
The Awakened (T.A.S)

A war of the races, The death of a king, And a single soul to save them all... ____________________________________ "-I accept your pride and chivalry." "“You’re mistaken 'Your Highness'. I’m not a knight, or a hero.” "Is that so... than, what are you?" "I'm the Wolf."

Robin_Pokorny · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Chapter One:

After everything that has happened... You would've thought I'd get a break. From everything that seemed to tie me down to this country... this continent. Hilariously, I don't think I've ever been in a situation like this. Well, you'd never know this was an empty smile I guess...

"GET BACK TO WORK!" A Cracker yelled in my direction, holding back my retort- I picked up a bag of salt and walked towards the middle of the camp.

As much as I hated it here, this god dam slave camp. I couldn't do anything about it just yet, I didn't have the tools or the weapons I needed. Placing the bag of salt down by the many others, I took a quick glance at the other slaves. Unlike most camps, this one was diverse. That meant it wasn't just prisoners and slaves, there were assassins, rouges, and half-breeds.

The ones most hated by the Crackers, which is what many of the slaves here called the people who whipped them- taking the time to rub salt into your wounds. Were the half-breeds, Wolves, Sylvari, and many others. I was Fae, and a half-breed. No one, not even myself- knew what my other half was. I just naturally assumed it was human, since it was easier. Seeing one of the Crackers turn in my direction, I quickly got back to work.

Back when I was free and wasn't in this hell hole, they call a camp. I lived in Galoroth, a Fae kingdom in the west. But that was before the war, surely now it was in ruin. The war started five years ago, and I was twelve in human years- now I'm eighteen.

Since I've only been in this camp for four years, I didn't know much about the war. Only the stories that were told by the Sylvari, the leaf people. They have been around for far longer than I have been, they were like the elders of the camp. They were also kind to me; they washed the salt from my wounds when I was whipped."How much time do we have...?" A voice whispered to my right, I glanced to the right and saw a little girl holding a pickaxe with trembling arms.

It looked far too heavy for her small stature. Quickly, I looked around before taking the pickaxe from her and leading her into the salt mines.

"Only a little longer, the sun is setting." I said, leading the little girl into an area in the salt mines that held most salt- that I haven't told anyone about.

I knew that the little girl couldn't mine salt on her own, much less with a pickaxe the size of her. So... I guess I'll be the nice guy. The girl suddenly smiled at me.

"You have a funny voice." She said, sitting down against the wall.

Shaking my head with a chuckle, I started to mine the salt. This happened normally, everyone in the camp took care of the children without a second thought. It was just how we did things here, so they wouldn't get as many lashes as us.

"Yes, I probably do." I replied, glancing at her for a moment.

She seemed cheerful, even in this place...

"Why?" The girl asked curiously.

Opening my mouth to answer her, I suddenly heard the loud sound of a bell. Eyes widening, I quickly grabbed the girl's hand and ran outside. We couldn't be late, or it would be ten lashings to each. Seeing the rest of the slaves enter their caves, I rushed inside- pulling the girl behind me. There was no time to get her back to her mother or father, I'd do that in the morning.

Some of the slaves gave me amused looks and I just rolled my eyes, sitting down on the ground.

"Got another one Faloan?" One of the slaves said, holding back a laugh.

Picking up a pebble, I chucked it at him. The little girl burst into a fit of giggles, making some other slaves laugh. Frowning, I leaned back against the cold stone wall.

"She's not mine, I just am helping her. I'll return her to her parents in the morning." I grumbled, laying down. "Hey Mr, you still haven't answered my question." The little girl said, poking my back.

I sighed and sat up.

"What was it again?" I asked, honestly forgetting.

"Why does your voice sound funny?" She asked, looking at me with curiousity.

At that moment, everyone in the cave went silent. That's when I knew everyone was listening.

"Well... I am not from here. As well I do not speak just this language." I tried explaining.

The girl grinned.

"Where are you from?" She asked.

I glanced at everyone for a moment. Fae now a days were rare, since they all had been mostly wiped out when the war started- for reasons I not know why. To be honest, I didn't know how the others would react if I said that I was Fae. Since, well... Fae have been known to use magic beyond what a human could achieve. I didn't want to give them misplaced hope.

"Galoroth." I said, leaning against the wall once more.

Some of the slaves turned to me in surprise, and some only shook their heads.

"Wasn't Galoroth wiped out?" One of the slaves spoke up.

Nodding slowly, I took a deep breath.

"It was... yes." I said, glancing at the girl who was looking at me with an unreadable expression.

Suddenly, I heard a hushed yell.

"Reyla!?" A woman's voice called, from the other side of the cave.

I looked up and the little girl quickly bolted over to the woman who looked like her mirrored image. Instantly, I knew that was her mother. Sighing in relief, I nodded at her mother who shot me a grateful look.

At Least I found here mother...

Well... That's the first chapter done. I Figured since the virus is making the majority of us stay home, why not write a story to give me AND you something to do XD. Everyone stay safe! Have a great day!

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