
(8) Like a BOSS!

"Is this it?" Charlie whispered, looking serious as a duck.

"Yup." Beth hands him a paper bag with "POLLY THE TAILOR" written on it, "They've added the pushup bra with silicon in it."

"Good." He nodded.

"Oh, and Polly wanted you to have this too." She handed him a pink pouch that has a ribbon as the lock.

He shook the pink-clothed pouch and he grinned "Perfect."

I raised an eyebrow, "What's inside that bag?"

"A fairy suit," Beth smirked.

"U-huh." I rolled my eyes at her sarcastic answer.

Yeah right.

Grabbing my phone, I faced him and instructed, "Well whatever it is, just wear that thing. Make sure that you're already in it when we come back."

"When 'we' come back?" He raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?'

"Oh, you know." I shrugged him off, walking outside my office with Beth trailing behind me.

I heard some fumbling and he called out, "Uh no, no I don't know!"

Stopping on my tracks, I turned around and blinked, "We're going to see our 'competition.' "

I continued in our tracks and slammed the office door closed.


Purple-painted walls, a clean backyard, and a welcoming aura greeted our presence.

"Damn, they're good." Beth muttered in awe as she crossed her arms, "Let's leave-"

Gripping her elbow, I stopped her. "No, we're not. We're going inside that daycare, like a boss." I said it like how Jacksepticeye does it.

"Like a boss." She muttered.

"Say it with me!" I encouraged her. "LIIIIIIIIIIKE A BOOOOSS!"

"Like a boss." She muttered again.

"No, scream it!"

"Like a boss." She said in a bored tone.

"No, feel it!"

She rolled her eyes, "Liiike a boosss."


"LIKE A BOSSSSS!!!!" She screamed angrily.

"That's the spirit!" I grinned, "Now, let's go!"

We walked inside the daycare like a boss.

Cold air, children screaming and a calm aura enveloped me when we entered the damn place.

They know what they're doing.

"Hello and welcome to Bean Stalk Land! Where the funniest and nicest daycare is located at!" A familiar voice came from behind us.

I froze. No.way.

"Hmm? Aren't you too young to be a mother?" He asked towards Beth.

"I'm 19." She scoffed, before turning around.

"And I'm Dean." He winked, then realization dawned in his eyes, "Wait, Beth?!"

"Dean," Beth muttered in shock.

I turned around as my eyes widened. Seeing me, his eyes widened and a grin formed on his face. "Vanchel!"

"You know him?" Beth asked, something flashed in her eyes.

I gasped, "No, you know him?"

"I asked first."

I shrugged, "I met him at a bloody place. What about you?"

"He's my brother's best friend." She answered, "Back in Oregon."

"Wha-?" I asked Dean.

He grinned, putting an arm around Beth's shoulders, "She's like my baby sister."

That something in her eyes was anger when I noticed it flaming in her eyes, "Yeah." She pursed her lips, "Baby sister."

I have a feeling that they're not in the same boat here.

She closed her eyes before pushing his hands off her. "Anyways, what are you doing here?"

He grinned, "Well, I'm starting my own daycare center! Isn't it cool?!"

"Great, awesome." She answered with thick sarcasm.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked us.

"I own the daycare at the other block," I answered.

He smirked, "Ah, looking at the competition ey?"

I shrugged, "Pretty much."

He grinned, "Don't worry, I'm not stealing anything."

"Shut up you liar."

I snapped my head towards Beth and looked at her with wide eyes. Did she just say that?! No duh, Vanch.

"Hmm? Me? A liar?" Dean asked, "I don't remember lying."

"Another lie." She glared at him before heading out. "Let's go Chel."

Dean gripped her wrist which made her stop. "Is anything wrong?"

"No, nothing." She pulled back her arm forcefully, before looking straight into my eyes, pleading silently. "Let's go."

"See you around Dean. And welcome to the neighborhood." I muttered as we head out of the daycare.

Well, that was something!

"Is everything alright Beth?" I asked her worriedly.

"Everything's fine." She muttered, closing her eyes tightly. When she opened it, she gave me a sad smile, "Trust me, I'm fine."

Pfft, you and Dean are liars.


I almost had a heart attack when I saw Charlie's attire.

Charlie was wearing an above-the-knee purple dress, a colored blue flower crown, a pair of lavender 3-inch stilettos, and a pair of pink fake huge wings.


"Are you seriously going to wear that for this job?" I gawked at him.

"What?" He asked, wiggling his fairy wings, "It's not that bad." He winked at me, "Don't I look gorgeous."

"Nope." I shook my head, "Not even close."

"LET YOUR SPIRIT FLY!" He grinned, "With these fairy dust!" And with that, he sprinkled sparkly glitters all over me.

"What the heck, Charlie!" I groaned as I wiped the annoying glitters off my face. "I'm gonna be blind!"

"Don't worry, I don't think it dropped in your eyes." He laughed.

Oh, how assuring.

I pursed my lips as I heard Beth knocking outside my office, "Chel? Charlie?"

"We're coming!" He called out, walking towards my door.

"Whoa, how did you learn to use a stiletto?"

He raised an eyebrow, "What? It's not that hard."

Sighing through my nose, we walked out of my office, like a boss!