
The Beast Princess is chased by the Crown Prince

After being betrayed and killed by her loved ones, a modern western girl somehow is reborn into an ancient cultivation world. Raised by the beasts their human princess is sent back into human society and catches the eye of the Crown Prince.

Mum0f5 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 1: Death

In a dark damp room solid and heavy metal chains rattled slightly as their captive quietly woke up. The naked woman held by them was hung on an damp moldy brick wall. Having been there for several months, the chains were the only things holding her up.

Her arms and legs had long been broken in several places. They had partially healed and had deliberately been fixed in odd and painful angles. Her body was covered in heavy wounds. Some had healed over into disgusting looking old scars. Others were in a partially healed scabbed state. Still others were fresh and still seeping with infected pus.

Her face had been partially skinned. Parts of her cheek bones could be seen. Her once sleek long red-gold hair had been cut into uneven clumps that was tangled beyond fixing and showed more than a few bold scabbed covered spots from areas that had been pulled out.

The only uninjured place on the woman's body was her clear crystal blue eyes. They were currently blank and dull looking. All emotion had long been destroyed after several months of torture. The woman had long lost hope of freedom.

It was unsure if it was the months of torture or the betrayal that had broken the woman in the initial months. Having been tricked by her fiance and her beloved younger half sister into being captured and imprisoned for their enjoyment, LeeAnne Shire had given up long ago. She didn't know if her father or younger brother knew what state she was in or if they were even still looking for her. All she knew was that her so-called fiance, Peter Ascot, was a sick snake who spent hours raping her when her half-sister, Julia, wasn't there and that both of them enjoyed disfiguring her when she was.

At some point in LeeAnne's silent musing the door to the room banged open. A beautiful young blonde lady in a strapless, tight mermaid style wedding dress entered the room. She was half drunk and in high spirits, carrying a half empty bottle of red wine.

"Still alive, Sister?" The woman giggled.

LeeAnne stayed silent. Her clear crystal blue eyes watched Julia quietly. Her voice box and tongue had long been removed, so Julia wasn't expecting a reply anyway.

"You should congratulate me. Peter and I are married now. We're husband and wife."

LeeAnne continued to watch quietly but her eyes showed some slight ridicule towards Julia. Even if they are married, Peter had never stopped betraying his new wife. When he wasn't raping her, she could hear sounds of other women in the home. They could usually be heard in a state of erotica.

Julia caught sight of the ridicule in LeeAnne's eyes and in her intoxicated state grew angry at them. She suddenly couldn't stand them staring at her. Smashing the bottle onto LeeAnne's head to break it she stabbed the now broken peice in her hand into LeeAnne's right eye. Pulling it out, blood mixed with the red wine dripping down LeeAnne's face. Julia then stabbed LeeAnne's left eye.

LeeAnne was left blinded before Julia stabbed once again into her heart. Upstairs, music sounded heavily as LeeAnne quietly died.