
The Backrooms Keeper

Follows the journey of Liam, a young man who, after enduring a lifetime of loneliness and torment, discovers he possesses extraordinary powers granting him control over the backrooms, how will he use this newfound power. nothing except the MC and some random side characters are mine Dont expect consistent chapters this is just for fun, so if you have ideas just put them in comments and we shall see how it goes ps don’t waste power stones on this, use them on other novels that are updated regularly that you enjoy. I’m not here for the stones

Tiamat372 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 1: A Life in the Shadows

In the heart of Millbrook, a small suburban town where the streets were adorned with blossoming trees and the houses exuded an aura of comfort, there lived a young man named Liam. He was unlike the other kids in his neighborhood, with his striking midnight black hair and piercing violet eyes that seemed to hold a universe of unspoken pain. Liam was a solitary figure, often found lost in the pages of books or wandering the quiet streets alone, a sense of isolation clinging to him like a shadow.

As the sun rose over Millbrook, casting a golden hue across the sleepy town, Liam prepared himself for another day at school. The thought filled him with a sense of dread, for he knew all too well what awaited him within the walls of the classroom. With a heavy sigh, he gathered his books and made his way to the bus stop, the weight of loneliness settling in his chest like a leaden weight.

From the moment Liam stepped foot on the school grounds, he was met with stares and whispers, the other students casting sidelong glances in his direction as if he were some strange and exotic creature. He tried to ignore their taunts and jibes, but their words cut deep, leaving scars that would linger long after the wounds had healed. Throughout the day, Liam was subjected to a relentless barrage of bullying, his classmates mocking him for his appearance and his quiet demeanor. They called him names and made cruel jokes at his expense, their laughter ringing in his ears like a cacophony of derision.

But amidst the darkness, there was a glimmer of light. In the midst of his torment, Liam found solace in the kindness of a few select individuals, those who saw past his outward appearance and recognized the pain that lurked behind his eyes. They offered him words of encouragement and support, reminding him that he was not alone in his struggle and that brighter days lay ahead.

As Liam trudged through the familiar streets of Millbrook, the events of the day weighed heavily on his mind. The echoes of laughter and taunts still rang in his ears, a constant reminder of the cruelty that lurked behind every corner. But amidst the darkness, there was a glimmer of light, a beacon of hope that refused to be extinguished.

Lost in his thoughts, Liam nearly collided with a figure standing in his path. Startled, he looked up to find a kind-faced woman smiling down at him, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. She offered him a gentle smile and a reassuring pat on the shoulder, her simple gesture of kindness offering more solace than words ever could.

With a grateful nod, Liam continued on his way, the woman's actions echoing in his mind. He knew that he was not alone in his struggle, that there were others who understood his pain and stood ready to offer their support. With renewed determination, he squared his shoulders and pressed on, his heart filled with hope for the days to come.

As Liam reached his doorstep and stepped inside, he couldn't shake off the weight of the day's events. Despite the small glimmers of kindness he encountered, the sting of the bullying lingered, embedding itself deep within his psyche. He retreated to his room, seeking solace in the familiar embrace of solitude.

Surrounded by the comforting presence of his books, Liam allowed himself a moment of respite. He knew that tomorrow would bring another day of challenges and trials, but for now, he sought refuge in the sanctuary of his own thoughts.

As the evening wore on, Liam found himself lost in introspection, reflecting on the events of the day and the loneliness that seemed to permeate every aspect of his life. He longed for connection, for a sense of belonging that had eluded him for so long.

But even in his darkest moments, a spark of resilience flickered within him. Despite the hardships he faced, Liam refused to be defined by the cruelty of others. He knew that he was stronger than the sum of his struggles, and that with time, he would find his place in the world.

With a sense of quiet determination, Liam resolved to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and grace. He knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but he also knew that he was not alone. With the support of those who believed in him, he would find the strength to persevere, no matter how daunting the journey may seem.

As he settled into bed, a sense of calm washed over Liam, soothing the turmoil that had churned within him throughout the day. With each steady breath, he embraced the promise of a new day, ready to confront whatever obstacles lay in his path with unwavering resolve. And as sleep claimed him, he allowed himself to dream of a future filled with hope and possibility, where the echoes of cruelty were drowned out by the whispers of kindness and compassion. 

not much to say here, its just the beginning

Tiamat372creators' thoughts