
The Banished Angel: Vengeance and Forbidden Passion

Embark on an unparalleled epic, where a banished angel emerges in the mortal world, born from a forbidden union. Their mission: to avenge what rightfully belongs to them by divine right. But on their path to redemption, they encounter an unexpected and forbidden romance that defies cosmic laws. In this gripping saga, you will immerse yourself in a fantasy realm infused with ancient magic, where adventure pushes you to the limits, tragedy threatens to consume everything, and love transcends the barriers of possibility. Prepare for an epic odyssey that will take you through the boundaries of imagination, leaving an indelible mark on your heart. Bear witness to a destiny where nothing is as it seems, and greatness awaits on every page!

antfueriv_04 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 27: Traveling to Urbs Potentiae

Luzbel awoke slowly, feeling a throbbing headache that seemed to echo in every corner of his skull. He blinked several times, trying to acclimate himself to the dim light in the room. It was then that he realized he was not in his own room.

A wave of surprise and confusion swept over Luzbel as his eyes fell on Morrigan, who was sleeping peacefully beside him. The memory of the previous night began to emerge in his mind, albeit in a fragmented way due to the effect of the alcohol.

With extreme care, Luzbel moved slowly, avoiding disturbing Morrigan's sleep. He got out of bed, feeling a strange mixture of relief and uneasiness as he left the room that did not belong to him. As she quickly dressed, her mind filled with unanswered questions about how she had gotten there and what that unexpected episode meant.

Meanwhile, Morrigan, who had been pretending to be asleep, opened her eyes with a mischievous smile on her lips. She watched as Luzbel crept out of the room, wary of disturbing her apparent sleep. A playful gleam danced in Morrigan's eyes as her mind reveled in the uncertainty that would surely overtake Luzbel as soon as she realized what had happened.


Luzbel, Morrigan, Titus and Placida gathered in the breakfast room, sharing a moment of calm before the exciting day ahead of them. The rays of the morning sun filtered through the windows, illuminating the room and creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Titus, with his commanding presence, turned his gaze towards Luzbel and Morrigan, conveying a mixture of pride and confidence. "Today is the day you must leave for the capital to take the entrance exam to the Mana Academy," he told them seriously but also with a touch of excitement in his voice.

Luzbel and Morrigan nodded with determination, aware of the importance of this stage in their lives. They knew they had to prove their worth and make the most of this opportunity to enter the prestigious academy.

Titus continued, revealing a valuable secret. "To facilitate your journey, I have obtained a safe-conduct that will allow you to avoid the first test at Urbs Potentiae," he announced, giving Luzbel and Morrigan unexpected relief. However, Placida intervened to remind them that they would still have to pass the tests at the academy to secure admission.

Breakfast passed in a lively atmosphere, as everyone shared their good wishes and words of encouragement. Luzbel and Morrigan got ready with the luggage the maids had arranged for them and headed for the stable, where Vlad was waiting for them along with three majestic pegasus.

Titus and Placida caught up with them in the courtyard, showing their support until the last moment. Placida embraced each of them, her eyes reflecting motherly love and a desire for them to take care of themselves. Titus, in a deep and firm voice, urged Luzbel to become a man of valor and return as a soldier worthy of his lineage.

Meanwhile, Morrigan attempted to mount one of the pegasus, but it resisted. Wasting no time, Luzbel intervened and, with skill and gentleness, helped her onto his pegasus and he mounted on the back. Mounted on the pegasus, the three took flight towards the capital, leaving Titus and Placida behind, who watched them with a mixture of hope and nostalgia from the courtyard.

The wind caressed their faces as they soared into the sky, feeling the excitement and uncertainty that awaited them on their journey to the academy. Together, Luzbel, Morrigan and Vlad stepped into the horizon, ready to face challenges, discover new knowledge and forge their destiny in the world of mana and magic.


The journey on the Pegasus turned out to be much faster than they expected. The speed of these magnificent winged beings, combined with the ability to fly in a straight line, shortened what would normally have been a month-long journey to as little as a week. Despite the speed, there were times when they had to make brief stops due to inclement weather or to rest and attend to their basic needs.

Along the way, the views that unfolded before their eyes were simply breathtaking. Vast rolling meadows, dotted with small human villages, stretched as far as the eye could see. The beauty of nature was so captivating that at times Luzbel and Morrigan became engrossed, losing themselves in the magnificence of the landscape.

There were, however, remarkable moments in their journey. Morrigan, determined to establish a connection with the Pegasus, was constantly trying to win their trust and affection. But the noble steeds, with their pride and indomitable character, continued to reject her advances. These rejections frustrated Morrigan, and Luzbel became her refuge, soothing her bad mood and reminding her that time and patience were key in building a relationship with magical beings.

One thing that stood out on the trip, however, was Morrigan's persistent insistence on sleeping next to Luzbel. At first, Luzbel was puzzled, not understanding the motive behind this request. But Morrigan's constant insistence led him to agree, albeit with some confusion. Every night, it seemed that, despite each having their own side of the bed, Morrigan always ended up curled up in Luzbel's arms, as if seeking his closeness and protection in the darkness of the night.

Vlad, observing Morrigan's actions, shook his head in resignation. He knew that Morrigan's actions had a purpose, a purpose that Luzbel still failed to fully comprehend. The butler waited patiently for the moment when Luzbel could grasp and understand the feelings that Morrigan had been weaving around him since the very moment he arrived at the villa.

The journey on the Pegasus came to an end when, at dawn on the seventh day, Luzbel and Morrigan began to make out an imposing sight in the distance: a huge city loomed on the horizon. As they drew nearer, the buildings multiplied, the villages crowded together and the population became denser. It was clear that they were approaching a center of unparalleled power and grandeur.

As they approached the city, they marveled at its magnificence. The metropolis stretched horizontally and vertically with no end in sight. The buildings, tall and pointed, seemed to scrape the very sky. It was an architectural amalgam that combined elements of ancient classical Rome with the majesty of Gothic buildings. The streets, wide and clean, were paved with carefully placed stones, and countless chariots pulled by magical beasts circulated on them. When viewed from the sky, a symmetrical network of harmoniously intertwined streets was visible.

What impressed Luzbel and Morrigan's eyes most, however, was one area of the city that stood out with a majesty all its own. A huge structure, almost comparable to a city in itself, stood imposingly like a mountain. It was the Imperial Palace, known as Aeternum Palatium. Its towers and domes stood out among the other buildings, proclaiming the supremacy and power of those who resided within its walls.

Luzbel, Morrigan and Vlad descended in an area at the magnificent entrance to the city. Since flying was forbidden they left their loyal Pegasus in a stable dedicated to the care of mounts. Although they felt a slight sadness at parting from their winged companions, they knew it was necessary to follow the rules of the imperial city.

As they walked through the streets of the city, they marveled at the imposing architecture and vibrant life that filled it. There were bustling markets, with stalls offering all manner of magical and exotic goods. Groups of wizards and warriors strolled around in their elaborate robes and garments, exchanging knowledge and discussing the mysteries of mana.

After a long walk and not approaching the immense palace on the horizon it was evident that the size of the city required more suitable transportation than the Pegasos. It didn't take them long to find an establishment that rented carts pulled by magical beasts, a mandatory option for getting around the metropolis.

Vlad, using the money Titus had given him, decided to purchase one of the best carriages available. Not only did he wish to provide them with a comfortable and safe means of transportation, but also to demonstrate his unconditional support for Luzbel and Morrigan in their quest to enter the Mana Academy.

The carriage, magnificently adorned and pulled by two species of scaled bulls, was ready to take them to the center of the city, where the admission tests would take place. Luzbel and Morrigan climbed into the carriage, admiring its elegance and comfort. Vlad, taking the reins, took the driver's seat.

The road to the center of the city was a journey full of wonders. The streets narrowed as they entered the heart of the city, surrounded by even taller and more majestic buildings. Passersby came and went, showing the diversity and cultural richness that the city held.

The carriage was moving along the cobblestone streets, heading towards the center of the city where both Luzbel and Morrigan were amused by the spectacular view of the imposing Urbs Potentiae.

Check the chapter comments to find illustrations from the novel.

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