
(6) The Underground

"Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived," I muttered repeatedly as I tap my fingers on the book I was holding.

King Henry VIII was really something I tell you.

"... AND THE GORILLA RIPPED OFF DRACULA'S SHORTS!" The emcee shouted as the audience cheered happily.

I groaned, slumping back on my seat and frown at the scene in front of me. Blood splatters were everywhere.

There were 2 guys in the center, one with shorts on and one without.

"Gorilla" aka the huge guy in his boxers, stepped on "Dracula" aka the-now-naked and lanky boy that doesn't give up.


Feeling warmth beside me, I shut the book close. "Ma'am Burma's going to kill me if I failed this test, Charlie. So can you hurry up and let's leave?" I turned around and faced Charlie.

But the person who owns that 'warmth' is not Charlie apparently.

Nope, it's a good-looking bruised-up guy with a split lip, disheveled hair, and black eye. With or without bruises, he still looks good.

"Nope, not Charlie." I waved a little and opened my book again. "C.A.J.A.C.K."

I heard the stranger chuckled, "Yup, not Charlie."

Obviously. "U-huh." I continued on memorizing. Well, more familiarizing. The Underground is distracting me.

I'm right here right now since Charlie works here. Yes, his mother doesn't allow him to but he said that he needs the money and wants to be like his dad, Reed Langston.

"This really is a sight to see." The stranger laughed, "Girls here usually flaunt their boobies and sleeps with anyone with a wallet."

"Boobies?" He doesn't look like a person who doesn't curse.

"I have a feeling that you're not the type of girl who uses vulgar language." With his tone, I know he's smiling. "I'm a gentleman."

"Mm-hmm." I nodded unconsciously as I continue on silently curse King Henry VIII for being such a flirt. Thanks to you, I need to learn these things AGAIN. I mean, I know about these in high school, but I need to learn about them right now.

The book I was holding was roughly pulled away from my grip. The heck?

"Let me see, ah! King Henry VIII-" He laughed as he read the book title, "-aka KING F*CK BOY!"

"Hey!" I frowned as I face him, "What happened to 'I'm a gentleman?"

He grinned toothily, "I'm a lady's man."

Scoffing, I grabbed my book back and closed it. "What do you want?"

His eyes widened, "How did you know that I wanted something?"

I gave him a smug look that says "Don't joke with me."

Noticing my stare, he smiled cheekily, "I just wanted to be friends." Ya-huh? "I'm Dean."

I nodded, "Vanchel."

"What a beautiful name to a beautiful woman."

Changing the topic, I raised an eyebrow and asked, "Your fighter's name is Dean?"

He raised back a perfectly trimmed eyebrow, "Uh no, my name's Dean. My fighter's name is Bean."

Unconsciously, I smiled. Why the heck did he choose that.

Oh right, Bean sounds like Dean.

"Are you smiling?!" His eyes widened in amusement. He grinned, showing off his white teeth, "Is anything funny?"

"No." I answered a little bit too fast.

"U-huh." He rolled his eyes.

"Okay, yes. Maybe." I chuckled.

"Wha- what is it?"

"It has something to do with your 'fighter's name'." I closed my eyes tightly, "Please don't hate me." I know what I've done and said is really offensive!


I opened my eyes and watched as realization dawned in his eyes, "Oh, yeah. I get that a lot." He smiled again, "Don't worry."

Sighing in relief, I'm quite shocked by the fact that I'm so comfortable with him. He looks dangerous because of all the cuts and bruises -and let's not forget about his bloody shirt- but he gives these nice and calm vibes.

Breaking the silence, he asked awkwardly, "So, do you come here often?"

Laughing, I roamed my eyes around the huge underground fighting spot.

Bloody man, bloody walls, bloody whores, and bloody floors are everywhere.

"Yeah." I chuckled, "I often do visit this bloody place."

He quirked an eyebrow, "Tell me, why is a beautiful and innocent woman go here in this," He air quoted, "Bloody place?"

I felt blood rushing in my cheeks, "Some reasons."

"Oh, and she's mysterious too." He winked, "Tell me."

"It's a long story."

"I have time."

Blinking, I shook my head and pointed at his bleeding scar near his temple, "If you're not taking care of that anytime soon then you're not going to have any soon."

He brushed a finger at the scar, "Then you better shorten the story, beautiful."

I felt butterflies flutter inside my stomach. Is he flirting with me? No duh, Vanch.

"A friend of mine works here."

"Just a 'friend' ?"

My eyes widened and answered hesitantly. "Yes...."

He smirked, "Good. So I have no competition then?"


"Hey, Bean!" We faced up and saw another bloody man.

"I've got to go." He winked at me, "See you around, Vanch."

Did he just wink at me? Like what?

I watched silently as he jogged away towards his friend. This is such a typical "hey bruh" type of thing... or moment...

What just happened?

"Vanch!" Turning around, I saw a very sweaty and bloody Charlie. Blood was dripping from his nose. I've seen him in his worst conditions before, so I didn't panic. "Let's go."

I nodded and helped him wipe some sweat off. Then patted the blood with another clean towel, "Oh right. Yeah." I took the phone from my bag and gave it to him.

"What is this?"

"A phone," I answered.

"No, I mean what is this for?"

"Wha-? Oh right. Sorry." I shook my head and put my phone back. What's wrong with me? Grabbing another clean towel, I gave it to him.

"Thanks." He laughed, "What's running in that little head of yours?

"Nothing." You know, just a certain blonde boy named Dean.