
The Banished Angel: Vengeance and Forbidden Passion

Embark on an unparalleled epic, where a banished angel emerges in the mortal world, born from a forbidden union. Their mission: to avenge what rightfully belongs to them by divine right. But on their path to redemption, they encounter an unexpected and forbidden romance that defies cosmic laws. In this gripping saga, you will immerse yourself in a fantasy realm infused with ancient magic, where adventure pushes you to the limits, tragedy threatens to consume everything, and love transcends the barriers of possibility. Prepare for an epic odyssey that will take you through the boundaries of imagination, leaving an indelible mark on your heart. Bear witness to a destiny where nothing is as it seems, and greatness awaits on every page!

antfueriv_04 · Fantasia
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31 Chs

Human Army Hierarchy "Spoiler Alert read first up to chapter 23""

*1 General Lucius Martialis, son of the Emperor, representative position.

*4 Division Commanders ordered according to their authority and a commander of the Praetorian Guard:

-Titus Marcellus, Commander of the 1 Division, Functional leader of the army and coordinator of the whole.

-Scipio the African, Commander of the 2nd Division, most powerful Division and best strategist.

-Aurelia the Oceanic, Commander of the 3rd Division, Leader of the entire Navy and absolute authority in the waters of the empire.

-Maximus Veritatis, Commander of the 4th Division, Leader of all the secret agency of the empire, Maximum authority in Information.

Lucius Aelius Seianus, Commander of the Praetorian Guard, closest confidant and protector of the Emperor. Seianus, besides being a Paladin of the Empire, is one of the most powerful beings in the whole Continent.

*16 Brigade Captains

-First Division

1.Custodes Urbis: The brigade in charge of the security and surveillance of the cities of the empire. Their job was to keep the peace and protect the citizens from internal threats. Captain: Unknown

2. Vigiles Arcanorum: The brigade of magicians, whose headquarters was located in the Tower of Magicians of Arx Regni. These mages channeled their magical power for the benefit of the division, providing support in both combat and strategic tasks. Capt: Placida Marcellus

3.Machinatores Militis: The logistics brigade, which played a crucial role in the First Division. Their responsibility was to create and maintain the arsenal of armaments and military equipment for the entire army. Skilled engineers and blacksmiths found a home in this brigade, where their skills were valued and used to strengthen the military forces. Capt: Unknown

4. Interventus Celestis: The most specialized and demanding brigade of the division. Thanks to the peace reached with the dwarves, this unit had been formed to provide support and assistance to any other brigade of the army that needed it. Its members were fearless and willing to face any challenge to ensure victory on the battlefield. Capt: Olaf Hammerdal

-Second Division

1. Legio Desertorum: The main brigade of warriors and the main force of the division. These experienced warriors are the backbone of the Second Division, always ready to engage the orcs in direct combat. Capt: Valerius Maximus

2. Equites Alati: The brigade of fast action warriors. These swift and agile horsemen engage in scouting, reconnaissance and surprise attacks against orc enemies. Captain: Unknown

3. Praesidium Paradisi: The logistics brigade. This team is responsible for ensuring resource supply, transportation and management of logistical operations to keep the division at full combat capability. Captain: Unknown

4. Pilum Calidi: Our mage brigade, headquartered in the Mage Tower of Urbs Potentiae. These talented mages are skilled in the art of magic and play a crucial role in supporting the forces of the Second Division. Captain: Unknown

-Third Division

1.Navis Invicta: The brigade in charge of operating and maintaining all the ships, frigates and submarines of the fleet. These brave sailors were the guardians of the waters, sailing with courage and skill to protect the realm. Capt: Livia Flaviana

2. Legio Maris: The brigade specialized in underwater combat. Its members would dive into the depths to face the challenges that arose beneath the waves, defending the empire from the sea depths. Captain: Unknown

3. Mare Nostrum: The brigade of magicians, whose headquarters was located in the tower of magicians of Agrisventus Urbs. These sea wizards mastered the mysteries and spells related to the ocean, using their power to aid in maritime operations. Captain: Unknown

4. Terra Prospiciens: The logistics brigade, playing a vital role in the creation and maintenance of the empire's fleet. Talented engineers and craftsmen worked tirelessly to ensure that ships were in perfect condition, regardless of their gender. Capt: Unknown

-Fourth Division

1. Vigiles Intellectus: The main brigade of spies, whose skill and stealth were their greatest strength. These skilled infiltrators were the main force of the division and were in charge of gathering vital information. Capt: Decimus Scipio

2. Exsequiae Falx: The assassin brigade and intervention unit, known for their lethality and deadly skills. They were the executors of critical missions and infiltrated enemy territories with determination and precision. Captain: Unknown

3.Tabularii Secretorum: The logistics brigade, in charge of collecting, organizing and analyzing the information obtained. Their role was critical to ensure that data was available and accessible for strategic decision making. Captain: Unknown

4. Speculatores Magi: The mage brigade, headquartered in the Mage Tower of Auri Habitat. These mages possessed arcane knowledge and used their power to glean information from the darkest corners. Captain: Unknown

Number of squads variable depending on the Brigade.

Here you have the information to consult on the hierarchy of the human army.

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