
Prep Work

Fortunately, Magical Theory and Combat Theory went off without a hitch. 

No sudden encounters, random drama… nothing.

Unfortunately, the events that Roland was supposed to encounter didn't trigger. 

The professor for Magical Theory didn't call on Roland at all, but instead focused on Marisa who was heatedly asking questions about the source of mana, mana transformations, and high level esoterics that bored half the class to sleep.

And in Combat Theory, Evelyn dominated the class by going on a long drawn out hypothetical about what to do when encountering a higher ranked opponent and the pros/cons of fighting versus attempting to flee.

And then it was Friday… with no announcement from Sophia about a restriction from leaving.

Well, all the better for me.

Sitting in my dorm room, I pulled out my phone and opened up the RPG app to check my status.


[Status Screen]

Name: Alex Smith

Age: 18

Strength: 7.5

Agility: 7.5

Vitality: 8.0

Endurance: 8.0

Mana: 10.2

Stamina: 81

Mana Pool: 81

<Magic >

Rank 1: Basic Elemental Magic

Rank 6: Divine Spirit

<Arts >

Mana Circle Overdrive: By shattering your mana circles and performing a forced fusion, can perform one Rank 6 spell at the cost of all stored mana and halving physical stats.

<Traits >

Stellar Mana Storm - All physical stats increase by 10% of your total mana state. Physical attacks may be imbued with magic. Stamina and mana pool are combined.

King of Drama - You have an instinct for dramatic flare! Your actions will often be timed for dramatic effect. You can speak any line without a hint of shame. Your emotions are inscrutable to others, but your actions will be seen in the best light.

Mana Boost (Minor) - Your mana stat will be increased by 10% of its total.

Vitality Boost (Minor) - Your vitality stat will be increased by 10% of its total.

Endurance Boost (Minor) - Your endurance stat will be increased by 10% of its total.

<Inventory >

Artio - A rank 5 artifact. Fashioned after the bear goddess of the same name, it allows summoning a rank 5 familiar with the appropriate mana cost.

Total SP: 760


I was slowly recovering my stats by doing rehab. You know, casual jogs, push ups, etc. Kind of wished it was faster, but that would also be suspicious. Still, the fact that it was going up without me doing anything particularly intense was good.

My SP wasn't increasing though. The optional quests had dried up, leaving just the main quest about finding the hidden subplot. 

I also wasn't getting SP anymore from people's reactions. But considering SP seemed to be earned by influencing either plot points or characters, I could bear with the drought for a bit.

The important thing was that I figured out how MP and Stamina were linked to the other stats… probably.

It seemed like Stamina was capped at 10x Vitality while MP was capped at 10x Mana. But since <Stellar Mana Storm> linked them together, they should both cap out at the sum of both. Or in other words, 10x Vitality plus 10x Mana… which would be 182 right now. 

Still a long way towards that though.

But all that aside…

"What should I do today?"

Roland said he planned to explore the woods out back and invited me along, but I declined him.

Evelyn had somehow gotten my academy phone's number and invited me for lunch. 

I obviously left her on read. Too much trouble revolving around her for me to deal with right now when I'm still recovering my lost stats.

"...Should I start looking into that subplot?"

I hummed and then opened up my quests to review it.


[Story Quest: First Revision]

Description: Though minor, your actions have already caused ripples.

Objective: Discover and resolve the first subplot.

Time limit: Midterms.

Success: 100000 SP, ??? 

Failure: Death



It was different. The SP reward was higher and there was an unlisted reward too.

That was weird.

…Did that mean that it'd be harder the longer I waited?

If SP was an indicator of my influence, the fact that I'd be earning a lot meant I'd have to be involved a lot.

…Damn. Did that mean I missed the timing for something?

I covered my face and then muttered, "This is why I hate playing RPGs without a walkthrough."

This wasn't actually an RPG, but it might as well be. And I didn't have a walkthrough for it at-


I sat up and muttered, "I'm an idiot."

Quickly closing the RPG app, I pulled open my notes app and started searching.

They should be somewhere in here… there.

A scenes list, a timeline, and then also a character/motivations chart.

I pinned those to the homescreen and then started reading.

Although the story was structured into three disasters and an ending, the timeline wasn't neatly split in three.

The entire story spanned ten years from when Roland was 18 until when he turned 28.

Four of those ten were obviously the academy. But six of those were spent exploring the world after the fallen empire, hunting down divine artifacts, destroying gates, and prepping to defeat the Demon Lord.

I ignored the six years for now and focused on the first four. Specifically the first year.

The climax was undoubtedly Evelyn's corruption into a demon. That was at the end of the semester and likely wouldn't move since it was timed with the Winter Solstice.

There was the midterm practicals which involved us going on a real expedition into a gate while supervised by Hero mentors.

And though there were smaller scenes between the main crew, the other scenes were mostly Roland having small trips to collect power ups, small duels with his peers, or bonding episodes with Evelyn and Marisa.

Then, assuming we keep the story beats the same, the subplot had to do deal with the midterm practicals.

…But how?

The spy for the shady organization in the background was gone. And there weren't any among the students…?

A fragment of a memory.

"Hey Siri, open the log for me real quick."

The modified version of the RPG app opened in front of my eyes. I quickly scrolled through the log, carefully reading the messages. And then I found it.


> A spy for the Void Arbiters has caught wind of your incredible feat. The Void Sovereign has begun research into utilizing the energy of self-destructing mana circles.


There *was* a spy.

But it wasn't among the staff.

Instead, it had to have been a student. Someone who had been nearby and undetected when I pulled off my stunt. And also someone who slipped away without notice in the aftermath.

I covered my face and groaned. "Of course. I should've expected it."

I thought Rob was just making brainless changes. But it seemed like it wasn't completely like that.

A spy among the students…

It was a ballsy move, considering that Sophia constantly monitored a student's abilities just by moving around in the academy. 

There was nothing here that you could interact with that didn't link back to her magic or magical instruments in one way or another.

Meaning that the Void Sovereign had planted an elite agent from the Void Arbiters who could not only mask their abnormal powers, but was normal enough to fly under Sophia's radar.

I thought it was implausible, but apparently Rob didn't.


> You have uncovered the source of the subplot!

> The story quest has been updated!

[Story Quest: First Revision]

Description: Though minor, your actions have already caused ripples.

Objective: Discover the spy of the Void Arbiters and prevent the planned disruption of the midterm practical.

Time limit: Midterms.

Success: 100000 SP, ??? 

Failure: Death



…But now what?

A spy skilled enough to attend the academy so brazenly as a student couldn't be a slouch. And even if I uncovered them, I still had to figure out how they planned to disrupt the practicals as well as stop that said plan.

Not only that, but if I made a misstep, I'd be flagged as part of them by Sophia. I was already on her list, so if I took things too far, it could end up bad.

Then there was the fact that there were likely Imperial spies around watching Evelyn as well… and considering the princess's vested interest in me, things would get complicated.

In that case, we stick to the oldest plan in the book.


Keep it simple, stupid.

And the simplest thing to do right now was to get stronger and make some get-out-of-jail-free cards.

The first step for that…



Although Starlight Academy was practically a city unto itself, it was also pretty close to Ouroboros, the Imperial Capital. 

In the business quadrant of Starlight Academy, you could use portals that would directly drop you in the commercial district of the capital for a small fee. Or if you wanted a more scenic route, there were drivers waiting on the road leading out of the campus grounds that would take you to wherever you wanted in the capital. Again, for a small fee.

Said small fee was a few hundred credits, which pained me to use considering that was a few week's worth of food. But I was on a money making trip anyway, so I bit the bullet and used the portal.

After swiping my digital bank card in my academy phone and stepping through an ominous violet portal suspended in mid-air… I had arrived in the capital.

There was an immediate difference in atmosphere. Unlike the academy, which had students who were either too serious or too tired because of classes, the people milling around was a lively crowd.

…And also way too close too each other. Then again, a mass pandemic that spread through the air never happened in this world, so that made sense.

"Selling swords! Rare, epic, and legendary! First come first serve!"

"Potions over here! Get your potions! We've got the strongest around and won't refuse them to anyone!"

"Buying magical artifacts! We pay gold, credits, jewels… whatever payment, we have!"

A weird mix of a bazaar type setting, along with proper brick and mortar shops in the distance. 

I wrote it like that to have the best of both worlds, knowing that it would be a bit odd. But it meshed surprisingly well here.

The bazaar seemed to be filled with mostly working Heroes, either heading off on an expedition or returning. Meanwhile, the shops in the distance seemed to be frequented mostly by nobles. Or at least, as far as I could see from my place at the public portal area.

"Pardon me, Sir."

Someone called out to me. I glanced over and saw that it was a portal chauffeur. 

He let out an apologetic smile and said, "If you don't mind, could you please get going? Other visitors will be arriving shortly."

I stared at him for a while and then shook my head. 

It took five minutes for portals to reactivate. I'd only been standing for a few seconds and he was ushering me away already…

Hah. Looks were important after all. 

I was going to give him a tip out of habit, but screw that.

Now. Where was the casino where Roland went to rescue the Saintess after she transferred in during Second Year?


The Golden Turtle. 

It was a famous casino that housed exclusive VIP rooms for nobles and obscenely rich clientele. But it was also known for its numerous games and open lobbies for the working class individuals as well.

Of course, all the games except for cards were rigged. 

The slots and digital games played on magical screens were preset with odds and a timed payout scheme. 

If you were the first one there, you'd win quite a bit initially before getting your winnings drained. And if someone had just one a jackpot, it'd take a while before the machine started paying out again. Of course, there would be small wins here and there to keep people hooked, but never enough to break even.

As for cards… there was poker, five card poker, blackjack, and baccarat. 

Those weren't rigged if you played in a public lobby due to an infamous story in the distant past where an imperial crown prince lost everything but his boxers due to card sharks and dealers pulling card tricks. After he ascended the throne as Emperor, he laid out an imperial decree forbidding cheating like that in public, since most people were unaware.

Of course, you could cheat all you want in the VIP and private lobbies.

But anyway. 

After entering the casino, I withdrew 1000 credits in cash and then walked around the place, carefully reading the payout numbers on the machines.

Payout of 500 credits, payout of 295, payout of 10000… lucky guy.

And there.

A boring looking machine hidden in the corner of the casino without a payout message. Specifically, a slot machine with various Emperors as the matching images and complicated winning schemes where you had to link them all together before you could unlock a bonus game where you murdered Emperors, and that paid out cash depending on which Emperors you murdered.

…Maybe that was why nobody was playing it. I felt like I'd be put on a watch list if I sat down…

But money was money.

Because of that, I shamelessly sat down, shoved my cash into the machine, and then started playing.


For Evelyn, the first week of school had been… complicated.

It should have been simple. 

As the imperial princess, and as one born with the miraculous <Mana Body>, it was her life and duty to uphold an untarnished image and hone her skills to the highest level she could.

…And yet she wasn't able to focus.

The reason for that was a single person.

No, a man.

Alexander Smith. A face that could disappear into a crowd with ease, and yet one that she couldn't help but see whenever he was near even within a vast crowd.

…And that was how she ended up finding herself at the Golden Turtle casino.

By chance, Evelyn saw him while she was heading back to visit her father and older brother. Since it was a chance encounter, she immediately walked over, planning to greet him. But when she saw his expression that looked like a man on a mission, she hesitated and just followed him instead.

Thankfully, she was in disguise, otherwise she wouldn't know what to do if he caught sight of her following him.

Alexander had already made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with her. Prying would only make him hate her.

But she was curious.

He was so serious during classes, and he did nothing besides study and train outside of classes. 

What would he do on his break then?

…And thus, the disguised imperial princess found herself in the Golden Turtle casino, subtly tailing a commoner as he made his rounds.

First, he sat at a machine that was almost lese majeste, insulting the past emperors by using their images as well as assassinating them in a bonus game.

Seeing that made Evelyn wonder if he had a grudge against the imperial family.

Was it because they failed to save his family? Was it because of the way she had interacted with him personally?

She couldn't read him. But considering he only sat down for a brief moment until he won 5000 credits in a jackpot, maybe it was coincidence?

After that, Alexander wandered around some more, occasionally sitting at machines and testing out a few rounds, leaving the moment he won more than he put in, or if he lost three rounds.

…Was he testing his luck?

Evelyn had heard sayings about how after surviving great misfortune it was best to try a lottery ticket or head to the casino. 

Maybe after his miraculous recovery and talent awakening, he wanted to do that?

Considering he lived in the Common Dorms, he might be in need of money.

If he simply asked, Evelyn was sure he could find support. His talent was worth it. But instead, he was here risking everything again just for a miracle.

Evelyn bit her lips and then continued to follow him.

Just in case.


> A surprise encounter! Your actions have caused Evelyn vi Eternia to follow you around on the first rest day instead of return home to meet her family! The Imperial forces shadowing her have taken notice! +1000 SP. Current SP: 1760.

> Various information networks keeping surveillance of you are noting your propensity towards risky activities. Some admire your willingness to resort to desperate measures to secure resources. +300 SP. Current SP: 2060.

> SYSTEM: It has been acknowledged that there is no use for SP when costs have increased. An additional feature to the Upgrade menu has been added, allowing the expenditure of SP to enhance the performance of items you possess.


I collected my winnings from the front desk and slipped them into my pocket while reading the messages.

And as I did, I felt a headache come on.

This was definitely a result of Drama King.

While it was good in the sense that it gave me more SP, it definitely didn't help me quietly go about doing my plans. 

I mean, I saw that I was a 'precious person' to her in the logs, but I didn't think she'd actively go out of her way to tail me like this. And now I was under surveillance not just by the imperial palace, but also by various information organizations.

All because the normally cold and aloof princess had taken an interest in me.


...Should I just go all out then and stand out?

It seemed like I was going to get dragged out eventually anyway. And I WAS the author, so I should be able to anticipate how events would unfold if I referred to my notes.

…Let's wait another day.

Right now, I was up 50K credits after doing some card counting at blackjack, hitting it lucky in machines, and trying two double or nothing roulette bets on red.

Definitely would never do that again considering the minor heart attacks I got when that ball almost bounced away.

But in short, I had secured funding.

Not enough to splurge on what I needed, but definitely enough seed money.

Of course, before I went shopping, the first thing I did was rush to a bank and deposit the cash.

I might have eyes on me right now keeping me from being mugged, but that wouldn't last forever.

But after that was sorted, I pointedly ignored the beautiful young woman with light brown hair following me around and headed back towards the bazaar while mulling over my plans.

Dealing with Evelyn was definitely something I had to resolve sooner rather than later. But I had to prioritize my safety before then.

As a barely recovered rank 1 weakling, I could get murdered by even an entry level spy, let alone whatever forces the Void Arbiters had planted in the academy.

Ideally, the best thing to do would be to rapidly increase my personal power. But I had to create the 'justification' for that first. And awakening my new talent definitely wasn't enough.

No, I needed to do something like have a miraculous encounter or make a showy awakening scene where I rapidly increased in combat strength.

Or in short, I needed to wait until the shenanigans unfolding during the midterm practicals.

So instead, I had to get something that would be justified by the fact that Alexander Smith was an intelligent individual.

I'd already shown Sophia that I knew enough about mana circles to be able to pull off that crazy stunt. And while she didn't ask the details, I was sure she was thinking I was a crazy person who'd done ridiculous experiments using myself as a test subject.

After all, that was the only way you'd be able to figure out how to do it.

I had Artio, the magic artifact from the artificial gate that could be used in a pinch. But I was saving that as a trump card.

No, what I needed now was a public means to protect and fend off opponents, made logical sense with the background I had, and also set a precedent for my path to get stronger in the future.

But also, now that Rob or whoever was upgrading the system had been kind enough to allow me to spend my spare SP on upgrading items I owned, a lot of options had opened up.

Artifact creation, magic engineering, enchantments, runes…

Those and similar fields existed in 3D-ED, but they were more flavor text and mentioned out of hand. 

The story focused on Roland training his swordsmanship and honing the path to obtaining Durandal. As such, the battles he faced were usually straightforward, involving simple clashes of strength. Some of the trickier opponents later on used magical artifacts and the like to increase their strength, but the focus was always on just good ol' fashioned action scenes.

Since the story was meant to stick close to the basics, it couldn't be bogged down by an elaborate explanation about how magic could be channeled through material in the same way as electricity and then used to create a discrete logic that directly translated into magical effects.

But since this wasn't a story but instead my life, I could make use of that info.

Which was why I was back wandering around the bazaar and looking for materials.

Gemstones, gold, copper… magical artifacts that I could buy for cheap because they were cursed or had pointless effects.

Those were my targets.

And with 50K credits… well, with 45K credits to blow, it should be enough to get started on a few helpful projects.

Now… let's just ignore Evelyn for a while, go on a shopping spree, and then head back to the academy to reserve a magical workshop.