
The Ballad of a Dove

Being as gentle as possible, Elijah gripped the dark handle and began pulling it from her chest. The sound of the dagger being released sent a sliding echo through the cavern. It was time for his little Eve to awaken.

little_miss_writer · TV
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28 Chs

Unsuitable Suitor

Ian Young's POV

It wasn't in Ian Young's character to be at a loss for control in a situation or any situation for that matter. He had always considered himself to be a bargaining man. One smarter than the rest and always a step ahead of the competition. However, the sensation of having his limp body carried into a room and thrown carelessly onto a pile of rotting corpses wasn't his finest hour. The gash on his neck was of course created to appear worse than it was, though that didn't mean it was any less painful.

Ian laid there, eyes closed, breathing controlled. Patience, he thought to himself as he listened to the dissipating footsteps of Sarah's workers. Had she manipulated them too? A surge of anger took over his senses, giving him the strength to lift himself off the pile of...bodies. He swallowed hard, keeping his eyes closed as he tried to ignore the horrible stench as he crawled over the bodies and behind a pillar where he could gather his bearings. He could do this. He could do this. Taking a quick breath, he opened his eyes and looked around, searching for any form of an exit. Ian remembered back to Evangeline's instructions. Get out, get to the city, go to the compound. Ian would inform her family of what's happened, and they would be able to handle the situation from there. He knew the danger he was in to venture into the home of the Original Vampires, but Eve was in danger. She would come first from now on if she ever forgave him that is.

It took another surge of courage for Ian to jump to his feet and make a mad dash for the nearest exit. Ten steps away. Then five. Then two. Crack. The sound of a gunshot went off and a second later Ian felt an acute pain in his bare left shoulder. Letting out a surprised scream he nearly stopped, shocked. Another gunshot reminded his frayed senses to run, and he took off faster than he'd ever run before, body coursing with adrenaline.

He crashed through vines and jumped over small pools of sludgy bayou water. The sound of distant echoing shouts behind him urging him forward. He didn't stop, he couldn't stop, even when his legs threatened to fail from exhaustion. It seemed an endless battle and he almost fell to his knees in thanks when he could see civilization ahead. While his body started to slow, his mind moved a million miles a second. He had to get to the compound, already etching a map of the way he'd take for the quickest route.

Ian skidded to a halt when he made it to the main road. He had acquired new wounds on his trip through the bayou, but those were immediately forgotten as he raced barefoot towards the French Quarter. Run. Just keep running. He repeated to himself.

Then, like a beacon lighting the night, the compound was suddenly visible from his line of vision. His heart leaped with relief as he nearly collided with the door, fists immediately starting to pound against the wood with furious exasperation, until someone opened the door. A tall woman with pale blonde hair, like that of Eve, stood before him with a scowl of annoyance.

"Who in the bloody-" she began but was quickly cut off by a wheezing Ian.

"Eve. In danger. In the Bayou" it was all Ian could manage to say while his chest heaved.

The girls' eyes widened as the information seemed to sink in and she suddenly called out "Elijah! Nik!" The two men were behind her in an instant and the next thing Ian knew was a grip on his arm pulling him inside and slamming the door shut behind him. The room was a blur before he was on a stone bistro chair in the center of the heavily decorated compound lower level. A stiff finger jammed against his chest, making it even harder to catch his breath.

"Where is she. What did you do to my sister!" A man with a hard expression. In an instant, Ian knew who this person was. Those cold eyes belonged to Eve's brother, the hybrid, Klaus Mikaelson.

"She's in the bayou, south of here. An abandoned warehouse," he stumbled over his words, "You have to go now. You have to save her. They have white oak ash. They're going to kill her" he choked out in a frenzy. His normal sleek and composed appearance had turned into a disheveled mess of emotion. "I never meant for this to happen..."

"So, this did happen because of you. I knew it. I knew she couldn't handle to be in this world-" Klaus was immediately cut off by his sister, who Ian assumed to be Rebekah. Another Original.

"Blast it, Nik. Stop your bellyaching and get ahold of yourself. We will deal with the urchin later after we save our sister. Go!" Rebekah scolded before taking off in a sudden gust of wind, out the door, and surely towards the bayou where Evangeline awaited her fate if she hadn't already met it.

Klaus glowered down at Ian, locking eyes with him as his pupils dilated, ensnaring him into his mind compulsion "You are to sit here and wait for my return. Thinking of the last words you will say before I rip you apart, limb from limb and feed you to the bayou." With one last glare of resentment, Klaus took off, leaving Ian alone in the compound with the inability to stand or dress his wounds. Blood running down from his shoulder coating him with the sticky substance. Perhaps he'd be dead before Klaus could make good on his threat.