
The B mafia (BL)

The story begins with an officer who strongly believes in justice, is sent on a secret mission to gather information about a mafia group and bring them in. He takes on the quest with no doubt in mind and he is drawn deeper into the world of violence, betrayal, and revenge with little knowledge about the after effect. Under the excuse of 'aiding the citizens', he ends up at a crossroad where he is forced to choose between his role as an officer and the feelings in his heart.

chi_kag3 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
112 Chs

Plans & Memories

"Don't worry, if we work together, am sure we'll both have what we so desire."

Lian ponded over this and nodded his head in agreement," Okay am in."

"Marvellous!" Cole exclaimed excitedly

Lian smiled at his sudden enthusiasm and inquired about the plan. Cole rubbed his chin lost in thought for a while and turned to him.

"Make him fall in love with you," he stated plainly.

"W, what! Why?"

"Why? Are you seriously asking that?"

Cole carefully eyed him and only then did he notice his flushed cheeks.

"Oh, are you perhaps embarrassed of the idea?" he asked teasingly and Lian shook his head in denial.

"Who's embarrassed?"

Cole chuckled and continued explaining his plan. He stated that if Lian managed to make the cold leader fall head over heels for him, it would make it easier to execute the plan since he would have lowered his guard around someone he cherished. Lian thought of this as a great idea but internally, he didn't entirely like the idea of playing with someone's emotions. Once Cole was done explaining everything to the tiniest details, Lian nodded his head in agreement.

"Then… we shall execute the plan once he is back."

"Hey, Cole."


"When we were in the cell together that day, you told me that treacherous betrayers were caught right? Can I ask what you meant?"

"Oh that? Well, sorry I don't remember what I did either," he replied shrugging his shoulders.

"There's something he's not telling me," Lian thought to himself," I'll play along with him till I figure out what it is."

"Brother, when will you be back?"

"Can you not go?"

The kids surrounded him asking questions and sobbing uncontrollably as they tugged onto his pants not wanting to let go of him.

"Hey, hey kids! Let go of him, he needs to be on his merry way now," the lady said trying to pull them off but this deemed to be futile because their grip on Ding was much more powerful and if she pulled any harder his pants would be ruined.

"Kids! Be good now and let the man go."

The kids wailed loudly at this and refused to budge. The lady moved as if to say something, probably scold them for not having any manners and tugging onto a guest as he left to tend to his business but Ding spoke up before she could.

"Don't cry," he said and they all immediately quieted down," I promise to come visit whenever I can okay?"

"Really?" a boy who was his knee height with a snort covered nose asked and he nodded.

"Really. You can count on it."

As if in an enchanting spell, one by one the kids withdrew from him and the lady let out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry about that, because of this, your clothes are dirty."

Ding looked at her, reassuringly pat her shoulder and smiled," Don't worry about it, I'll be heading my way now."

He bid them farewell and walked after Lily as she made her way out of the compound.

"The kids became pretty attached to you, didn't they?"

"Yeah," he replied without turning to her.

"You know something, you are awfully nice to children aren't you?"

Ding stopped walking and Lily turned and looked at him, confusion creasing her brows.

"… really?"


"Are you sure I was being nice to them?"

"The snort on your pants is proof Ding," she said and despite her teasing tone, he couldn't help but smile at this.


"Hmm? What for?"

"For ensuring those kids have a home despite the horrific experience they went through."

"It's nothing. Don't think too much about it."

"Lily, don't think I don't know you're planning to hire a psychologist to help them overcome their trauma."

"Damn! How did you know?"

"You weren't necessarily being very secretive when you told the lady about it."

Lily let out a chuckle and shuffled his hair playfully," It's bad eavesdropping on adults."

Ding slapped her hand from his head and quickly walked away from her.


He did not stop but rather increase his speed forcing Lily to run in order to catch up to him. Side by side they walked into a park, chatting away about no particular topic until it was almost dark. Lily sat on a stone hedge and tapped the empty space next to her. Ding took a seat beside her and the two watched the sun set into the horizon, giving the clouds a faint pink and the sky a golden glow.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? Your sister loved to watch the sun set… I miss her…"

Her voice faded into a whisper and Ding turned to her concerned. Something shimmering in the faint glow caught his attention and he raised his hand, wiping the tear away with his thumb.


"Ah! Am fine!" she said as she roughly rubbed her eyes in an attempt to dry the tears.

"Stop!" Ding exclaimed and grabbed her clenched fists.


He pulled her into an embrace and rubbed her back in a circular motion. Lily, surprised by this action, clenched her teeth as the tears she had been holding back flowed out of her eyes. Ding dared not speak not because he didn't want to but because he wasn't sure whether what he said would affect her positively or negatively. So giving her personal space was the only solution he could find reasonable. Lily sobbed onto his shoulder for a few more minutes and once she was done, she placed her hands on his chest and slowly pushed him.

"You feeling better?" he asked concerned about how red and swollen her eyes had gotten.

She rubbed her right eye and managed a small smile," Am fine. Sorry about your shirt though."

"I can always take it to the laundry," he said reassuringly and Lily's eyes became watery again alarming Ding.

"Why are your eyes breaming with tears? Was it something I said?"

Lily chuckled at his worried expression and let the tears flow," You are similar to your sister. She also wore a similar expression when I first cried."


Lily stretched her hand and gently stroked Ding's cheek. Her palm was warm despite the cold temperature around them. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to emerge in nothing but the warmth radiating from Lily's hand.

"Is it comfortable?"

"Mmh," he replied his eyes still closed.

Lily looked at Ding's face and smiled remembering how his sister had the exact expression whenever she lay her face on the base of her palm. She could feel tears welling up in the corner of her eyes at the remembrance and she chuckled.

"What is wrong with me today? Why am I crying like some child? Am such an idiot!"

They stayed in that position for quite some time and when the night wind became too chilly to bear, they bid each other farewell and they each went their separate paths; Lily heading towards her apartment and Ding towards his. As he walked down the streets, numerous people threw suspicious eyes in his direction and he didn't need to be a genius to know the reason why. Ignoring their gazes, he walked into the basement and headed to the elevators. As soon as he raised his hand to turn the door knob, the door swung open and Lian stumbled onto his chest.


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