
The Beast Princess is chased by the Crown Prince

After being betrayed and killed by her loved ones, a modern western girl somehow is reborn into an ancient cultivation world. Raised by the beasts their human princess is sent back into human society and catches the eye of the Crown Prince.

Mum0f5 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 13: Beast Princess?

Leng Ling and She Longwei sat in the front room as they waited. A pot of tea and two steaming cups sat in front of them on a marble table.

"So you're planning on leaving 10 Thousand Beast Forest?"

She Longwei asked Leng Ling after he took a sip.

"Hmmm, I'm thinking about it. Father Hui said it would be good for us to travel to see the world. Get some experience of the human world."

"How is Brother Hui and Sister Fei?"

"They're enjoying the new continent. It's new and strange and full of interesting things. They've sent me a few new recipes and equipment to try out for myself. Mother Fei has also been meticulous in sending me new herbs and flowers to plant and grow."

She Longwei laughed quietly.

"Sounds about right. What about your siblings, will they go with you?"

"Yes, they will. Father Hui made them sign a soul contract with me so we could stay together and keep safe. They will live with me in my space when they are not outside with me."

"The Beast Princess isn't going to take other beasts with her? All her friends will miss her though."

Leng Ling pouted.

"Don't you start with that joke. It's bad enough all my friends call me that. But I won't stop them if they want to come as well. It will be a month before we plan to leave."

"What's the Beast Princess?"

Fu Bohai's voice asked as the three men exited the back room.

Hu Feng looked tired but the colour in his face was more natural looking than it had been before. Leng Ling ignored Fu Bohai's question as she studied Hu Feng condition before throwing a bottle of Supreme Qi Replenishing Pills at him and telling him to take two. Hu Feng was quick to follow instructions. Her pills were fast acting and good stuff.

The three men soon joined Leng Ling and She Longwei at the marble table where Leng Ling produced 3 more cups and poured them tea from the pot. Fu Bohai was persistent.

"So... Beast Princess?"

"Nothing. It's just a joke Ai'er started."

"It may have started as a joke but all the beats of 10 Thousand Beast Forest consider you to be one. It might as well be your official title."

She Longwei said in a teasing her.

"Don't talking nonsense. I'm not a princess."

Fu Bohai rubbed his chin musing over it.

"Actually, you could be considered one. Your mother was the youngest daughter of Emperor Di in Di Guo."

"So? That was my mother. Not me. Not like I'm going to go to Di Guo and demand to be recognized, is it?"

"But you are planning on leaving 10 Thousand Beast Forest in a month's time?"

Hu Feng interjected.

"Yes. My siblings and I need to get some worldly experience. I need this month to finish preparing some items and then we'll be going."

"I'm fairly certain it won't be just you and your siblings, Ling'er. Once word gets out around the forest, you'll find all your friends on your door step wanting to come."

"As I said I won't stop them, but it's not exactly safe out there for the beasts, is it? Or do they all intend to hide in my ring?"

"You all should be safe enough if they all sign a soul contract with you."

"I suppose but only if they're willing. I won't force them."

"What's a soul contract? I thought humans and beasts could only enter a master-servant or an equility contract?"

Fu Bohai was not the only curious one as that. The others looked on in interest for an explanation as well. She Longwei took the time to explain soul contracts.

"Rather than the forced master-servant contract that you humans make us do where the human is the master and the beast a slave until the beast's death. Or the equility contract where you enter a partnership until one dies. There is a third contract that can only been initiated by the beast.

The soul contract is a contract that the beast signs willingly with a human we consider a friend. It connects us at the soul level. However, it does not make us your slaves. We can say no to commands and do not have to follow them. But because it is soul level, if the beast or human dies, so does the other contract partner. Soul contracts require great trust between the parties before they can be made."

The three men looked amazed at that.

"So it has it's risks as well?"

Long Junjie asked.

"Obviously. The main one being that if one dies, the other does too. If either one is too weak that makes the risk of dying easily higher. But there are benefits too. Whenever one of us promotes into a new stage, the other does too. Since my cultivation is faster than my siblings, their own has increased significantly for it."

"So the benefits can outweigh the risks then."

"Yes. It's much better than the equility of the master-slave contracts. Plus, I don't require my friends to fight for me. So they aren't at risk of being forced into a battle they can't win."

"... "

"Hey... Sister Ling'er, I've been meaning to ask. I can't read your cultivation level at all. Just how high is your cultivation level."

Rather than answering, Leng Ling removed a small tablet at her waist. As soon as it was removed the three men paled. Natal Advanced. She was Natal Advanced.

"No wonder you called us weak last night."

Fu Bohai wiped his sweaty forehead after she reattached her tablet.

"Is that another of your inventions?"

Hu Feng asked.

"Hmmm. I judged it better to hide my cultivation level when I go into the human society. After all, I don't know what exactly is a normal cultivation level out there for a 15 year old."

"I feel ashamed for gloating about being in the top 10 for under 25s now. I think you just took number 1 by a landslide."

Hu Feng commented apologetically.

"I didn't take it to heart, so no worries. Anyways, it's time we left and let the Snow Snake Tribe relax again. Your presence makes them nervous."

Leng Ling stood up and bowed to She Longwei before pulling out a bracelet like her own.

"Thank you for the Holly Berry Fruit bush and for lending me your back room to refine the Fire Poison Elixir. Please take this in thanks. If anything happens in the forest while I'm away, you can contact me through it. Make sure you drip some of your blood on it to make a connection and then you can use your Devine Sense to command it."

"Is this like the one you gave Brother Hui and Sister Fei?"

"Just like it. I plan to send one to all the tribe kings. If anything happens, then I can Be contacted and help you almost immediately."

"Now you know why we call you the Beast Princess. Even when leaving the forest you are still looking out for us!"

Leng Ling blushed slightly before leaving the cave. Long Junjie stared at the pale pink still on her cheeks as he moved to walk beside her. The colour gave her a fresh and bright look.

Once she had brought them away from the Snow Snake Tribe Leng Ling asked them, what their plans were.

"We're in no hurry. Let us follow you and leave the forest in a month's time with you."

Long Junjie requested quietly. The other men nodded in agreement.

"Alright then. Let's go. We still have half a days travel before we can rest for the night."

Leng Ling shrugged her shoulders and began to lead the way.