

The sun is not rising. My desolation is born. The moon does not shine through the darkness. A pair of green eyes shine in my darkness and burn my heart to ashes. I didn't know love was so painful before I met you. Tell me, will the sun rise for both of us one day? Will the sun rise in both of us one day? Tell me, who am I? Am I the victim? Or am I the murderer? The sun is not rising, Soldier. And I'm afraid of the dark. But I promise you that one day I will pierce this darkness with the burning bodies of those who destroyed me. The sun will not rise, doomsday will come. I will still look for you everywhere. Because there is only one truth in my heart. Even if I can never see the sun, I will never give up on you.

burmeser · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
141 Chs

An Ocean And It's Wealth

They're going to ask you one day. Do you want to be happy? Do you want to be rich? If you choose happiness because you know it's wealth, there's nothing in this life that can destroy you. 

There was a man. When he was asked these questions, he wanted to get rich. He became a very rich man, but one day, when the time came, all his wealth disappeared. That day he realized, why would people want to be connected to the material when there were other ways to get rich? That man regretted dying. Because he realized that if he had chosen happiness, he would have been rich forever. Whereas money didn't warm the heart, money was ungrateful. That's why he always prayed. 

He prayed that people would choose spiritual wealth over material wealth and never regret it. But no one has heard his prayer, nor have they fulfilled his wish.