
Be Safe Anthony

I became very angry at myself for getting caught by Tony. This was never in my plan. All I wanted was to get close to him so that he can take me to where he lives.

Three years ago

" Hello " Mum answered the phone call

" Am I on to Janette Dalton? " a voice replied immediately

" Yes that's me speaking " she said

" Your husband was involved in a fire accident. Can you come over to Lamont hospital, your attention is needed " Mum's expression changed into a sad one. Her eyes were full of tears that struggled to fall.

" I'll be there soon " Mum hanged up

" Mum, what's going on? " I rushed to her side

" Y-ou-r fa- fa-th-er " She stuttered,

" What happened to Daddy? " I asked, trembling and shaking

" We need to go to the hospital. Get your sister and meet me at Lamont hospital " Mum says, forcing herself to stay strong

I watched as mum left hurriedly with tears on her face. I went to wake Ava up and changed my nightwear.