
The Beast Princess is chased by the Crown Prince

After being betrayed and killed by her loved ones, a modern western girl somehow is reborn into an ancient cultivation world. Raised by the beasts their human princess is sent back into human society and catches the eye of the Crown Prince.

Mum0f5 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 9: Universal Communication Bracelets

Leng Ling strode into her artifer room. 6 bracelets were lined up on a wooden table at the side. She had already turned them into universal bracelets for storing items. She had even half filled her parents and siblings one with pills and equipment. But she had one more thing to adjust on them.

She go the idea from the modern world of her past life, the mobile phone. While there was no such thing in this world, there were such things as sound transmission jades. She was going to apply the same idea to these bracelets. This way, only these bracelets could communicate with each other.

Hopefully, they would still work when her wolf parents had transcended to the next continent. This way, their small family could still talk to each other despite the distance. They could also only be used by their respective owners once their blood was dripped on them. She had applied the same principal as her Phoenix Ring to make them unremovable.

She spent several hours inside her ring putting the final touches on her bracelets before she was happy with them. By the time she had popped back out of her ring, four hours had passed on the outside world. She quickly gathered her family and handed the bracelets out.

"What are these?" Leng Bojing asked after they had put them on.

"Drip your blood on them so they will recognize you as the owner."

The wolf family did as Leng Ling asked. She had already done hers back in the ring. 5 bright lights flashed before they realized that the bracelets could be opened and they found new stuff inside

"Ling'er! Didn't you promise us just one thing? There is heaps of stuff in here!"

Leng Hui sounded exasperated although he knew objections were useless against her persistent personality.

"It does one more thing. Use your Devine sense and think of the person you want to talk to of us 6. You'll be able to connect to them. If you need to talk to all of us, then just think of that."

The wolf family looked back at her stunned.

"Ling'er... If this combines storage with multiple communication... That's Godly grade equipment!"

Leng Fei whispered in shocked.

Leng Ling smiled.

"Immortal grade actually. I've spent the last half year planning this. I'm hoping it will still be able to let us communicate with you even after you've transcended. Although I'm not completely sure if it will. At least you will be able to communicate with each other if you get separated up there.

However, only you will be able to use it. That's why if needs your blood. It's like my ring. It can't be removed. It also has a locator on them. Anyone of us can find the others by using the locator on it as long as we're within 1000 meters of each other."

Leng Hui fell down out of shock at that point.

"Ling'er, you're amazing. As soon as we transend we will try it out to see if we can communicate across continents."

Leng Fei hugged Leng Ling excitedly. Just knowing there was the possibility of being in contact with her children despite the distance was enough to lay some of her concerns to rest.

Two days later, Leng Ling and the wolf cubs watched tearfully as their wolf parents transcended into the next continent. After 15 minutes, a male voice sounded out through their bracelets.

"Can you hear me?"

The wolf cubs cheered through their bracelets.

""""We can hear you!""""

"Ling'er, congratulations! It works!"

Leng Fei's voice was excited and sounded more than just a little relieved.

"That's great. Now we just have one more thing to test out."

There was silence on the other end for a minute before Feng Hui's voice sounded through.

"Test out? What else does your bracelet do that you haven't told us yet?"

Leng Ling concentrated on sending several bottles in her bracelet storage to Leng Hui's bracelet and then a second lot to Leng Fei's.

"It works. Check your storage and see what I sent you. It's my transcendence congratulation gift to you. I found the recipes for them in the pill furnace room. Immortal Advancing Elixir and Immortal Qi Replenishing Pills."

"Immortal grade?!"

Leng Fei was in shock.

"Yes! Safe travels Father Hui, Mother Fei. Let me know if you run out and need more."

Leng Ling giggled.

"Sigh! Child, you are too much sometimes."

Leng Fei's voice came through this time.

"Stay safe my children. Cultivate diligently."

""""We will!""""

Everyone shut off their communications reluctantly.