
(4) Epic Failed

Dinner was good... for them.

They agreed with my terms when I said that they needed to eat 1 scoop of guacamole and the rest would be finished by yours truly. -and that was the worst terms I've made. I already told Charlie that I hid a box under my bed filled with letters to the people I love if ever I'd die.

They called pizza hut and ordered some food and ate it while I'm stuck with the guacamole.

So yes, dinner was good for them.

And turns out that the triplets weren't lying with the 'chef' part. Uncle Felipe is a good doctor, so he knows all these healthy and no-fun-taste foods, but no offense, he is not a good chef. I mean I do kind of love vegetables because I used to be a kid once, which means that my mom used to force me to eat those edible healthy stuff, but still, Uncle Felipe's dishes are well... let's just say I thought that it wasn't edible.

After dinner, I cleaned the dishes while Charlie cleaned the table. We work as a team, that's how it works.

Vanchel has Charlie and Charlie has Vanchel. Me and him against the world. He's like peanut butter in my jelly, the apple for my pie, and all those cheesy things.

We are now sitting on the couch in the living room telling hilarious stories, it's already 9 pm so the triplets only have an hour left before their bedtime.

"-and then I told East that mom bought a Kuroshitsuji manga and placed it on the bottom of their bathroom's sink!" Northon grinned, "So East went to the bathroom and got his surprise! He barged in and saw Dad with no clothes!" He started cackling, "Our Dad was naked!" He told us with tears brimming in his eyes, laughing his butt off.

Waves of laughter erupted in the room while Easton was fuming on the couch. "It wasn't funny." Easton frowned and flicked his eyeglasses. "That sight was something no kid must-see."

"I have a story!" Weston raised both of his arms and waved it like crazy, "My turn!"

Nodding, I sat on the floor and crossed my feet, "Go ahead." I really do love listening to crazy stories from different people, no matter how old they are or what their gender is. I mean yeah, you'd get to learn experiences from older people, but come on, we also sometimes get to see the wisdom in little children too. They're innocent which means that they get to voice out their thoughts whether it is acceptable to this generation's version of society. Children are not afraid to be judged which means they literally don't care if someone finds their statements offensive or not. Plus, it's always harmless because again, they are children. -But on the contrary, there are a lot of horror movies nowadays where the little child killed his or her whole family in just one night, which is quite stupid if you think about it because how can someone shorter than your height kill you? Like seriously.

"So," He started, "There was this one time when mom was watching a movie called Princess Diaries! And then dad and East and West fell asleep, all of them fell asleep but me!" He laughed loudly while the room remained quiet.

Did he make a joke? Why is he laughing? Wait... it was funny? What? Was it supposed to be funny?

"And?" Charlie urged the youngest to continue.

"That's it." Weston grinned toothily.


"I LOVE THAT MOVIE! THE BOOK SERIES WAS GOOD TOO!" I screamed, continuing the topic.

"Yeah, you do." Charlie laughed, "I remembered when we were 9, that we literally did the foam and stairs thingy."

"You mean you slid down the stairs?!" Northon asked while staring at us in awe.

"Yup." Charlie chuckled while pointing at me. "I had no choice since that girl over there forced me to."

"Damn, that must've been fun!" Weston grinned, clapping his arm.

Charlie raised an eyebrow, "Wait, you guys have never tried it before?"

"Nope." They shook their heads.

Easton flicked his glasses, "Mom doesn't allow us to."

Something crossed in Charlie's eyes and that something is bad for my job. That something made me scared instantly. Every time Charlie has this look in his eyes, I always end up in detention back in high school. No, I'm not an A-plus goody-good girl student, but I do care about my grades and college.

He stood up and walked upstairs, leaving us in the living room while gaping at him.

"Where is he going?" Northon asked, "If he's looking for that Kuroshitsuji manga then it's not going to be there."

Oh, Charlie...


"THIS IS EPIC!" Weston screamed as he slid down their stairs.


Once he reached safely on the ground, he slapped Easton's arm, telling him that it's his turn.


"Where's Charlie?" I asked Northon with a frown.

"He's on the phone with Hannah." Northon gave me a pity look, "It's alright. One day, he'll see you."

Smiling slightly, I shook my head. "It's fine, really. We're just friends."

"Mm-hmm. Keep telling yourself that." He muttered.

Northon may be really stupid at times, but he's not blind and he's a Delgado.

I'm not going to lie and say that my feelings for Charlie aren't obvious, because it is. Of course, except for Charlie himself.

"Hey, Chel!"

I faced up and saw Easton preparing to slide down. "Are you really not going to play with us?"

I would but your parents would kill me... Like they already wouldn't.

I gave him a cold look. "I told you guys not to slide down, right?"

He rolled his eyes before sliding down and shouts, "VANCHEL'S A KILLJOY-!"

I guess even Easton is tempted with this kind of childish game-


His laughter was replaced with grunts and I gawked at him.

● Easton Delgado just fell epically.

● Easton Delgado just twisted and injured his arm.

"CHARLIE!" I screamed for help, running towards Easton's side. "HELP!"

The house's front door was slammed open and a worried-looking Fey went it. "What's happening here?" Seeing Easton's state, she gasped, "EASTON!"

Fey and Felipe Delgado will kill me.
