
The-Bannerless-Mill: An Otherworldly Adventurer in Faerûn

Louis-Bartholomew, a well-to-do Frenchman of modern times living in a watermill, finds himself in the fantastical world of Toril during the Time of Troubles. An era in which all the gods were punished by the higher being, Ao, and were compelled to live as mortals in the land of said mortals. Follow his ascent in this world alongside his watermill nicknamed "The-Bannerless-Mill". -------- Please take note of the following preliminary warnings prior to immersing yourself in this work: 1) The language employed adheres strictly to formal British English conventions. 2) I must clarify that I do not possess the rights to Dungeons & Dragons, the renowned tabletop role-playing game. 3) It is essential to acknowledge that I do not possess the rights to the Dungeons & Dragons settings of the Forgotten Realms, an enduring fantasy world devised by Ed Greenwood. Kindly be aware of these aspects before engaging with the material at hand. -------- The image was crafted by Midjourney, an AI designed for tailor-made visuals. I employed a bespoke typeface called "Handwriting Draft" (utilizing the Font Meme website).

Baldwin_Eamondh · Fantasia
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7 Chs

The Belching Dragon

I arrive at the esteemed establishment known as the "Belching Dragon Tavern" and find myself in the presence of its proprietor, a distinguished individual named Roderick "Rusty" Ironmug. Roderick, an elderly gentleman with a weathered countenance and calloused hands, is renowned for his quick wit and jovial demeanour. Not only does he generously provide sustenance to weary miners, but he also possesses an unwavering willingness to lend an ear to their tales.

Engaging in a mutually beneficial agreement for a few golden coins, I request Roderick to deduct the cost of my meal and libations as gratuities. Settling at a table, I take a moment to survey my surroundings.

The tavern exudes an intimate ambiance, its patrons predominantly composed of toil-worn miners. In one corner, soldiers partake in their evening repast, while in another, a group of well-armed humans catches my eye—a gathering unmistakably comprising adventurers. I savour my meal in a state of tranquil repose, simultaneously relishing the refreshing taste of my beer. Finally, the tavern keeper signals to me.

Rising from my seat, I procure a stool and face the assembled patrons, placing my tankard upon an adjacent table after one final sip. Intrigue ensues as their gazes converge upon me.

"Greetings, esteemed denizens! I am Louis-Bartholomew, though I implore you to refer to me as Louis-B. Tonight, I shall regale you with a tale from a bygone epoch, a narrative replete with heroism and enchantment, darkness and illumination.

Our story commences in a distant land known as Naburia, situated at the outermost reaches of the known world. Within Naburia reigns a youthful monarch by the name of Queen Amidalna. However, this realm finds itself embroiled in a crisis stemming from the trade of a precious gemstone unique to its lands—the Sunstone. The insatiable hunger for power exhibited by the Merchant's Guild has led them to impose an unyielding blockade, ensnaring the land of Naburia in the suffocating grip of despair.

Amidst the shadows, the venerable and esteemed Circle of Aegis has taken notice of this dire predicament. The Weapon Mages, entrusted with the preservation of peace and justice within this realm, are summoned to the fore, tasked with resolving this burgeoning conflict. Master Qui-Gon and his apprentice Obi-Wan, emissaries of the Circle, embark on a voyage to negotiate with the Merchant's Guild.

Arriving aboard the guild's vessel, their arrival as subtle and elusive as a spectre, they stand poised to engage in diplomatic discourse. Alas, the merchants prove resistant to persuasion, opting instead to dispatch steel golems as aggressors. Nevertheless, the Weapon Mages, exemplifying agility and fortitude, effortlessly cleave through the golems with their blades aglow in arcane radiance."

Drawing forth my katana, I mime the accompanying movements whilst continuing my enthralling tale.

"Fleeing the vessel upon a smaller flying craft, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan find themselves upon the hallowed grounds of Naburia. There, they encounter a most peculiar being—an aquatic gnome by the name of Jar Jar. In order to safeguard their lives from a fearsome creature, the indomitable duo is led to a subaqueous citadel, the domain of aquatic gnomes known as the Gungas. Having successfully secured the assistance of the Gungas and procured means of conveyance, our valiant heroes set forth towards Naburia's capital, where they shall convene with the queen.

As they navigate the treacherous waters of the blockade, their vessel is grievously damaged, forcing them to make an unscheduled landing amidst the barren expanse of Tatooine's desert. It is there that they chance upon a young lad named Anakin, enslaved under the oppressive yoke of Watto, a covetous purveyor of discarded wares. Qui-Gon, his keen discernment attuned to the boy's latent potential, perceives within him an extraordinary power—one that surpasses any he has ever encountered. He conjectures that young Anakin may indeed be the fabled Chosen One, destined to restore balance to the Arcane Force, that enigmatic wellspring of mystical energy entrusted solely to the guardianship of the Weapon Mages. Resolutely, he resolves to wager upon Anakin's inexorable destiny, thereby liberating him from the shackles of bondage.

Fortuitously, the fates smile upon them as an eagerly anticipated event unfurls—a race of aerial chariots, a spectacle equal parts perilous and exhilarating."

I momentarily pause, carefully evaluating the assemblage before me.

"Spectators gather with anticipation, encircling the arena, eagerly awaiting the forthcoming spectacle. Anakin, endowed with unwavering bravery and extraordinary prowess, ascends his meticulously crafted chariot. Whips crack, and the chariot's wings slice through the air as the race commences, engulfing the surroundings in a cyclone of dust and fervent cheers.

The course is fraught with perilous impediments; metallic dragons exhaling torrents of flame and malevolent whirlwinds of dark magic obstruct their path. Yet, akin to a celestial streak across the nocturnal expanse, Anakin deftly evades these obstacles, employing his remarkable dexterity and intuitive instincts. Audacious acrobatics and cunning manoeuvres propel him forward, leaving his competitors trailing far behind.

A hushed anticipation befalls the onlookers, enthralled by Anakin's unyielding determination and the breathtaking spectacle unfurling before them. As the finish line approaches with breakneck velocity, Anakin's chariot triumphantly crosses it, unleashing a resounding chorus of thunderous applause and jubilation from the elated throng.

Liberated from his shackles, Anakin is now bestowed with the hard-earned spoils of his victory. With this invaluable prize, he can now undertake the vital restoration of the aerial vessel that bore them to this momentous juncture. The sombre days of captivity have been left in the annals of the past, and henceforth, the winds shall carry his aspirations toward uncharted horizons. Nevertheless, the sorrow of parting from his enslaved mother lingers, tinging his heart with melancholy.

Meanwhile, emerging from the shadows, a malevolent adversary unveils himself. Dark Maul, a fallen Weapon Mage, stalks their trail. Hailing from an ancient order believed to have faded into obscurity—the Harbingers of Darkness—Dark Maul stands as the antithesis to the Weapon Mages, embodying terror and abhorrence. The maleficent glow that emanates from him is almost as disquieting as his dual enchanted blade—an instrument of annihilation that sends shivers down the spines of even the most valiant Weapon Mages.

With resolute determination, our valiant champions prepare to bid farewell to the arid sands of Tatooine and embark upon their return to Naburia, yearning to emancipate the realm from the clutches of the Merchant's Guild. However, their departure is fraught with peril. Dark Maul, fervently pursuing the Weapon Mages, finally discovers their presence amidst the dunes of Tatooine, instigating a swift and intense duel with Qui-Gon. Despite the element of surprise, Qui-Gon manages to elude capture, aided by his apprentice's provision of a lifeline, enabling him to ascend the ascending vessel. The visage adorned with arcane markings borne by Dark Maul and the menace wielded by his dual blades persist as indelible impressions etched into their memories, evoking a spine-chilling sensation.

Thus concludes the initial segment of our narrative, my esteemed comrades. The atmosphere tingles with suspense, and tension reverberates through our tale. What lies ahead for our intrepid protagonists? What destiny awaits young Anakin, the boy enslaved? Shall Qui-Gon successfully persuade the Circle of Aegis to recognize the true essence residing within the child? And how shall the encounter with Dark Maul unfold? Only the passage of time and the continuation of our chronicle shall unveil these enigmas. So, raise your vessels high and brace yourselves, for our tale has but begun its majestic unfurling…"


I take a momentary pause, meticulously assessing my audience. I relish a generous sip of beer, keenly observing the enthusiastic reactions of my captivated listeners. With an effulgent smile, I indulge in a few joint cracks, exemplifying my ardour.


"Let us proceed forthwith. Our gallant protagonists have recently departed the arid terrain of Tatooine, preparing to return to Naburia with the aspiration of emancipating the realm from the oppressive clutches of the Merchant's Guild. However, their expedition shall not be bereft of peril. Dark Maul, in his pursuit of the Weapon Mages, has at last unearthed their whereabouts on Tatooine, precipitating an impromptu and fervent duel with Qui-Gon. Despite the unexpected assault, Qui-Gon eludes his assailant, yet the indelible imprint of Dark Maul's tattooed visage and his twin-bladed instrument of annihilation lingers in their collective consciousness.

Upon arrival in Naburia, our intrepid heroes ascertain that the kingdom languishes under siege. The Merchant's Guild has marshalled an army of steel golems and now wields dominion over the royal palace. Nevertheless, the youthful Queen Amidala remains indomitable. Inspired by the valour of the Weapon Mages, she resolves to combat for the liberation of her dominion.

To solicit succour, our champions embark upon a treacherous pilgrimage to Coruscant, the political epicentre of Faerun, wherein the Council of Sages presides. There, Qui-Gon introduces Anakin to the Circle of Aegis, positing the young boy as the Chosen One, destined to restore equilibrium to the Arcane Force. Alas, the Circle remains reticent in accepting Anakin, apprehensive of the shadowed abyss that may be concealed within him.

Meanwhile, Queen Amidala, masquerading as one of her own handmaidens, unveils the labyrinthine political machinations and pervasive corruption that infest Coruscant. Though disheartened, her resolve unswerving, she elects to return to Naburia and personally spearhead the rebellion against the Merchant's Guild.

Thus, our valiant heroes reconvene in Naburia, armed with a resolute stratagem. Assisted by the Gungans and Jar Jar, they engage the army of steel golems in a ploy of diversion, whilst the Queen and the Weapon Mages endeavour to reclaim the regal precincts.

And herein, my esteemed audience, lies the crucible of our heroes' destiny. Shall their valor and unwavering determination suffice to overthrow the Merchant's Guild? And what fate awaits Anakin, the boy inextricably bound to the Arcane Force? Only the concluding chapter of our chronicle shall unveil the truth...

And now, dear listeners, we ingress the final act of our epic saga. Prepare yourselves, for the forthcoming battles are not meant for the faint-hearted."

The battle for Naburia commences. Under the artless yet sincere guidance of Jar Jar, the Gungans engage the steel golems in a diversionary warfare. A spectacle unfolds, a mélange of chaos and dauntlessness, wherein enchantment and metal entwine.

Meanwhile, Queen Amidala, accompanied by the Weapon Mages, infiltrates the regal stronghold. They exhibit valour, traversing the corridors with resolute purpose, their ensorcelled blades severing the defences of the golems who champion the Merchant's Guild.

However, the true crucible ensues elsewhere. Dark Maul, having doggedly pursued our heroes to Naburia, confronts them within the regal precincts. An encounter of unbearable intensity ensues, a ballet of gleaming blades and Arcane Force lightning. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan confront the sombre Weapon Mage, their harmonious movements juxtaposed against the tempestuous and inexorable dance of Dark Maul.

Amidst this maelstrom, Anakin finds himself at the helm of an airborne chariot, a war engine designed to contest the might of the Merchant's Guild. Driven by intuition of extraordinary profundity and a courage that defies measure, the young lad obliterates the Guild's command vessel, thereby neutralising their complement of steel golems.

Nevertheless, triumph invariably exacts its toll. In the duel against Dark Maul, Qui-Gon sustains tragic wounds, succumbing to his injuries in the horrified gaze of his apprentice. Enveloped by anger and desolation, Obi-Wan perseveres and prevails over Dark Maul, though the taste of victory proves acrid.

As the dust settles and Naburia revels in its restored freedom, the Circle of Aegis reappraises their stance concerning Anakin. Despite their initial misgivings, they grant Obi-Wan permission to mentor the young boy, thereby heralding a nascent era for the Weapon Mages.

And thus, my esteemed companions, our narrative draws to its denouement. A chronicle of fortitude, sacrifice, and hope. Yet, let us not forget that every finale begets a commencement anew. Who can divine the future that awaits Anakin, Obi-Wan, Queen Amidala, and the entirety of Faerun?

But such tales are reserved for subsequent eve. For now, let us raise our vessels and effusively acclaim, for this eve, we have partaken in a story that shall endure in memory. To your health, my friends, and may the Weapon Mages eternally safeguard you.

At the culmination of my recitation, silence envelops the tavern. Then, an explosive eruption of applause resounds. The denizens are spellbound by the tale, with some moved to tears. The proprietor compensates me as agreed, and even bestows upon me a complimentary libation.

This eve, you have secured your place in the inn and beyond. Moreover, you have garnered the esteem and admiration of the Nashkel populace.

Beaming, exultant in my attainment of the six golden coins, I stride towards a nearby meadow. Inadvertently, I had overlooked a minute detail: concealed amidst the terrestrial undulations lies a suit of ankheg plate armour. Though bereft of enchantment, it assuredly represents one of the finest safeguards one could obtain without cost. Assiduously, I cleanse the verdant armour and don it, securing my katana to my belt, before proceeding towards the inn. Astonishingly lightweight, the plate armour proffers resolute protection.

Indubitably, my novel ankheg plate armour defies expectations of massiveness with its surprising lightweight construction. Crafted from the exoskeleton of the eponymous creature, a gargantuan insectoid abomination typically dwelling in subterranean depths, the armour exhibits a profound green hue accompanied by a metallic sheen, endowing it with an almost otherworldly allure.

As I stroll towards the inn: The Northern Light, bedecked in my newfound armour, numerous onlookers are captivated by its presence. Some are duly impressed, gazing upon me with reverential admiration, while others are simply inquisitive.

I direct my path to the inn where I procure a chamber for the night, expending a portion of the gold coins earned from recounting my tale. The accommodation, though modest and compact, emanates cleanliness and comfort.

Weary yet contented with the day's endeavours, I retire for the night. Having achieved prodigious feats within a solitary day, I eagerly anticipate the future's offerings. Drifting into slumber with alacrity, I succumb to dreams of forthcoming odysseys.