
The Mamber Bait

“ John recoiled when the words reached his ear and that made him startle. "That's a truck full of elephants!" He expresses his disbelief once more. "Not only that," the local doctor adds in again  "You also need to acquire the teeth of a lion, the left toe of a chameleon, a turtle that has just given birth, and the penis of a crocodile."

“Jesus” John said "Hey" in a loud voice. The local doctor yelled out in alarm. "Don't bring up that name in this place unless you want Ifediokuko to smack you across the head." John gave him a puzzled look in response.

Before he opened his mouth again to speak, a scowl appeared in the middle of his forehead. He then said, "Where does Ifeoko whatever wants me to.......... "IFEDIOKUKO." The local doctor stopped him immediately to correct him.

"Yeah, anything," he said.

John exploded in rage at the situation.

"Where the hell does he want me to acquire the penis of a crocodile and all of the other ludicrous things you just mentioned?" "Where the hell does he want me to obtain the penis of a crocodile?"

"It's difficult, but it's possible," the native doctor said.

  "You will not be able to regain your destiny unless you have these things in your possession." The native doctor said and  John heaved a sigh that was more indicative of his annoyance and asked, "Can't I just pay the money to get these things?"

It would be more cost effective for you to acquire these items on your own, in my opinion. "I don't care, and am willing to pay whatever the price may be," he said.

After a little period of silence, the native doctor rang the bell once more before breaking it with the following words: "Fine.., I'll help you obtain them, but as I said before, the money will be high." How much does it cost? John asked.

"In order to obtain the truck of the elephant, I will need to travel to a total of seven different villages from where I am currently located, and as you are well aware, the cost of transportation is high in today's world."

“Transportation..!” John continues to fume with anger, as evidenced by the look on his face. "Why don't you just vanish over there, make your purchase, and then reappear here?" "It will be your father who vanishes and then reappears here,"   The native doctor angrily shot back in response.

"What do you think this is... some child's play? I should be in my inner chamber receiving lessons from Ifediokuko, but you're the reason I came out here," he said. "What do you think this is... some child's play?" John shakes his shoulders as questions over the veracity of the native doctor flood his head.

"How much would it cost you at least then?" "The truck of the elephant will cost you at least 500,000 naira," he said. John screams the name of "Jesus"  once again. The local doctor sprung to his feet and almost ran towards him as he soon approached.

When John was about to be slapped by the native doctor, John quickly apologized and said, "Baba, I'm sorry."

"Young man, I do not believe you are prepared," he said. The native doctor explained it like thus. "Sorry baba" Before returning to his seat, the native doctor sent him an angry glance.

"The penis of the crocodile will cost you at least an additional half a million naira," He said. John nibbled but said nothing; he simply sat there waiting for the indigenous man to finish talking his gibberish before he'd give him some of his own mind.

"The teeth of the lion will cost you 700,000, everything else, including miscellaneous, will cost you 300,000, and the total cost of everything is 2,000,000."

"Did you say miscellaneous."

John inquired as he felt rage rising up inside of him. "It's possible that Ifediokuko would tell me to pick up something else on the way to where she wants me to go."

"Baba you're fake.."

John reprimanded when he was standing. The baba shot back, "You labeled me fake for trying to help you rediscover your lost destiny which was taken from you because of your carelessness".

"Did you say you are trying to help me?, the only thing you're trying to do here is extort money out of me, you are a daylight thief"

The local doctor yelled out in alarm. "Get out of my shrine," baba voiced out angrily.

"Before Ifediokuko will strike you dead." As John made his way out of the temple, he replied back to the native doctor, "It Is that Ifeo-rubbish that will kill you?" Old fool.


An angry curse was uttered by baba to John.

"Why won't they steal your destiny when you don't put your penis in one place, you worthless *he-goat?" he mockingly said.

"May God have mercy on you."

John gave a sneering look over his shoulder as he was leaving the compound and heading towards the road.


As Magaretta removed her hands from the painting that was hung on the wall, a grin played across the corner of her mouth.

"Is this something you worked on?" As she asked while turning around to face Wilson, she looked at him.

Wilson's lips curved into the beginnings of a smile.

"No, I only received that a few of days ago. Since I came here not too long ago, this is the only thing, with the exception of my wardrobe, that I have managed to purchase successfully. He said.

"Only Very Recently!"

She repeats this while dropping her gaze to the fitted t-shirt that he had given her to wear in the meantime that he has not yet taken hers to the dry cleaning service.

"I was really hoping that we could leave right now.."

Wilson stated. Because of her stunning appearance, he couldn't help but stare at her. She is aware that he is looking, and she is also aware of what thoughts are going through his head.

Because of her stunning appearance, he is likely to be easily enchanted, making it an easy challenge to get him to go to bed with her.

"Don't you offer a drink to those you don't know?" When Magaretta inquired, she did so with her lips pursed. Wilson chuckle. "I do, but I felt you were in a rush," he added. "I apologize for the inconvenience." I was but I'm already running behind schedule, so I'll simply have to give them a call to reschedule it. She said.


He muttered this and then tucked his hands into the side pockets of his trousers.

"I can't even offer you a drink since I don't have any," John said. She interrupted with, "A bottle of water then.."

It's too bad she went for the wrong guy because right now his heart only beats for Nana, and she's the one lady he'll do everything to marry. He adores her smile, but he gets the impression that she's trying to flirt with him, John mutters within.

"What about the clothing you're wearing?"

He quickly asked while picking up the stained clothing off the floor, he did so. "Don't worry about it," she said, "but I guess I'll take yours." He laughed nervously but did not respond in any way.

If you're interested, I can add a personal touch and some color to the apartment that you just rented. Am a real estate broker in addition to being a designer and doing many other things." As she stated.

"You must have verse talents.." Wilson stated. "However, as you can see, I have yet to completely furnish the house.., so I don't think I'll be needing a salesperson or designer. Besides, I deem the house to be too tiny for the talents you possess.

Believe me when I say that I don't have the money to pay you." She sneers at it. "Who's talking about payment? I'll do it for free" "Who's talking about payment?" He flashed a grin. " Thank you"

"Am Maggy..." Magaretta said.. “Oh..!” Wilson yelled out with his jaw wide open. " Please excuse my manners.., my name is Wilson." She offered her hand to him in the hope that he would shake it, and he did so.

When he held her hand, he noticed something unusual about her palm; rather than being completely smooth, it had a scaly texture that reminded him of silk. After noticing his physical reaction, she hurriedly detached her hand from him.

She had not felt this way since she had returned; there is something about him that gives her the chills. He is keeping something from her, something sinister and potentially harmful, and for the first time since she had returned, she felt afraid.


After a little period of inactivity, Skylar made the decision to exit the vehicle. She took the handgun from the passenger seat, stowed it behind her, and then exited the vehicle while pondering the mystery of why Charles's front gate was still unlocked.

She took a few moments to survey her surroundings before going inside the compound. When she saw that nothing had changed since the previous time she'd been to Charles's house, she let out a long sigh and observed with astonishment.

The fact that the burned clothing were still outside and that the door had been left open sent shivers down her spines. She swiftly retrieved the weapon and began to advance toward the entrance. When she looked inside, the shattered bottle and the remnants of the blood that had dried were still there.

She walked in and started to run towards the room, wondering what may have occurred. When she reached the room, she noticed that the door was closed, and she took another deep breath to settle her anxiety before she opened the door.

When she got there, she noticed someone—a girl—lying down on the bed, and the thought that the girl might already be dead crossed her mind.

She couldn't help but be interested, so she hurried her pace and moved closer. She does not want to be involved in anything because it might all be a setup if she passes away, and she does not want to be involved.

her task is her top priority, and a substantial reward has been offered for the capture or death of Charles. She enjoys such missions in which the target is constantly within close range; yet, as it will be tough to find Charles, she is curious about how easily he may be killed.

The Senator has been phoning her nonstop, and when she reached the point where she could no longer take the calls, she decided to return home in the hopes of finding Charles there.

She reached out and touched the girl's wrist, and her eyes grew extremely wide as she realized that the girl was still alive. Before she started hitting her to get her up, her expression turned hostile.

Before Jasmine could even open her eyes, she let out a short hacking cough. At that very moment, she was aware of someone or something touching the side of her head.

Where can we find Charles? Skylar questioned while standing in front of Jasmine while holding the gun. As Jasmine turned around to face Skylar, fear began to take hold of her. The rifle made her shudder, and she was unable to form a coherent idea in her head as a result.

It took her some time to catch up with her own thoughts. She was brought here by the girl who she had met in the hospital, but how could she have fallen asleep?

There must have been something that she did to her that caused her to fall asleep. Where can we find Charles? Skylar asked again. The sounds that Jasmine made with her breath were loud and raspy, and when she tried to speak, the words that came out of her mouth were riddled with stutters.

"Eh, uh... who is this Charles...?" "Who on earth is Charles..!" Skylar repeats this in a furious manner.

"Bitch, you're in his house," she said. Fear comes so close to overwhelming Jasmine that she is about to pass out, yet even in that terrible moment, she begins to think, and things start falling into place.

Why had the girl brought her to Charles's residence in the first place? She recalls the death test that the other girl mentioned, and if she is successful in the test...

Her pupil became larger as the one name that kept popping into her thoughts was Nana... "Where can I find him...?" Skylar asked again.

Skylar gave a low growl as she pressed the gun on her head. Jasmine wailed and whined in distress. ”

I really do not know.., I swear I don't know, someone abducted me and brought me here." "I don't know.., I swear I don't know."  she stated.

"Kidnapped. .!" Skylar resounds. "What the f*** is going on around here?" Jasmine shed a tear, which ran down her cheek. " I don't know, and I swore to myself that I don't know.

Skylar makes a grunting sound before taking the gun away from her face.

" Look, you b*tch, you better start saying where Charles is, or I vow to God I'll butcher your motherfucking ass right here like the bitch you are.. talk " "Look, you bitch, you better start talking where Charles is, or I'll slaughter your motherfucking ass right here

Skylar became enraged when Jamsine did not respond other than to cry, and she turned around with the intention of confronting her once more. However, the instant she turned around, she noticed someone standing behind her.

She took a step back in shock before turning around to confront the intruder while holding the revolver. "Who the fuck are you, anyway?" Skylar queried.

Mamila gave her an angry look and said, "I should be asking you, you're in my house, an intruder in my house."


Nana whispered to herself, "Where are you, Jasmine?" as she tried to call Jasmine's phone number for the seventy-sixth time, but the line never connected. "Where are you, Jasmine?" she muttered out.

It has been five hours since Jasmine informed her that she is currently heading down to the hospital.

troubled, she looked over at Charles. She didn't want to leave him while he was still asleep, but she was concerned about Jasmine, and she knew that checking on Jasmine would give her mind the peace that it needed.

  She gave Charles a peck on the head and then paused for a while before leaving the room. On her way out, she was heading home to check on Jasmine to see whether she was okay. only a few minutes had gone before Charles opened his eyes again, 

As soon as he sat up, the symptoms of a headache began to appear in his head. After taking a glance around, he realized that he was at a medical center. 

His thoughts finally caught up with him, and the events that had transpired started playing like a loop in his head.

He had moved Nana out of the way in order to protect her, but the bullet struck him. When he imagined that Nana had been hurt, his heart literally leapt out of his chest.