
The Beast Princess is chased by the Crown Prince

After being betrayed and killed by her loved ones, a modern western girl somehow is reborn into an ancient cultivation world. Raised by the beasts their human princess is sent back into human society and catches the eye of the Crown Prince.

Mum0f5 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 7: Making Plans For The Future

Leng Ling decided to go find Leng Fei and Leng Hui to discuss the ring. They already knew about her past life. She did not hide anything from them. She had told her family about her past back when she was 5.

"Mother Fei, Father Hui. There was a weird ring in my Mother's universal pouch. It looks ordinary but when I accidentally spilt blood on it, it took me to a different space. It felt like I spent half a day in there but when I came out I had only been in there an hour. It had a herb garden, a stream of Celestial Water and a bamboo building with a pill furnace and lots of pill recipes inside."

Leng Ling held up her hand to show them. She had already discovered that she couldn't remove the ring anymore.

"I removed that ring from your Mother's hand when I found you. I didn't know it was so special."

Leng Hui inspected the ring carefully.

"Are you able to bring us inside?" Leng Fei was curious about this new space.

"Um, let me try."

Leng Ling thought about it. Sending her devine sense to the ring in her dantian she thought about bringing all three of them inside. Within seconds, the three of them were standing in the garden.

"This is a good space." Leng Fei nodded in approval.

"I think this might be the legendary Phoenix Ring." Leng Hui commented after looking around.

"Phoenix Ring?" Leng Ling asked.

"Hmmm. It was said that only the blood line of the maker of the Phoenix Ring could use it and it would recognize only one member at a time. Not could it be removed unless that person was dead. There was supposed to be a space inside that would expand along with the owner's strength. I didn't realize it could hold living things though."

Leng Ling looked around curiously and realized that the space was indeed larger than when she first entered after jumping 3 stages. There was now an empty field in the back of the bamboo building. On entering the building, she realized new rooms had been added. The partitions that had separated the sleeping area had turned into an actual room on it's own. Another room was beside although it was empty. The pill refining area had also turned into it's own separate room.

"Since I can bring others in here, does that mean if I ever have to leave the forest,I can bring others with me?" Leng Ling asked.

"Looks like it. Which takes a load off my mind." Leng Hui replied.

Leng Ling looked back at her adopted parents concerned. It was Leng Fei who answered her unspoken question.

"We're getting close to Deity Peak. As soon as we go through the tribulation, we'll have to move up to the next continent within days. But we were worried about leaving your siblings to themselves. If you can take them with you then we'd be more relieved."

"Oh! Now I understand. Don't worry, I'll look after my siblings."

Leng Hui rubbed her hair in gratitude.

"There's no need to worry so soon. We're still a few years away from it. Deity Peak isn't that easy to obtain."

"Ok Father Hui."

"You should spend a couple of outside hours in here everyday to practice. The spiritual aura is very good here."

"I plan to practice alchemy. There's a pill furnace in that room. I tried it last time I was here. It was a success although my pills looked a little odd."

Leng Ling took out the porcelain bottle that she had placed the pills in and tipped them out.

"5 pills in one go? Even if they are a little mishaped, that's impressive in itself. Most people only manage one or two their first time."

Leng Fei was impressed.

The next few years were busy for Leng Ling and her wolf siblings. Between cultivation, learning to spar with the other beasts, learning more advanced skills and learning alchemy, the years passed quickly.