
The Beast Princess is chased by the Crown Prince

After being betrayed and killed by her loved ones, a modern western girl somehow is reborn into an ancient cultivation world. Raised by the beasts their human princess is sent back into human society and catches the eye of the Crown Prince.

Mum0f5 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 19: Settling Into A New Residence

Fu Bohai entered the Fu Family Residence calmly. He was follwed by Fu Meilin and her servants. Fu Meilin was still dripping blood and tears, screaming at Fu Bohai for not revenging against Leng Ling for her.

"What is this racket? Mei'er what happened to you? How did you become like this? Servants! Bring medicine. Quickly!"

A noble looking older woman hurried over to the group and carefully held Fu Meilin.

"Mei'er dared to force entry into Jun'ers Residence and got punished for it."

Fu Bohai sat down on a chair nearby.

"Forced entry into the Crown Prince's residence? Mei'er what were you thinking?"

Their mother was shocked.

"I'm his fiance. They should have just let me in."

"Mei'er, you are not Jun'ers fiance. I told you. The marriage contract has nothing to do with the Fu Family itself. It belongs to Aunt Di Li's daughter, Ling'er. Besides, Jun'er has forbidden any woman from entering his residence other than his fiance. You not only dared to force entry, injuring his servants, you tried to whip your own cousin, Jun'ers actual fiance. You deserved the beating you received."

"Hai'er what are you talking about? What cousin? What fiance? Di Li never had a daughter. Of course Mei'er is His Highnesses fiance. Our family has a marriage contract."

Their mother, Su Wan, was confused. Fu Bohai shook his head in annoyance.

"No wonder, Mei'er is being so muddleheaded. You are also muddleheaded. The marriage contract has nothing to do with the Fu Family. The contract is for Di Li's daughter only. There can be no substitution by any other Fu Family daughter. No matter how much you want it, the contract has nothing to do with Mei'er."

"How can that be? Di Li didn't have a daughter!"

"She was pregnant with a daughter when she disappeared. We've learnt in the last few months that although Di Li didn't survive whatever happened to her, her daughter did survive the birth. She's alive and well and now currently living in Jun'ers Residence until her own has finished being purchased."

"Her daughter survived?! Why did you not bring her home? Why is she buying her own residence?! How would she even have funds to pay for it anyway? Is His Highness purchasing it for her? How extravagant! Since she's a Fu Family daughter, she should just come home!"

Fu Bohai laughed.

"She doesn't need anyone to buy her anything, let alone Jun'er. She's already richer than our family now. With her skills, she'd never run out of money. Besides, she was raised with a different family and will be living with them. As far as Ling'er is concerned, a family that didn't raise her and couldn't even protect her mother, is not worth her time. It was her who punished Mei'er on Jun'ers behalf. Otherwise, do you think Mei'er would have even been able to come home?"

Su Wan could only look at him in astonishment. Indeed, she had forgotten Long Junjie's reputation. Any woman who tried to enter his residence without his permission usually came back in a coffin.

"Mother! I demand justice! Why does that bitch get to be his fiance? She's nothing but a whore!"


Fu Meilin stared at her brother in shock. Her disfigured face was now red and swollen on one side from where he had smacked her.


Su Wan rushed between them panicking. However, the cold stare Fu Bohai have them both scared any further words out of her.

"I've already warned you once, Fu Meilin. Do not call our cousin a bitch. Even if she is our cousin, her status is much higher than your own. Other than being the granddaughter of Emperor Di and a princess of Di Guo. Ling'er is also the acknowledged Princess of 10 Thousand Beast Forest. Unless you want to start a fight with all the beasts in there, hold your tongue in future."

Fu Bohai turned and left after his words. Mother and daughter could only stare after him in shock. Fu Meilin's face turned dark with anger.

"Fine. Since Big Brother won't help me get justice, I'll get Brother Ru to do so!"


A week later Leng Ling's new residence had been purchased and handed over completely. She spent a day setting up protective equipment and arrays around the residence.

During the week that she was waiting for the purchase orlf the residence, Leng Ling had been cultivating in her Ring. The mix of her natural cultivation talent, the faster time speed, sitting in her Celestial Water stream and drinking the occasional cup of Celestial Water had helped her break through to Natal Peak.

With her cultivation upgrade, came a new room in her Bamboo building. This one contained scrolls for creating and setting up arrays. Having spent some time studying them, Leng Ling had found a suitable protective array for her new residence.

The array was called the Eight Quantum Point Array. It allowed a coverage of long distances by key points set in 8 different points along the boarder and one in the center of the array. One could not enter the residence without a special key or being granted permission to enter or leave by the mother key holder.

Leng Ling spent some time designing a range of silver rings with of yellow, red and blue sapphires for them. The yellow rings were intended for general servants. Blue rings for the guards and the red rings for the head servants or guard captains. Each of these earrings could communicate to the Residence Owner rings or to the head servants and guard captains.

Along with these, she made several gold rings out of different opals. Milk opals were designed for her beast family and friends who had been sent out of the bracelet into the wooded area in her back yard. These were handed out to them as soon as they were finished. Blue opals were assigned to permanently approved guests like Hu Feng and Fu Bohai. Yellow quartz rings were made for general guests that she allowed entry to on a temporary basis. However, the Eight Quantum Point Array would restrict the yellow quartz rings to certain areas. They would not be allowed to roam freely unlike the blue opal rings.

However she only created two Fire Opal earrings. One for herself and one for Long Junjie. Since he was her fiance, at least for now, it was only right for him to receive a Residence Owner key, even if it wasn't the Mother key. The difference between them was that her earring were designed in the shape of a lotus flower while his was in the shape of a dragon. They were the only earrings carved into another shape than a plain circle.

The only other equipment Leng Ling made during this time was based on the memory of a doorbell from her past life. It did not require devine sense to work it since not all the population cultivated. If the person entering was wearing an earring, the bell would sound a tone depending on what type of earring key it was. She didn't create a tone for the servants or guards since they would be constantly moving in and out running errands.

Anyone without an earring could not enter the residence no matter how they tried. An invisible barrier would hold them back. Instead, they would be required to ring the bell by the gate and wait for the guards at the gate to contact Leng Ling for permission to let them enter. Whoever rang the bell would also appear in a holographic form in Leng Ling's sight above the ring. She could connect directly to the door bell to speak from her location if needed to. Should she refuse entry and they tried to force their way in, the array would conduct lightening to them in that spot as a warning.

When she was ready, Leng Ling contacted Long Junjie through the holographic communication function. Long Junjie had a gentle expression on his face as he stared down at Leng Ling's visage as they talked. His expression surprised everyone beside him, especially his parents and sister.

"Brother Junjie, I'm ready to select some servants. Can you please take me to that slave market you mentioned previously?"

"Of course Ling Ling. We'll come pick you up in a couple of hours."

"All right. I'll see you in a couple of hours then, Brother Junjie."

"See you then, Ling Ling."

Leng Ling's hologram disappeared from his wrist and the gentle expression faded.

"Big Brother, who was that? How were you able to talk to her like that?"

Long Jinjing was excited on seeing a holographic form of a beautiful woman talking to her brother in real time and not as a memory. Their father, Long Hu, and mother, Feng Li, was no less interested in the device.

"Jun'er, that's an interesting bracelet. It's a communication device?" (Long Hu)

"I've never seen anything like it. It's a beautiful design. Where did you get it?" (Feng Li)

"Di Li's daughter, Leng Ling, gave it to me. She made them. Hai'er and Feng'er have them too. They are more than communication just devices. They also have a storage function that allows for transfer of items to each other as well as a tracker system for locating anyone with a bracelet within 1000 meters. Also, they are keyed to a specific person and can't be removed unless that person dies."

"I want one too! Big Brother, please ask her for one for me!"

"Ah... You would have to ask her for that. She only gives them to special people that she trusts. It took us a week to get her to make us one. Hai'er is the only one in the Fu Family that has it. Even her own brother and father don't have one. Well. She hasn't met them yet anyway. So who knows if she will give one in the future. I doubt it considering Fu Meilin's performance a few days ago."