
11: About That...

The next step in breaking her shy nature presented itself at Zane’s day care centre. Standing in the foyer, waiting for the kids to thunder out of the gym for the weekend, Verna loosened Travis’ tie for him slightly and he smiled. She was so pretty and he felt like telling her so. The scent of her light perfume was as potent as any drug and his senses felt heightened. He wanted to take her home all of a sudden, but since Zane was going to be with them, he would have to settle for a lot less than passionate lovemaking in the parking lot.


She looked up at him.

“Kiss me.”

Naturally, she looked around first. A few mothers were chatting with one another, paying no attention to the other parents standing closer to their cars or to her and Travis. So she complied.

He put his hands on her waist, bringing her closer to him. Her hands rested against his solid chest and she surrendered to the sweetest kiss she had had all week.