
The Beast Princess is chased by the Crown Prince

After being betrayed and killed by her loved ones, a modern western girl somehow is reborn into an ancient cultivation world. Raised by the beasts their human princess is sent back into human society and catches the eye of the Crown Prince.

Mum0f5 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 18: Who Are You?!

A few days later Leng Ling sat in the main hall reviewing a property list. She had marked off many that didn't meet her requirements and was taking another look at the ones that did. Hu Feng and Fu Bohai had brought them over an hour ago then gone off to train with Leng Ling in the training yard.

Suddenly a ruckus sounded from the outer room and a black haired beauty in white stormed into the main hall followed by various servants. A couple of guards trailed at the back. Leng Ling noted that the girl was at Spirit Primary while the guards were at Spirit Advanced. The rest of the servants were at Foundation Middle.

Leng Ling watched at the girl stormed in front of her holding a golden whip in her right hand. It was still dripping blood so she assumed that Long Junjie servants had been beaten and would require medical attention. Holding the whip ready to hit the girl sitting in front of her.

"Who are you?! How dare you be here in my fiance's residence!"

Leng Ling nonchalantly caught the whip between two fingers as it tried to strike her face.

"How rude. Don't you know it's manners to introduce yourself first? By the way, does Brother Junjie know you are his fiance?"

Fu Meilin who was struggling to pull her whip back, stopped stunned at Leng Ling's audacity at using the Crown Prince's name in such an intimate manner and exploded with rage.

"H... How... How dare you use His Highness's name so intimately! You plebian! I will punish to you for this!"

Leng Ling stared at the girl blankly. 'Is this what Brother Junjie likes? What terrible taste.'

"Little girl, I have no idea who you are but considering there is blood on your whip and the ruckus that sounded before you entered, I'd assume that you have no permission to even be here. I'm fairly sure that Brother Junjie would be rather upset to find that you'd injured his staff and was claiming to be his fiance when you are not."

"His servants were stupid and didn't get out of my way. They should be punished for that!"

"Brother Junjie's staff should be punished for doing their job? That's news to me. On his behalf, I think I should punish you in return for having the audacity to attack someone else's household."

In saying that, Leng Ling gently pulled the whip out of Fu Meilin's tightly gripped hands and lightly whipped her face and body a few times. Of course, with her cultivation level, even lightly whipping the girl in front of her resulted in deep cuts. Her white dress was now dyed red and baring her youthful body. Fu Meilin could do nothing but scream at the attack. Bloody tears dripped down her face.

Once she was bored, Leng Ling broke the whip into several pieces and threw it at it's owner's feet. She then gestured to one of Long Junjie's servants to come to her and handed him a bottle of medicine pills and a pot of cream.

"Pass this amongst the injured staff outside. Two pills each and cream on the cuts. They will heal right up. I apologize on behalf of this mannerless woman for letting them get hurt for doing their jobs."

The servant, Xaio Bo, bowed in gratitude.

"Thank you Crown Princess for your generosity in caring for us servants."

He hurried into the outer room.

"What about me? My face is now ruined by you! How are you going to compensate me for that!"

"That was punishment for harming the innocent. If you want medical care, I suggest hurrying home. I will not help you."

With that Leng Ling turned back to the property list in front of her and continued studying it. She completely ignored the screaming banshee standing in front of her.

Alerted by another servant, Long Junjie, Fu Bohai and Hu Feng hurried into the hall. The stopped stunned at Leng Ling studying the property lists and calmly ignoring the screaming bloody woman in front of her. Fu Bohai was the first to speak out.

"What's going on here? Who is this disgraceful woman making such a racket in the Crown Prince's residence?"

Leng Ling responded without looking up.

"I have no idea. She caused a racket forcing entry into the place and injured some of Brother Junjie's staff with her whip and then tried to do the same to me. So I punished her with it. She claimed she was his fiance. I've sent medicine out to the injured staff. They should be healed by now. But this banshee still won't leave."

"Big Brother! Do you really not remember your sister Mei'er? You must seak justice for me! This bitch has ruined my face and my whip! How can I be seen like this? I demand compensation!"

Fu Bohai's mouth dropped in shock.

"Is that really you Mei'er? I thought it was an ill-bred fishwife from the way you were screaming. What are you doing here? You know Jun'er banned all women from his residence. What's this about claiming to be his fiance? I've been hearing rumours about this for the last month now. You know it's not true."

"Why is this bitch allowed here then?! If she can be here, then I can! Our family has a marriage contract with His Highness, so of course I'm his fiance. I'm the only daughter of the Fu Family!"

Fu Bohai and Hu Feng shook their heads sympathetically while Long Junjie gloomily walked over to stand behind Leng Ling. He placed his arms around her as he leaned on the table to look over the properties she was looking over. Their position looked intimate to the others and his friends could only roll their eyes and turn away from the dog food they were being fed.

"Mei'er, that's enough now. The marriage contract is specifically for Aunt Di Li's daughter and has nothing to do with the Fu Family itself other than the fact that Uncle Bai was her husband."

"Then who is this bitch? Why is she allowed to be here?"

"Stop calling out cousin that. Ling'er is not a bitch. She is Jun'ers fiance. She's allowed to be here. She is the madam of this residence after all."

"Brother Bohai, I don't think much of the upbringing for the daughters in the Capital. First was that Miss Li and now your sister. If they are examples of the young ladies in this city, I don't think much of it."

"Sorry Ling'er. I can't say much about the Li Family Miss but as for Mei'er, I'll take her home and make sure Father punishes her. She has completely ruined the face of the Fu Family with her behaviour."

"All right. I won't hold it against you. You aren't responsible for your sister's actions. Brother Junjie, I'm thinking this property is decent. It seems to fit my requirements well and isn't too far from here. What do you think?"

Leng Ling ignored Fu Bohai dragging Fu Meilin out of the room and pointed at a property on the listing that was several thousand acres. It had a small forestry area in the back with a small lake in the middle of it. It seemed to hold plenty of space for her Beast friends and family to live if they didn't want to live in the buildings itself. The buildings on the property was large itself. It was spread over third of the land itself. The property list showed that the buildings contained several courtyards, a large and small hall, two training areas, two kitchens, as well as a servants and guards living quarter. The listing stated that it cost 1000 platinum gold leafs.

Currency in this world used a coin system referred to as leaf. The smallest denomination was the bronze leaf. It was probably the equivalent of about $1 in Leng Ling's old world. Next was the silver leaf which was the equivalent of about $100. 100 bronze leafs made one silver leaf. After the silver leaf was the gold leaf which was the equivalent of $1000. 100 silver leafs made one gold leaf. Platinum gold leafs were the equivalent of $10,000. 100 gold leafs made one platinum gold leaf.

"It looks good. Do you have enough money for it?"

"It's not a problem."

Leng Ling waved her hands nonchalantly. She had sold a lot of medicine and equipment over the years of living in 10 Thousand Beast Forest and sold plenty more on their trip into the Capital. Long Junjie and his friends were not the first humans she had come across growing up. She could afford several properties of the same value and not feel a pinch over it.

Long Junjie had taken her to a bank the day before so she could convert some money into a black card. Cards from the bank made it easier for the richer people to carry their money. The lowest card was a red card and was used for accounts with up to 10,000 silver leafs. Purple cards were used for accounts up to 10,000 gold leafs. Black cards were used for anything above that.

The cards themselves were interesting to Leng Ling. They acted like mini universe pouches that stored the money. Funds were transferred by tapping with another card. Only the bank itself could insert money without tapping with a card. Like everything else equipment related, blood was required to activate a card and only the card owner was able to use it. Leng Ling jokingly referred to them as an EFTPOS card in her head. They were quite similar in principal.

Hu Feng took a look at the property in question. He also approved of it.

"I'll contact the seller and arrange the purchase for you then. The handover should be completed within a week."

"Then I'll leave it with you, Brother Feng. Brother Junjie, can you recommend a good place to find servants and guards?"

"There is a slave market in the south quarter of the capital. Both servants and guards can be found there."

Leng Ling didn't really like the idea of using slaves but knew it was quite a common practice in this world. She planned on giving them their freedom once purchasing them and paying them for their service.

"Very well, let's go there once the handover is completed."

Long Junjie nodded in agreement.