
The Bad Boy Calls Me Cupacake

You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." - Dr. Seuss Naveah Brooks Just your average good girl. She's got the grades, the looks and an unhealthy obsession with cupcakes, the good girl cliche so to speak. Has never had any sort of interest in "love" and is willing to keep it that way. Then Nathaniel King comes to the picture and turns her life upside down, literally. Two stubborn souls in Highschool and a really delicious cupcake. Would they be able to change their perspective on Love? WARNING Mature Language Cliche to the core

Vintage_Panda · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

12. Excuse me?

The rest of the week passes by in a blur. Mom's back at work and Trish is back home which I'm so grateful for.

Sunday was alright, I got to see Bleu's cocky self, had that amazing pizza as usual.

Mikel and I have been in touch but we haven't really spent time together which I feel terrible about. It's been weeks and I miss him so much.

I've been spending so much time with Nathaniel that I forget to ask how my best friends are doing. So I text them. To meet me at the pizza place.

Even though Bleu and I don't see each other everyday we definitely used to talk everyday. But I guess I was focused on King that I forgot to text anyone.

"Sure baby girl" Was Bleu's reply. "Alright darling, I have a big surprise for you two!!" Was Mikel's "me too!!" Bleu replied. I need to apologize to them.


"Hello boys" I say once we finished ordering our pizza. "Hello baby girl". "Hey sweetie" they say, enthusiasm dripping from their mouths.

"I have something to tell you guys" we all say in unison. Laughter suddenly erupts from our mouths. "Okay you go first Veah" Mikel says. "Mhmm, ladies first" Bleu adds. "I'm not sure she's a lady though" Mikel not so subtly whispers to Bleu. "I heard that" "oh you were meant to darling" he sweetly smiles and I hit him with my napkin.

"Okay guys, I called y'all here to say I'm sorr..." I was cut off with a squealing Mikel. He was looking at the entrance and waved a hand for a person we are yet to see.

Someone walks to our table with a shit eating grin on his face. He has nice dark hair and pearly white teeth. Mikel couldn't stop bouncing in his seat. I've never seen him this excited since he came out of the closet. I'm guessing he's Luca.

"Hello everyone, hey babe" he smiles at us then kisses Mikel's cheek. His voice is so deep and smooth for how he looks. "So guyss, this is my boyfriend, the one I searched high and low for" he laughs.

"Hey, I'm Luca" he says. Mikel was absolutely right. He's drop dead gorgeous. "Oh Heyy Luca, so you're the guy that this nut won't stop talking about, I've heard so much about you" I give him a smile which he returns. "Oh shut up Veah" Mikel blushes. "Hello Luca" Bleu smiles and shakes his hand.

Luca's a freshman in Boston university. He's 19 but looks younger than Mikel since Mikel towers over him. Mikel is 6' and Luca looks 5'10 or so. Then there's my short ass, looking like their baby sister.

Luca is really handsome. No wonder Mikel likes him so much. He's funny and nice and blends in with the rest of us. I've seen the way he looks at Mikel, with so much adoration in his eyes. Like Mikel is the only one in the world. I'm really happy for them.

If this guy ever tries to break my baby's heart, I swear I'm gonna beat his ass up.

"Alright guys, I have a surprise for you" Bleu says trying to calm his laughter from something Luca said.

"Ooou, spilll" Mikel squeals. He's always so energetic. It's exhausting keeping up with his enthusiasm all the time.

"So you all know I'm home schooled, so my mother recently got a new job at the hospital so she doesn't have the time to teach me anymore and my homeschool teacher moved out of the country..." he pauses.

"Is that supposed to be good news or bad news?" Luca says taking a sip out of his milkshake. "It's awesome news!" Mikel says grinning. "He would have no choice but to register at a school and he obviously would register at Baxter high since his two best friends go there" I says smiling.

"Oh my Lord Bleu, I'm so happy. We finally get to see each other much more now." Mikel attacks him in a hug. Blue laughing. "This is so great. Now school won't be as horrible as it usually is now you're coming." I laugh.

"Excuse me" Mikel scoffs with a hand on his chest faking pain. "Oh shush it, all you do now is talk about Luca. It'll be refreshing to hear from someone else, even if it's Bleu" I laugh. Now it's Bleu's turn to fake scoff. "Excuse me, what is that supposed to mean Veah"

I just laugh and go back to taking my drink. "I'm sure you don't need us anyway. You're too wrapped up with Mr. hotness to even talk to me anymore" Mikel adds.

"Excuse me?" It's Luca's turn to fawn pain. "You're much much hotter than him darling" Mikel says looking at him apologetically.

What Mikel says reminds me of the reason why I called them here in the first place. To apologize.

"I'm sorry guys, Mikel's right, I've been too focused on Nathaniel which is horrible to admit. I'm sorry, I guess I got carried away with all the surprises that I forgot I actually called you here to apologize"

"That's okay baby girl, it's no big deal" Bleu says, giving me a faint smile. It's obviously a big deal. Nathaniel is taking up too much of my attention and that needs to stop. I can't risk loosing my best friends because of some boy.

Mikel, Luca, Bleu and I talk for a while before we decide it was time to go back home. Luca and Mikel went home together leaving Bleu and I.

"Would you want me to walk you home baby girl?" Bleu asks. "No not really, it's getting late, your mom's gonna be worried" I say. His mom is really protective of him. I wouldn't want him getting in trouble for walking me home.

"Are you sure Veah? It's getting pretty dark out here" he says worry plastered on his face. "It's only 6 Bleu, I'm fine, please go home" I assure him. "Call me immediately you get home" he says and I roll my eyes. "Sure I will" he kisses the back of my palm and leaves.

I start my journeys on my own. Enjoying the cool evening breeze. It's pretty cold outside but I don't mind getting cold. I'm only a mile away from the pizzeria when an all too familiar car pulls up right in front of me.

I try to walk fast to avoid unnecessary chit chat. But I was too late as Nathaniel grabs my arm. "What're you doing here" he says frowning. "Going home obviously" I say trying to loosen his grip but to no avail.

"Where's you coming from?" He asks sternly but I don't answer. He sighs, clearly annoyed. "Did you not hear me?" He says annoyance. I find this amusing.

He's back to his grouchy self. I can't stand him talking to me like this so I step and his foot and push him but he's not affected by my efforts. There's no way I'm getting out of this.

"The pizza place" I say glaring at him. "With who?" He says ignoring my dirty looks. Who does he think he is. He's not my father neither is he my mother so I don't understand where he gets the audacity to talk to me this way.

"Listen here King. You have no right to talk to me that way. We are friends but that does not mean you talk to me like this. Never try this again. Am I clear?" I say looking pointedly at him.

Now he has the amused look an his face. Which gets me more angry. I yank my arm from his grip and he lets me go. Without a word I continue walking down.

The weather starts changing and the wind gets stronger. I could feel his car moving slowly behind me. It starts to drizzle but I am not fazed. I continue to walk as fast as I can to a beat the rain.

"It's going to rain soon Cupcake, you should get in the car before I drag your ass here myself." He says from his car beside me. I ignore him and start to jog as the rain starts to fall.

I feel a pair of arm throw me over their shoulders and into the car. He closes the door shut and walks around to get into the drivers seat but I'm faster than he is and gets out of the car and ran as fast I could. But I guess eating to much cupcake has its consequences.

I trip on the sidewalk and hit my head hard on the concrete sidewalk. I tried standing up but I couldn't as I felt a sharp pain pulse through my head. I could hear King's muffled voice but I wasn't seeing him clearly. Everything was spinning and I could feel myself struggling to keep my eyes open.

Suddenly I give in to the darkness.


Hey besties!!!!

How're y'all doing?

Here's another chapter for y'all.

Thanks for reading beautiful people!!

