
The Banished Angel: Vengeance and Forbidden Passion

Embark on an unparalleled epic, where a banished angel emerges in the mortal world, born from a forbidden union. Their mission: to avenge what rightfully belongs to them by divine right. But on their path to redemption, they encounter an unexpected and forbidden romance that defies cosmic laws. In this gripping saga, you will immerse yourself in a fantasy realm infused with ancient magic, where adventure pushes you to the limits, tragedy threatens to consume everything, and love transcends the barriers of possibility. Prepare for an epic odyssey that will take you through the boundaries of imagination, leaving an indelible mark on your heart. Bear witness to a destiny where nothing is as it seems, and greatness awaits on every page!

antfueriv_04 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 1: The End for the Beginning

Michael, his gaze full of determination and conviction, turned to the ranks of angels surrounding him. The chaos of battle had momentarily subsided, and his voice echoed in the tension-laden air.

"Brothers and sisters, listen to me," Michael began in a strong, forceful voice. "We have lived too long under the rule of a weak leader, a leader who has allowed demons to wreak havoc in our realms."

The angels listened attentively, some with expressions of doubt, but many nodded in agreement. Michael seized the moment and continued.

"Gabriel, my brother, is a man of fine words and empty promises. But where is the strength we need in these dark times? Where is the leadership that will crush the demons and restore heavenly glory?"

Michael pointed towards the white quartz palace, still standing despite the ravages of war. "Gabriel has shown his weakness by sending his wife and son into hiding while he fights. Is this what we want from a leader? Someone who runs away instead of directly confronting the threat?"

The angels murmured among themselves, questioning Gabriel's actions and considering Michael's words. Michael seized the moment to reinforce his position.

"We need a strong, courageous and determined leader. Someone who is not afraid to face the demons in their own lair. Someone who will fight to the last breath for our heaven and our sacred existence."

Michael spread his majestic wings and looked to the horizon, where echoes of the battle could still be heard. "Brothers and sisters, it is our duty to protect this heaven and eradicate the demonic threat. We cannot allow fear and indecision to paralyse us."

The rebel leader paused dramatically and then concluded with a tone of determination. "It is time for a new direction. It is time for a strong leader to rise up and lead our armies to final victory. Let us unite under my banner and drive the demons from our sacred lands!"

Michael's words echoed in the hearts of many angels present. Uncertainty and dissatisfaction towards Gabriel mingled with a desire for safety and protection. As chaos once again erupted on the battlefield, Michael's followers prepared to fight with renewed fervour, believing in his leadership and the promise of a safer, demon-free future.


The white quartz palace glowed with heavenly light filtering through its crystalline walls. Inside, an imposing man with golden eyes and white hair stood, his gaze filled with determination. In front of him, a beautiful woman with black hair and green eyes gently held a baby in her arms. The atmosphere was charged with tension, as the deafening sound of war echoed outside. Explosions, fire and screams filled the air, reminding them of the brutal reality around them.

Heaven was engulfed in civil war, led by Michael, who was leading an army of angels to the golden city in search of his brother's palace. Gabriel, the golden-eyed man, knew that the confrontation was imminent and that the safety of his wife and child was at stake. In a firm voice, he urged her to flee while there was still time.

"We must go, Lilith," Gabriel whispered with determination, his voice echoing in the majesty of the hall. "The war is coming, and I cannot allow you to take unnecessary risks."

Lilith, the voluptuous black-haired, green-eyed beauty, held the baby tightly in her arms and looked at her husband with determination. "I cannot leave without you, Gabriel. I cannot leave you in this dark time."

The sounds of battle were approaching, Michael's cries echoing in his ears, demanding surrender. Gabriel knew his brother would show no mercy and that his only goal was to seize the power he believed was rightfully his. However, he was willing to stand up to him and protect his family at any cost.

Suddenly, Gabriel spread his wings, four pairs of white feathered wings, and a burst of holy power filled the room. A radiant halo enveloped his figure, elevating his presence to a divine level. With a majestic gesture, he created a spatial rift before them.

"Lilith, you must leave now," Gabriel urged urgently, pointing to the dimensional opening forming before them. "Take our son and flee through this rift. I will stay and fight to stop Michael."

Lilith resisted, fearing for the safety of her beloved husband. But the rumble of war drew ever closer, and Gabriel knew there was no time to lose. With tears in her eyes, Lilith kissed Gabriel passionately and then approached the space rift.

"Promise me you'll come back safely," Lilith whispered, clutching the baby tenderly as she prepared to cross the dimensional barrier.

Gabriel nodded with determination and took his beloved wife's hands. "I'll be back, Lilith. I promise. But now you must go. Protect our son and stay safe. I trust you.

Lilith, her heart full of pain and hope, stepped into the space rift with her son. In the last instant before she disappeared, she turned to Gabriel, her green eyes full of love and determination.

"I will wait for you, Gabriel," she murmured in a breathy voice. "Come back to us, to your family."

With one last glance at his beloved wife and son, Gabriel closed the space rift behind them. The din of battle echoed around him as he prepared to face his brother, Michael, in a battle that would decide the fate of the celestial realms.

The corridors of the white quartz palace vibrated with the energy of the coming confrontation. Gabriel, enveloped in a glowing aura, strode purposefully outwards, where the war had plunged the sky into chaos and despair.

Michael's angels descended from the heavens, their wings outstretched and their weapons raised. Battle cries filled the air as armies clashed in a deadly dance. Gabriel, wielding a sword of light in each hand, cut through the enemy ranks, his determination unwavering.

The fighting was fierce, the clash of swords echoed and magical flashes illuminated the smoke-darkened sky of battle. Gabriel engaged Michael's followers with supernatural skill and power, his sword slicing through the air with lethal precision.

The conflict raged for endless hours, but Gabriel did not falter. His determination was fuelled by the image of his beloved Lilith and her son, waiting safely somewhere beyond the reality now tearing itself apart before his eyes.

Finally, in an epic confrontation atop the palace, Gabriel came face to face with Michael.

"Surrender, Michael," Gabriel said in a voice serene but full of power. "This war cannot continue. There is more at stake than power and domination."

Michael, breathing heavily, looked at his brother with a mixture of anger and recognition. "I will never accept defeat, Gabriel. Heaven needs a strong leader, and you are not that man.

Gabriel shook his head and raised his blades of light. "There is no balance in mutual destruction. You don't understand brother, the destruction of demons was never an option. We are sides of the same coin, we complement each other and we need each other to maintain the balance of the world."

The final battle erupted between the two brothers, each fighting for his vision of what was right. Divine energy was released in explosions of light and darkness, as the heavens trembled and the cries of war slowly died down.

"In the closing of this chapter, lies the end of a story, but rises the dawn of a new, unexplored epic.

Hi guys, I'm the author and I want to thank you for taking the time to have a look at my work, I want to make it clear that I'm not an experienced writer and I just hope you'll be understanding. My work will be done unhurriedly and to my personal taste. And as I treat this work with great affection I hope your comments will be constructive. Nothing more I wish you a good adventure.

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