

Hearing the knock Diandra jump, "Oh God they are ready for me but I am not dress yet, come in but I am telling you I am not dress to go outside, they will have to wait on me?"

"From where I am standing I am glad they are not ready yet, and what is the matter with you? You know Sam need us to be there for him."

"I know, and I am truly sorry."

Stooping in front of her, "Good, now I was unable to get you a gift for your birthday because I had no idea but I brought you a few small tokens of my love.

Here you go, now get busy and dress Dee, before Maria and Sam becomes angry with you."

When she stood up saying, "I will need a minute alone."

Holding her hand, "Dee am I seeing right?"

"What do you mean, Ken?"

"I notice you are putting on some extra weights, are you pregnant?" Noticing how she bend her head, "Dee, are you pregnant for Alex?"

Seeing the nod, "Dee is Sam aware of you being pregnant?"

"Yes, they are?"

"You mean Maria also know?"

"Yes, Ken, and will you keep your voice down before it is broadcast in the whole house and village."

"Why is it I am always the last one to know what is happening in this family?"

"Ken that is not true," Margret blurred out, "I am."

When Natalia said, "So am I not part of the family?"

"Will you all just be quiet, who cares in a few minutes everyone will know, when I wear this stupid dress."

Margret look at her thinking, 'Is that why she didn't accepted my dresses , because it will expose her pregnancy.'

Hearing them laugh then Margret asks, "Diandra, where did all these bags come from and Ken how long you reach?"

"Big sister, I now reach a few minutes ago, and I bring all these bags for Diandra?"

"Diandra, what is the hold up, we are getting late?" Natalia quarries, but then realized all the talking and laughing and not once Diandra look at us or even the gift bags.

'Is she ashamed of her pregnancy, now understanding why she said she don't like to wear fitted clothes. "Dee, it is almost half six so there is no time to lase around anymore?"

Diandra dreaded the moment knowing that the time has finally reach and there is no escaping, 'Jump high, jump low I have to dress, I can't put it of any longer.' "I know, so will you all give me a few minutes to dress?"

When Margret throws out the items from the gift bag seeing the beautiful red gown, As she lifts it up and shriek , thinking 'It is magnificent,' "Ken did you say you brought these gift?"

"Yes Margret:" when he turns around seeing the dress, being caught unaware, opening his eyes. Thinking, 'This must have cost quite a lot,' looking at all the accessories and the beautiful flat sandal that will go perfect with the dress.'

Margret frown seeing his expression as though it the first he is seeing the gown but said. "Ken I never know you had such exquisite taste; you could open a boutique."

"Look Dee, this gown is magnificent."

"Hello, right now nothing is looking good."

"Young lady, if you know what is good you better stop sulking and look at the dress, because you have not seen it, so how would you know.

Now Ken gives us a minute with Dee to help her organize?" Margret and Natalia busy themselves helping her dress.

When Ken did enter the room ten minutes later, he cover his mouth in shock, without even realizing it he whispers, "How did he know to pick her size and it look beautiful."

Margret overheard the whisper, when she said to Natalia, "Will you just finish up here, I remember something that I have to do immediately."

Holding Ken hand, "Come on with me, I will need you help."

MARGRET SUSPICTION Margret close the door behind her, "Now young man spills the beans, where did all these gift bags came from, because I know you could not spend that kind of money on Dee because Beverly will go berserk."

Margret hears him laugh, "She certainly will big sister."

"Then tell me now, who send those lovely gifts and what is that about she is being pregnant?"

"Big sister, she has a friend and they both love each other."

"Ken, is he the friend she went to help in Brixton?"

"Yes! but how did you know?"

"Ken, she told us he is married, so why would she get involve with a married man?"

"Look, love makes you do crazy things, but if you see the both of them together then you will understand."

"Ken, is the baby Dee carrying, his?"

"Yes Sis, and she has no idea that Sam invited him for tonight celebration."

"Is he the one who bought her those expensive gifts?"

"Yes Sis, as you can see he is handsome and has excellent taste and he is loaded."

"Ken, have you seen his house, it is so huge and beautiful."

"Yes I have but how did you see it?"

"Dee show us some of the pictures of his house she have in her phone."

"Talking about him, here he comes."

Margret turns around slowly, looking at everyone then said, "Is he the one in the white tuxedo?"

"That is the friend she visited in Brixton, isn't he a handsome devil?"

"Yes he is, Dee really know how to pick them. Tell me Ken which woman in their right senses will leave a person so handsome and loaded.

Something in this friendship is not right, I will get to the root of this. I need to know what's dad plan and why is he encouraging this?

If dad knows he is married and she is married, Ken do me a favor, I want you stay near to Dee, please"

"Yes Sis, I agree with you, when she know what he is up to, she might faint and from what I see earlier she is already shaky, and when she sees Alex who knows what could happen?"

"Ken, do you know his correct name?"

"I believe it is Alexander Mellford."