
(10) DCFC Featured Story

In this daycare, I made a rule where all staff would be gathered in one room every Saturday. This is for them to recite their original bedtime story. The best one would be featured in the 'Day Care Fun Care Special Story' every 3 pm for the whole week.

And now, it is Beth's turn. I opened the folded paper she gave me and read it out loud.

Once upon a time in a faraway land, there was this young woman who loved a young man for years. She helped him with all his women and endured the pain.

Eventually, she died.

The End.

"What is this?" I asked out loud, raising my head, and faced Beth with a frown. "Titanic's sequel?"

She laughed, yes, laughed. Noticing my serious stare, she smirked, "What? It's my original bedtime story."

"But that's so tragedic..." Charlie looked sad, "And that's so unrealistic. Don't tell me that the young man never noticed her feelings! He'll be the most idiotic person to ever live!"

Oh, really bruh?

Beth raised an eyebrow, "There are a lot of idiotic people in this world then."

"U-huh?" Charlie scoffed, "Show me one."

She snorted, "Look at the mirror."

"Huh?" He asked with pure confusion, "I don't get you."

Changing the topic, I cleared my throat before smiling intensely. "Okay, either way. No Beth, this story is not going to be told by anyone in front of children in a daycare."

"But that's the reality! Unless if that girl changed it and grew some manly balls and admits that she liked her best friend-"

I cut her off, brushing her advice aside. "That's the problem, it's too realistic."

"Oh I know, what about let's go with my story then?" Charlie suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.

I looked at him dryly, "You technically just rewrote Goldilocks, but you changed her name to Silverstraight and replaced the bears with hares."

"What? It was still a nice story!" His arms flew, making his wings push back with it.

Sally, a staff of DCFC, sarcastically said, "Be careful Charlie, your wings might get broken!"

"Thank you, Sally!" Charlie grinned, thanking her sincerely. He patted his wings properly and wiggled his butt on his seat.

"Where did you get your oblivious personality from?" Beth told him with wide eyes.

"People said that I got a little of it from my mom." He shrugged.

A little multiplied by 2.

Coughing, I raised my head and smiled. "Anyways, Kelsey, your story please."


Baby, we built this house of memories,

Take my picture now, shake it till you see it,

And when your fantasies, become your legacy,

Prooomise me a place,

In a house of memories.

I danced throughout the song, loving Brendon Urie's amazing voice. If you guys aren't aware, I love Panic! At The Disco.

I love how loyal and dedicated the only remaining member of the group is, aka Brendon. His vocal is so high that it's higher than the sky itself.

The song ended with me panting in the air.

Inhaling a huge amount of air, I jumped down from my office desk and fixed me long pants.

"That was a sight to see."

I jumped in shock. Turning around I faced that butt hole itself.

"Dean." I frowned, crossing my arms.


"Dean..." I frowned, "Who let you in?"

"A fairy."

"What?" I asked at his sarcastic response. How dare he joke in this kind of situation? A situation where he's trespassing!

Seeing my death glare, he saved himself. "No, I mean, really. It's a guy in a fairy suit who let me in."

Oh right, Charlie.

"Well..." I frowned, "Why are you here?" I walked back to my chair and took a sit.

"Reasons..." He muttered, taking a sit on his own. "Based on that death glare, I think Beth told you about... uh... the past?"

"U-huh." I rolled my eyes as I fix the papers on my desk, "And what are these reasons-" I stopped when I saw a purple 'post it' note on my table.

Gotta leave. Hannah needs me. It's an emergency.


After reading the short note, I felt pain stabbing me from behind me. No, not because of Charlie leaving -well, it's also one of the reasons, but mostly because of Dean lying to me.

I haven't left this office for about an hour now, so he probably left an hour ago.

This also means that Charlie wasn't the one who let him in.

I stood up and glared at him, "Stop lying your butt. Who let you in?"

His eyes widened in shock. "I...."

I glared angrily. "You better answer me now before I call my security you twat."

"Alright," He raised his arms, an act of surrender. "I kind of sneaked in..."


"I may or may not have flirted with some girls..." He grinned sheepishly.

I can't blame those girls. After all, I almost fell for his charms too.

Pursing my lips, I nod at him, "Why are you here?"

He sighed in relief, before fixing his posture and cleared his throat. "Well... uh... can I... uh... Explain me?"

"No." I scoffed, "I don't need your explanations, but probably Beth does."

He looked down sadly, "But she wouldn't listen to me."

"Good for you." I snapped sarcastically.

"I'm here to explain everything to you so that you'd be the one to explain this to her."

"What am I? A bridge?" I crossed my arms, "Either way, I doubt that you're telling the truth. You did lie about getting in here in my office."

"But that was only one time!"

"And dropping a piece of plate one time can shatter it."

"I'm sorry, I know. But please listen to me and talk to her." He sighed, "I... I've done a lot of fuc-"

"No, swear words, or else."

He raised an eyebrow, "Or what?"

"I'll pinch you."

"Oh really?" He asked, obviously amused by my threats.

"Try me." I dared him, eyes widening with imaginary knives throwing at him.

"Alright." He cleared his throat, "Okay, I... I've done a lot of things in the past that I'm not proud of."


"And I regret each and every one of them."


"But she wouldn't give me a chance for me to explain-"

I frowned at him, cutting him off. "You don't deserve any chances you twat."

"I know, but... but..." He looked at me, pleading with his piercing blue eyes. "But I want to have one."

I raised an eyebrow, "I don't think you're in the position to be wanting something you twat." I uncrossed my arms and slammed it on my desk, "You were the one who broke her, who broke everything in the first place!"

He remained quiet as I continue on ranting, "She is really important to me, she's like my baby sister I never had. YOU BREAKING HER MAKES ME WANT TO STAB YOU WITH A PEN."

He nodded sadly, still listening to my nags. "What's your last name, Dean?"


"YOU, DEAN CASTRO, DO NOT DESERVE A MAGNIFICENT AND BEAUTIFUL WOMAN LIKE BETH SUMMER!" I bit my lower lip, "But I'm giving you a chance here you twat."

"...what?" He asked in shock.

I crossed my arms and inhaled deeply, "Meet me at the ice cream shop tomorrow at 3. Don't be late, Mr. Bean."

His eyes widened and he grinned widely, "Thank you Vanch! Thank you so much."

I was about to complain about the name he's calling me when he stood up and left my office immediately.

I slumped on my seat and wondered, does she deserve a twat like him?

An arrogant, clever, handsome, and charming twat?

"You have to work your butt off, you twat." I muttered loudly before picking up the note Charlie wrote and crumpled it. "And this better be a real emergency, you blind bat."