
The Beast Princess is chased by the Crown Prince

After being betrayed and killed by her loved ones, a modern western girl somehow is reborn into an ancient cultivation world. Raised by the beasts their human princess is sent back into human society and catches the eye of the Crown Prince.

Mum0f5 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 5: Her Mother's Background

Leng Ling opened the pink pouch and swept her devine sense through it. Leng Fei had told her that it was called a universal pouch which was capable of storing many items. The space inside wasn't massive, only about the size of a small room but the pouch itself contained many things. It was full of pills, some scrolls, a jade pendant and an ordinary looking silver ring, amongst other random items.

Taking out the jade pendant, Leng Ling turned it over. On one side was the name Di Li, on the other was written the Fu Family. Leng Ling concluded that her Mother must have been called Di Li and she had married into the Fu Family in Long Guo. Other than that, the pendant didn't mean much more to her. She had no intention of returning to the Fu Family or the Di Family, wherever they were from since it wasn't a known Long Guo family that she had heard of.

Putting it back into the pouch, Leng Ling then pulled out the ring and looked it over. Nothing was written on it so she slide it onto the middle finger of her right hand and left it there before pulling out the other items one by one.

Some of the scrolls contained skills that were obviously handed down from the Di Family. Judging from the quality of the skills the Di Family was not simple and was an important family from somewhere even if they were not from Long Guo. Some of the skills were simple and not as good as the ones her beast teachers had taught her. Others were more advanced. It didn't take Leng Ling long to memorize them.

More scrolls gave recipes for pill making which Leng Ling took more care of reading through. Most of them were of no use to Leng along herself since they were designed for helping those in Foundation and Spirit to advance. But the Qi Replenishing Pill and the Supreme Advancement Pill were still suitable. There were also some other recipes for pills designed to heal injuries or fight poison.

One last scroll held a painting of a beautiful girl. The girl's features were delicate looking. Her hair was long, black and sleek. Hints of red and gold could be seen as if she was standing in bright sunlight. Her skin was pale like milk white jade. Was was most startling was the girl's eyes. They were a clear crystal blue. Exactly like Leng Ling's eyes in her past life as LeeAnne. In fact, the girl herself looked very similar to Leng Ling in her past life. The main difference being her hair colour. LeeAnne's hair was full out red-gold whereas this girl's hair was black with red-gold shimmering through it.

Leng Ai, who was looking over her shoulder at that moment, suddenly spoke up.

"She looks very much like you. Is it your mother?"

"I guess so."

Leng Ling very rarely looked in the mirror. She knew how she looked but didn't actually care about beauty standards or where she fell in it. She was surrounded by beasts who could turn into beautiful humans at Deity level and was numb to it. It was the personality characteristics that she judged a beast or human by. Not that she had seen any humans in their area of 10 Thousand Beast Forest.

She was known as a warm hearted girl by the beasts of 10 Thousand Beast Forest who interacted with her. However she was cold to those she didn't know. She rarely showed emotions even with those she cared for. She was helpful and had been learning the different herbs and flowers and their uses. Often, injured beasts would come to her for healing even though her knowledge was shallow.

Leng Ling continued to check through the pink pouch. There was a small black sword with Di written on the hilt. Running her finger across the blade, she accidentally cut her finger. Pulling her hand away from it the sword glowed slightly after absorbing her blood and then a mental connection was made. Leng Ling tested out the sword and was happy enough with it.

However before she could check the pouch further, blood from her small cut had dripped down her finger and onto her ring. A flash of light and Leng Ling was brought inside it.