
The Next Step

" Thanks for the ride " I patted Tony's back as I alighted from his motorbike

" You're welcome " He replied, smiling again

" This is weird " I sighed as I watched him drive away

" Was that me seeing Tony dropping you off " Ava exclaimed opening the door widely for me to enter

" Yes and why are you surprised? This is not the first time, if I'm correct " I brushed her off as I dashed to my room

" I know but that was on Coach orders" she followed after me

" Ava can you just back off for a while, stop being too curious " I shouted back at her

" Oops sorry , I'm sorry for trying to look after you " she shrugged sadly and walked past me to her room

I sighed and entered my room. I freshened up and changed to something more comfortable. I came down and met Ava eating already

" Ava, I'm sorry for earlier. I wasn't at the right state of mind then and I know you care about me so much. Please forgive me "

" It's fine. I understand " she answered with a hint of sarcasm