
The Banished Angel: Vengeance and Forbidden Passion

Embark on an unparalleled epic, where a banished angel emerges in the mortal world, born from a forbidden union. Their mission: to avenge what rightfully belongs to them by divine right. But on their path to redemption, they encounter an unexpected and forbidden romance that defies cosmic laws. In this gripping saga, you will immerse yourself in a fantasy realm infused with ancient magic, where adventure pushes you to the limits, tragedy threatens to consume everything, and love transcends the barriers of possibility. Prepare for an epic odyssey that will take you through the boundaries of imagination, leaving an indelible mark on your heart. Bear witness to a destiny where nothing is as it seems, and greatness awaits on every page!

antfueriv_04 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 29: Citadel of the Silver Dawn and the Mana Academy

Luzbel and Morrigan's long journey came to an end when they disembarked at the port of the Citadel of the Silver Dawn, leaving the winding embrace of the Stýx River to enter the mainland once again. In front of them loomed the Citadel, a dazzling metropolis that seemed to rise from the most exquisite dreams. Luzbel and Morrigan's hearts raced at the majesty unfolding before them, as if they were the protagonists of a fantasy tale come to life.

The panorama that stretched before their eyes defied all expectations. The buildings, with a unique fusion of Greek, Roman, Arabic, Gothic and Nordic architectural styles, formed a landscape that defied the limits of imagination. Each corner of the citadel was a masterpiece in itself, a testament to the genius of those who built it. But what truly captivated their gaze was the silvery glow that enveloped every corner of the city, giving it a celestial and magical halo that seemed to emanate from the stars themselves.

The vision that unfolded before them was simply dazzling. The streets became scenes of vibrant diversity, where creatures from all corners of fantasy coexisted in harmony. Orcs, with their imposing presence and might, shared the space with dwarves whose strength defied their diminutive size. Meanwhile, the elves, radiant in their ethereal elegance, mingled with the demihumans, whose bestial features gave them a wild and captivating beauty. And, of course, the mermaids could not be missing, with their sinuous fish tails meandering through the cobblestone streets, spreading an air of enchantment and mystery.

At that moment, Luzbel and Morrigan found themselves immersed in a living canvas of a melting pot of creatures and cultures, where each step revealed new surprises and encounters with magical and extraordinary beings that inhabited that dream kingdom. It was as if they were at the very epicenter of fantasy, where reality merged with the unimaginable, and the boundaries between worlds vanished in a fleeting embrace.

In that instant, Luzbel and Morriga understood that they had arrived at a place where the boundaries of the possible were blurred and adventures were woven around every corner. With hearts brimming with wonder and excitement, they prepared to enter the beating heart of the Citadel of the Silver Dawn, where the challenges and wonders that only a magical land could offer awaited.

The hopefuls advanced, captivated by the spectacle, each step revealing new wonders, new encounters with magical and extraordinary beings that inhabited that dream kingdom.

However, fate had in store for them a turning point in their journey. Their steps led them to an imposing tower that stood majestically above the entire Silver Citadel. It was the Mana Academy, a structure that seemed to exude wisdom and power in every detail. Its tall towers stood as guardians of ancient knowledge, while the intricate architectural motifs were reminiscent of the legendary Tower of Babel in all its grandeur. It was a tribute to magic, a beacon of learning in that mystical world.

The tower stood proudly, and the aspirants marveled at its splendor. The delicately carved contours and magical reliefs that adorned its walls gave the tower an undeniable presence. The crystal windows, true carved jewels, allowed the sun's rays to filter inside, creating a play of light and colors that seemed to dance to the rhythm of magic.

Luzbel and Morrigan, along with the other aspirants, stopped in front of the imposing Mana Academy. Their hearts pounded with anticipation and excitement as they faced their next challenge: to cross the thresholds of that sacred place and face the trials that would lead them to unleash their true magical potential.

The majesty of the tower and the aura of wisdom that seemed to permeate every inch of the place instilled in the aspirants a renewed sense of purpose and determination. They knew that therein lay their path to greatness, and they were ready to overcome every obstacle with courage and skill.

With an emotion-filled sigh, Luzbel and Morrigan crossed the threshold of Mana Academy, leaving the known world behind to enter a realm where magic and mystery intertwined in an eternal dance. Their destinies merged with the secrets held within the high walls of the tower, and they were ready to face any challenge that came their way with courage and determination.

Luzbel and Morrigan, accompanied by the rest of the aspirants, stood in front of the imposing doors of the tower. It was time to say goodbye to the warriors who had accompanied them to that point and enter the heart of the Mana Academy.

They crossed the threshold and were perplexed by what they saw. Not only did the tower soar to the very top, defying the limits of vision, but it was also absurdly wide. Its magnificence was apparent in every detail of its construction.

Inside the tower, they found themselves in a wide circle that seemed to extend infinitely. It was a dreamlike place, filled with lush gardens, majestic trees and fascinating structures. The only indication that they were inside a building were the high walls surrounding them and the door through which they had just entered. Not even looking up could they make out a roof, instead there was an illusory sky adorned with floating clouds.

In the midst of this dazzling scene, thousands of children of all races were gathered on a spacious esplanade. They chattered anxiously about the majestic tower and shared their aspirations in the mastery of mana. Albeit in a very gregarious manner as there was a clear division by race in the groups of aspirants.

The crowd turned their attention to a huge stage-like structure.

The aspirants from the human realm approached the rest of the groups, realizing that they were the last to arrive. Luzbel, attentive to his surroundings, clearly noticed the segregation between the different races, each forming its own group within the vast grounds of the Mana Academy.

The elves, graceful and serene beings, were sitting peacefully near a group of trees, in perfect harmony with the surrounding nature. The dwarves, energetic and proud, were meticulously preparing their weapons and armor. The mermaids and some tritons were basking in the waters of a small lake, enjoying their natural element. The human Demi, with their ancestral wisdom, were in an elevated area, absorbed in deep meditation. Finally, the orcs, whose warrior spirit was always driving them towards battle, were facing each other, as if an inner fire was relentlessly animating them.

When the humans arrived, the rest of the races mostly ignored them, except for the orcs. These approached the human group with a defiant attitude, as if they had found a fun toy to play with. Led by a large 7-foot tall orc with a burly frame, the orcs combined human features with elven ears, as well as possessing a prominent musculature. They could not be considered ugly, but had a different concept of beauty, rough and masculine. They dressed in tribal and scanty garments, showing off their muscular bodies adorned with scars that told stories of past battles.

The orc leading the group stood out among the others. With his long, unkempt hair and hard facial features, albeit with boyish touches, his bare torso was marked by numerous scars. As he approached, the arrogant human prince who had hitherto led the group hid in the crowd, demonstrating his cowardice.

The orc, named Sirhan, let out a laugh. "I, Sirhan, did not expect that you humans, besides being smaller and weaker than our orc women, would also be a cowardly bunch. I wonder what you could do here with your strength," mocking them.

After a moment of silence, and seeing the passivity of the humans, he added: "I know what you could do. Come and entertain the orcs."

After saying that he focused his attention on the group and stopped on Luzbel and Morrigan, the orc continued, "No doubt there are fine specimens among you." He approached the pair and reached out to grab them, but Luzbel reacted in an astonishing manner.

In an instant, Luzbel lunged forward with feline speed, moving with unearthly dexterity. His movements were a perfect choreography of agility and precision. With an elegant pirouette, he spun 360° like a spinning top, harnessing centrifugal force to increase the power of his attack. Luzbel's forceful elbow was unleashed with unmatched ferocity, impacting with pinpoint accuracy on the back of Sirhan's neck.

The sound of the collision echoed through the air, followed by a momentary silence. Sirhan's eyes clouded over as his body lurched off balance, unable to withstand the devastating impact. The world seemed to stop for an instant, and then, with an almost unreal grace, Sirhan fell face first to the ground with a dull thud.

All were petrified at Luzbel's action, and to the surprise of the humans, the orcs showed not hatred towards him, but worship, silently moving away along with the body of their leader.

The human aspirants looked at Luzbel with renewed admiration, and the women both human and especially the orcs looked at Luzbel with a clear attraction. These looks did not go unnoticed by Morrigan, who quickly embraced Luzbel's arm, subtly but obviously marking her territory.


After the brief exchange with the orcs, calm returned to reign in the place. All the aspirants headed back to the stage, where a mysterious man made his appearance, an old man dressed in a luxurious robe of immaculate beauty appeared on the stage. His silver hair and a perfectly groomed beard stood out among his most notable features: his long ears, a hallmark of his elven origin.

The elf looked at the crowd and, using magic to amplify his voice, solemnly introduced himself: "I am Merlin, an Archmage and professor of magic at this academy. And, most importantly, I am in charge of this year's entrance exams."

An expectant silence enveloped the applicants as they admired the elf's ability to amplify his voice with the power of mana. Merlin gave a speech in which he reminded the apprentices how fortunate they were to be selected by their respective kingdoms to test their skills. However, all the flattery faded as the Archmage reminded them of a detail that many were already forgetting.

"But just because you were sent by your kingdoms does not guarantee that all of you will be part of the illustrious Mana Academy," Merlin announced firmly.

The reminder brought many aspirants back to reality, setting aside fantasies of a grandiose future. Merlin continued his speech, capturing the attention of all present: "Of the thousands of students here present, only one thousand will be admitted to receive the lessons of the Mana Academy. The others will be able to access the other academies located in the Citadel, but in the Academy we only want the elite of the elite from all over the continent. They will be trained by the greatest masters of the arcane arts and other disciplines."

The speech generated visible competition among the apprentices, who were willing to fight for the prized places. Merlin, observing the determination in the eyes of the aspirants, spoke with appreciation: "The tests will consist of the following examinations: in the first, your elemental affinity will be evaluated. The more elements you can awaken, the higher your score will be. In the second test, the power you can generate using mana will be measured. Some may wonder why we do not evaluate martial skill, strategy or intelligence. The reason is simple: mana is absolute. Just as an ant, no matter how clever and skilled, cannot kill a human, the best swordsman in the world cannot even scratch a Paladin".

After explaining himself, Merlin concluded with an energetic tone, "With this, I hereby declare the admission tests to the Mana Academy initiated!"

Excitement and determination filled the air as the aspirants prepared to face the challenges that awaited them on their path to mastery of magic and wisdom.

Check the chapter comments to find illustrations from the novel.

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