
(7) The Job Offer

I was in the middle of reading the book about King Henry VIII when my office door slammed open and was slammed closed.

"What the-"

"Chel, help!" An exhausted-looking Beth barged in.

Beth was temporarily working here as my assistant when she was still in high school but now that she's a freshman in college, I made her the manager of the place.

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's wrong?"

"There's a new daycare that opened up about a block away."

"That's good." I nodded, "Good for them."

"Good for them, but bad for us."

"It's alright Beth." I chuckled, "We have our own loyal customers."

"The one who owns the place is good looking according to Mrs. Ruviolo."

"That's nice."

"No, it isn't!" She sighed, "You're too nice for your own good."

"Why is it not nice then?"

She looked down, "Mrs. Ruviolo said her last goodbye earlier. She said that she's transferring her son to that daycare."

My eyes widened, "Wait, Kyle's transferring?"

She nodded sadly. "Mrs. Ruviolo wanted a male sitter for her son."

"But we have a male sitter!"

She looked at me smugly, "No, we don't."

Oh right.

"It's because I don't trust any 'male' for the job, Beth."

"I know." She sighed, "Oh, and Xia transferred there already."

"What?!" I gasped out.

Xia is an Asian young woman who was an intern in this daycare.

"Yeah, she sent her apology letter earlier. She said that she couldn't work here anymore and wants to work at a place where she's happy." She rolled her eyes, "And apparently, she's happy with the other day care's owner."

"Well, that's nice of her." I scoffed sarcastically.

"I know." She sighed again. "If this continues, soon, all our loyal customers will be moving there. And soon, we'll have to close down and-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, close down?" I chuckled, "Stop that. This just means that we have to step up our game."

"Step up our what?" She asked, looking at me dumbly.

"Our game!" I laughed, "Come on, take a seat."

She sat down and continued staring at me weirdly.

"Okay, so I know this person that is a male that can and will work here," I smirked.

She crossed her arms, "You know that Mrs. Ruviolo just said that as an excuse right? All she really wanted was to see that good-looking owner."

I smirked, "Who said that this person that is a male isn't good-looking?"

She sighed, "Good looking or not, I bet that good-looking owner is already hiring good-looking sitters."


"Then like what I said, let's step up our game." I muttered, "Wait, let me call that male."

I grabbed my phone and speed-dialed Charlie. After 3 rings, he answered, "Vanch?"

"Hey, Charlie. Where are you now?"

"Outside your daycare. I brought the ice cream you wanted."

"That's great!" I watch as my door opened and Charlie walked in with plastic in his hands.

"Oh, did I disturb something?" He asked, hanging up the call.

Ending the call, I shook my head. "No, actually, you have the perfect timing."

"Oh?" He put the plastic down and took a sit on my desk.

Ignoring the fact that he's sitting on my desk, I explained everything.

"Oh, so technically, the daycare attracts customers with their looks?" Charlie asked, "But aren't they mostly married?!"

"Old people problems." Beth laughed, "They just want to look but no touch."

Charlie shivered, "That's disgusting." He frowned at me, "And you're choosing me as the bait?!"

"Oh come on, you need the job!" I begged.

"No." He frowned.

Oh, I know.

So I went to plan B. Which was -> Ask for their opinion.

I looked at them seriously, "So, think about something, something so quirky, something so unique, something so crazy that people want to join in..."

She raised an eyebrow, "I have none."

Charlie's eyes widened and that crazy look flashed in his eyes. The same look that put Easton in the hospital.

Oh no, not this.

"Beth, call a trusted tailor." He told her, "Tell him or her to come to see me ASAP to take my measurements."

Beth nodded hesitantly she stood up and was about to leave when I called her name.

"Yes, Boss?"

"Kindly put the ice cream in the freezer please." I smiled sweetly.

She laughed, "No problem." She left the office with the plastic bag.

I faced Charlie and raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing?"

He smirked, "I'm taking the job."