
Let the Game Begin

"What did you just say" I asked Tony

" Wait for me at the car park " he said

I released the breath I was holding, I think I heard wrongly.

" Ok " I sighed and went out of the locker room, grabbing my backpack as I walked through the hallways to the car park.


Tony stopped his bike directly in front of my real address. I got down gently, holding his shoulders to prevent me from falling.

" I will be here by 7:00 to pick you " He said before riding away

I unlocked the door, and went inside, Ava and Mum were sprawled on the couch watching the TV.

" Hi, everyone "

I should tell Ava and Mum about the place I'm going tonight. I thought as I greeted them

" How are you darling, your dinner is in the microwave oven, go wash up " Mum replied

" Oh! Was I that late " I muttered

" Yeah, you were " Ava mumbled half asleep

I washed up quickly and searched through my closet, picking a blue top, dark jeans and a baseball cap.

I headed to the kitchen, took my dinner from the microwave and went to the dining room. I dug my fork into the rice porridge, eating quickly as I checked the time.

After eating, I went to the living room, putting on my black sneakers as I tapped Mum awake

" Where are you going, dressed up " Mum asked after opening her eyes

" I need to be somewhere tonight with my team mates " I replied her

" Okay, just be home before 10 "

" Yes, Mum " a loud knock at the door interrupted us

" That's my ride, bye " I kissed her on the forehead before going outside

As I got out, I saw Tony standing beside his bike, dressed in a short black knee-length trouser and a black hoodie that has the word 'TRS' imprinted on it and black trainers.

He was wearing black on black

His blue eyes met my brown ones, I stood their for a minute checking him out, his tall height towered over mine. I was tall but not as tall as him.

" Why are you staring " He snapped his fingers at my face whispering in my ear

I laughed and pushed him away, not wanting him to see my red face. We got on his bike and rode to our destination, I held him tightly, still scared of falling.

We reached Havana Club, I climbed down from the bike. As I was about to enter, a bouncer blocked my passage at the front door.

Tony showed him a card that has VIP printed on it, the bouncer stepped aside and we entered.

The exterior of the club was painted in a dark blue and sparkling white color while the interior has its walls painted in a deep black color.

" Toosie slide " by Drake blasted through the speakers as different colors of light shone around the area the DJ was playing and the dance floor.

We walked through different groups of people, some were dancing while some were drunk, we made our way to the VIPs lounge.

" Look who is here " James yelled as soon as he spots us. He looks as hot as always.

He and Peter was also in a similar outfit as Tony's. They were having the same word imprinted on their black hoodie.

Oops! I should have worn a black top.

Tony ignored James doing a manly hug with Peter.

" Why is he here " Peter groaned as he sipped his drink

" I invited him " James mentioned waving at me to come sit beside him.

I took a seat in between Tony and James.

James called out to a waiter, " What would you like to have " he glanced at me

" Water "

" Why the hell would you take water " Tony queried

" Get me three bottles of champagne and two extra glass " James ordered the waiter

" Hey, can I ask a question " I stared at them as their confused faces met mine

" Go on " Tony said

" What does TRS mean "

" The Rich Squad " Peter drawled lazily as the other boys smirked at me

The waiter brought the ordered drinks and laid it on the table. Tony opened one, poured it and passed the glass to me.

" Thanks " I said before taking the glass from him.

I sipped out of it, the white wine made of grapes tasted pleasantly on my tongue. I finished it in one gulp and poured more into the glass.

I was going to regret this later on

" How are your brothers doing " James questioned as he gazed at Tony

" They are fine " Tony replied, as different emotions flickered on his face, but the most visible one was sadness

Our eyes met as he stared at me, changing his emotions quickly, I couldn't figure out anything before he looked away.

" What was the name of your old school " Tony asked changing the subject

" Ballard High School "

" What! Our Rivals! " James and Peter shouted simultaneously

" Yeah, I know " I gazed at them rolling my eyes

" Your skills are different from theirs " Tony obviously stated

" Yeah, that's true " I added teasingly

" What do you mean it's true! I meant where did you learn how to play " Tony said with a tone of annoyance

" My Dad taught me how to play " I sadly stated facing down

" What of your Dad " Tony spoke softly as he looked at me

" Enough questions about me, let's talk about something else, please " I smiled glancing at each of them hiding my annoyance

" let's play a game to make our night interesting " James asked

" Okay " I sighed

" That's good " Peter drawled

" Count me out " Tony raised his hands up

" You are in, Tony. The game goes like this, we will ask questions from anyone we want, if the person doesn't want to answer, he will take two glasses of champagne "

" Two! Isn't that too much " I cringed

" I'm in " Tony smirked as he stared at me

" You must give an honest answer " James explained as he glanced at each of us briefly

" Just 5 questions " Tony added bopping his head to the music playing in the background

" Can't you make the glass of champagne, one "

" No! " They yelled at the same time

" Do you want us to get drunk by the end of the game " I shouted at them

" Don't worry, I would get you home safely " Tony smirked

" T-thanks " I stuttered slightly as I got red out of embarrassment

" Tony takes the lead, followed by Peter, Richard and I " James confirmed

" Richard! " I asked confused

" Yes, you " Peter glared

Oh my gosh! I forgot I was Richard. I think Peter hates me

" Are we good to start " James asked

" Yeah, let the game begin " Tony said with a smug smile visible on his face as he stared at me

Why is he staring at me.