
The Beast Princess is chased by the Crown Prince

After being betrayed and killed by her loved ones, a modern western girl somehow is reborn into an ancient cultivation world. Raised by the beasts their human princess is sent back into human society and catches the eye of the Crown Prince.

Mum0f5 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 17: Reaching The Capital

A month later a travel worn girl rushed into a beautiful courtyard.

"Sister Meilin! Sister Meilin! Terrible news!"

A black haired beauty looked up at the travel worn brunette who had entered and poured a cup of water for her.

"Sister Lei, sit down first. Have a drink of water. You're still covered in dust, have you even gone home yet? What has you so excited that you couldn't even go home first?"

Li Lei sat down in the chair that a maid pulled out for her and took a grateful sip of water.

"When our family were in the 10 Thousand Beast Forest we ran into His Highness The Crown Prince with Brother Fu and Brother Hu. They had a girl with them that they claimed is Di Li's daughter and therefore His Highnesses fiancee."

Shocked, Fu Meilin stood up.

"What! How is this possible?! Mother said Di Li died without giving birth!"

"I don't know Sister Meilin. But she certainly looks like the portrait of Di Li that I saw in the past."

Fu Meilin began to pace as she thought. After a while she turned back to Li Lei.

"All right. I know now. Go home. You must be exhausted. I'll deal with it."


In a town outside of the Capital, Leng Ling and her companions had stopped at a restaurant slash travel stop. After eating, they rested in their rooms. Leng Ling had popped into her ring and was sitting in her artificing room. She was contemplating the memory stone the Long Junjie had given Fengniao Ming.

In her mind she was thinking of the functions of a cell phone back in her old life. Like the memory stone, it had the function of recording videos or photos but not in a holographic form like the memory stone. That in itself was easy to add to the bracelet. But what she was really thinking hard about was how to turn their communication from voice form to holographic form similar to a video call.

As far as she knew that hadn't been done in this world yet. At least she had found no records of it in the scrolls found in the artificing room. She had spent the last month of travel researching it. Finally she decided to combine the communication function with the recording function.

Taking her bracelet, she began to work on her ideas. Her bracelet was the mother bracelet. All others could be considered child bracelets. Whatever she did to her bracelet would automatically add the function to the others without them knowing it.

It took her all night but she was finally done when Long Junjie called her to tell her that it was time for breakfast.

"Ling'er, it's time to eat."

"Hold on Brother Junjie. I want to test something."

Cutting off the call communication function, Leng Ling started the holographic communication function. Long Junjie and his friends, who were sitting at a dining table downstairs, stared at the little holographic form of Leng Ling that popped up above his bracelet.

"Well, what do you think?"

"Is this a memory stone recording?"

Hu Feng asked in amazement.

"Yes and no. I added that to the bracelet too, but this is a real time communication recording."

Leng Ling answered him, shocking the three men at the table.

"Ling'er, how did you add it to our bracelets without removing it from us first?"

Long Junjie asked confused as he watched her image walking.

"Ah, that's because I have the master bracelet. Your bracelets are what I call children of mine. Whatever I add to mine will automatically update yours."

"Ling'er, this is amazing! If there was anything above Immortal rank for equipment, I'm pretty sure this would be it!"

Fu Bohai was excited. He'd never seen anything like this before. Leng Ling shut off the holographic communication function as she reached the table where the men sat.

"Ling'er that is an amazing function to be able update all equipment at the same time. How long have you been planning this?"

Long Junjie stood up to pull out a chair next to him and helped her sit in it.

"I've been thinking about how to do it for the last month. Your memory stone gave me the idea only I wanted to take it a step further. I thought it would be nice for my siblings and friends to be able to see their parents while we're traveling around. This way if they get homesick, not only can they call each other they can also see each other."

The three men could only wonder at the genius of this little girl sitting in front of them. There were so many applications that the functions of this bracelet could be used for.

After breakfast, the four friends left the restaurant and started the leg of the journey into the capital. The Hu Family members had rushed on ahead days ago to tell the Hu Patriarch and Matriarch about the events in 10 Thousand Beast Forest.

On entering the Capital the crowds to welcome His Highness The Crown Prince home was immense.

"It's His Highness!"

"His Highness is back!"

"He's so handsome!"

"Sigh. If only I could marry him. Even being a concubine would be fine."

"Just you? You have no chance. Isn't his fiance Fu Meilin, the number one beauty in the capital?"

Leng Ling could only follow behind him closely, stunned at the fan girl statements coming out of the crowd. Hu Feng and Fu Bohai ranked her on either side preventing anyone from touching her. Suddenly the crowd went quiet as someone noticed the small figure in the center of the men.

"Who is that?! Why is there a girl next to His Highness?!"

The girl was beautiful with red and gold highlights showing through her black hair in the sunlight. Her blue eyes were as bright as crystals and just as clear. Her skin was fair and like translucent milky white jade. It was complimented by the silk yellow and white dress she wore.

"That's not Fu Meilin!"

"She looks more beautiful that Fu Meilin though."

"I wonder who she is?"

"I think the title of number one beauty has just been stolen."

Leng Ling could only quietly ignore the comments about herself from the crowd following them.

"Brother Hu, is there any residences for sale in the capital? Preferably one with a large backyard?"

Long Junjie turned back with a sulky face.

"Why didn't you ask me instead?"

"Hey... Why are you asking about residences for sale? Aren't you coming back to the Fu Family residence?"

Fu Bohai was shocked.

"Why would I go back to the Fu Family Residence, Brother Bohai? Other than yourself, I don't know any of them. I've long been in control of my own affairs and I don't lack money. I can afford to buy my own place."

"But your still young right? And your father, my uncle is still the First Master of the Fu Family. Not to mention your brother is the First Young Master. Don't you want to meet them at least?"

"Brother Bohai, please don't take offense at this, but I would hardly bother to place myself under the care of a family that couldn't even protect my Mother. You can't believe that her fall off the cliff was an accident?"

"Um... But surely it would be safer than being on your own?"

"But I'm not on my own. I have my siblings and friends with me. Not to mention any number of offensive and defensive equipment on my person. Even without taking those into consideration, my cultivation is much stronger than yours. I'm well protected."

"Well, that's true I guess. What about staying at my residence? After all you are my fiance."

Long Junjie interjected.

"I'm afraid that wouldn't be appropriate?"

"Then stay with me for now until you can find something that meets your requirements?"

Leng Ling thought about it for a few minutes before agreeing. Leng Ling and Long Junjie said their good byes to Fu Bohai and Hu Feng before they headed off in different directions to their homes.

What made the people passing by stare in amazement, was that the ice cold Crown Prince who was known for not letting anyone touch him, male or female, was holding the girl's hand as they walked.