He gives me back my card and smile at me.

"Come back soon!"

I only slightly nod my head and walk out the convenience store. Now, let's go home and have a fest. When I arrive at home, I saw them eating snacks while talking sweetly with each other. When they heard my footsteps, they look at me and immediately continue their conversation. I just don't mind them and walks straight to the kitchen. I take a bowl and spoon and fork. I immediately ran towards my room and shut my door. My room is so small, like a living room in a 1 DK apartment. But I have what I need in this room, I have a mini ref that's full of water and different types of drinks. I also have a microwave and electric pot in my room. I buy all of these using the money I earn from part time jobs, like as if they would buy me one. Okay, let the fest begins!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

NIRRINcreators' thoughts