
The Author of Life

Thomas is a boy plagued with feelings of loneliness and isolation when one day, he discovers a mysterious box with the power to create life within it. Eager to escape his isolation, he becomes the Author of Life, shaping worlds and civilizations. As he grapples with his newfound power, Thomas learns that playing god has consequences beyond imagination.

rcolin02 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 1

The weight of loneliness has been my constant companion for as long as I can remember. It's a silent burden, one that settles in your chest and gnaws at your soul. But on that fateful afternoon, as I walked home from school, little did I know that my life was about to change in ways I could never have imagined.

The sun's warmth enveloped me, and the cool fall breeze tousled my hair, a soothing combination after a grueling week of exams. As I continued to walk, my eyes wandered over the scenery around me. It was a simple route, with nondescript suburban houses lining either side of the road and the same trees offering their colorful leaves to the world.

I let out a heavy sigh, the pressure building in my chest like it always did. I hated that feeling, that emptiness, but I'd never found a way to get rid of it. I tried everything from sports to clubs to studying. Nothing ever worked, and the more I thought about it, the more hopeless it seemed.

But it was okay. I'd just learned to accept it, to live with it, even though the crushing weight of loneliness was almost too much to bear sometimes.

My gaze dropped to the pavement, and the thoughts in my head scattered like leaves caught by the wind. What's this?

I stopped in my tracks and knelt to get a better look.

It looked like a box, one that was made of a smooth black metal. Its sides were perfectly flat, and its edges were sharp, giving the object a strangely futuristic feel.

Cautiously, I reached out and picked up the mysterious box. It was lighter than I'd expected, and when I flipped it over, a series of glowing blue lights illuminated its front face.

I blinked a few times. This is pretty weird. What was something like this doing here? And how had no one else noticed it?

Maybe it belonged to one of my neighbors? Or perhaps it was something one of my classmates had left behind?

I was still trying to make sense of it all when I suddenly heard a voice.

"Hello there, young man," the voice said.

I yelped and spun around, my heart pounding in my chest. "Who said that?!"

"I did," the voice replied. "And please, do not be afraid."

I turned in a circle, but there was no one else in sight. "What? Who are you?"

"That is not important," the voice said, a strange sense of calm in its tone. "What is important is that you are the first to find the box."

I frowned, still scanning the area. "The box?"

"Yes, the one you are holding," the voice explained.

I looked down at the strange object in my hand, a chill running down my spine. "This box?"

"Precisely," the voice replied.

A mixture of curiosity and fear bubbled inside me. "What do you mean by 'first'?"

"I have been looking for someone like you for a very long time," the voice said. "I believe you have the potential to be the next Author of Life."

"Author of Life?" I asked.

"Yes, the one who will create and maintain the universe within the box," the voice said.

My brow furrowed. "What are you talking about?"

"I apologize for being so vague, but please trust me," the voice replied. "All will become clear soon enough. For now, I need you to take the box home with you and keep it safe."

I shook my head. "Wait, what? How is any of this supposed to make sense? And how am I supposed to trust a disembodied voice?"

"I know it is a lot to ask," the voice said, its calm tone unwavering. "But I assure you, everything will be explained. All I need is for you to hold onto the box and bring it home. I need to make sure the box is in a safe location."

I bit my lip, my mind racing. On the one hand, this was all kinds of weird and probably dangerous. But on the other, I was desperate for something, anything, to take away the emptiness inside me.

Maybe this box could be that something?

I let out a deep breath and nodded.

"Alright, I'll take it home. Where are you?"

"You will know in due time," the voice said. "For now, it is enough to know that I am with you."

With those words, the lights on the box faded, and I was left standing alone on the street.

My heart was pounding, and I felt a strange mix of fear and excitement coursing through my veins.

I took a deep breath and continued on my way home.

When I got home, I went straight to my room and closed the door. My mind was still reeling from what had happened, and I couldn't stop thinking about the voice and the box.

The box itself was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. It was smooth and sleek, and it had a faint hum that was barely audible. It was also surprisingly light, despite its size.

"What are you?" I asked aloud, examining the object.

"I am a small part of the Box of Dimensions," the voice said, startling me.

I yelped and dropped the box. "Where did you come from?"

"I have been with you since you picked me up," the voice explained.

"So, you're not just a voice?"

"No, I am so much more than that," the voice replied. "But it is not time for you to learn everything about me just yet. For now, you must simply trust that I am here to help you."

"I don't understand," I said, shaking my head. "Why me? Why did you choose me?"

"Because you are the one who is destined to become the Author of Life," the voice said.

"What does that mean?"

"You will be tasked with creating and maintaining a new universe within the box," the voice said, its tone calm and reassuring. "It will be your responsibility to give life to everything in that universe, to ensure that it thrives and grows."

"Wait, what?" I asked, my head spinning.

"Why do I have to do something like that?"

"Because you are the only one who can," the voice replied.

"But I'm just a normal kid! How am I supposed to do something so important?"

"I know it is a lot to ask of you, but I believe you are the one who is meant to do this," the voice said. "You have a kind heart, a strong will, and a powerful imagination. I know you will be able to create a beautiful and vibrant universe."

I stared at the box, my mind racing.

I was overwhelmed and confused, but part of me knew the voice was right.

Something inside me had changed. Something deep down told me that this was what I was meant to do, that this was my destiny.

"What do I need to do?" I asked, a sense of determination rising inside me.

"I will teach you everything you need to know," the voice replied. "For now, the best thing you can do is rest and prepare yourself."

"Alright, I accept whatever role I have to take. I will become the Author of Life."