
The Auspicious Nights

WFP#37 BRONZE WINNER COMPLETED # UNDER EDITING It was a bright and sunny day. Okay. Sorry about that. It was not a bright and sunny day rather a dark and stormy night even worse was the pelting heavy rain that beat onto earth with a fury enough to rival the battle of the Greek gods. The stars that had originally decorated the sky during the earlier part of the night were no longer visible. The full moon whose brightness had outshone the twinkling stars was now pitifully hiding behind the heavy dark cloud. If one could understand the language of nature, its terrified cry of sorrow could be heard. In the middle of a forest stood a majestic castle whose architecture outshone every other thing that existed near and far from it for almost a hundred miles. This was the castle that no one had access to except the owners who were made up of a small family of six. As the rain fell with an increase in speed every second that passed by, a slender figure could be seen lying in the center of a humongous bed. The slender finger could be seen tugging at the duvet trying to disappear within its warmth. Long brown curly hair was spread neatly on the pillow as the small face disappeared under the heavy purple duvet. A few minutes passed by with the slender body sleeping peacefully without any disturbance. When the clock struck midnight, everything began to change. The once majestic castle that shone brightly was shrouded by a thick and heavy fog such that it became invisible to ordinary eyes. .......@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@........ One stormy night changed her fate forever. She was initiated into a world she knew nothing about. Zamarad woke up feeling strange but paid no heed to it. Don't touch her, she is my Queen! Come closer baby, you are mine. Zamarad! Wait for me! You shall carry my offspring. Wait until I conquer you, heart, body, and soul. No... please let me go! I don't want to be a part of your world! She cried. Her bulging stomach was evidence of how real everything was! Will she accept her fate? Join my Discord if you wish to interact with me and discuss the characters. https://discord.gg/jJeBuJN8 If you like my writing, you can always buy me coffee. It would be appreciated. https://ko-fi.com/kittenbunny

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498 Chs

The Queen Of the Djinn

News has travelled incredibly fast in the Djinn realm about the young prince's ambition to come out of confinement. It appears as common understanding among the djinn. The youthful prince was imprisoned because his existence represents a menace to the kingdom. In reality, the truth was far from what everyone knew.

Like everyone else, the Queen was the first to hear about her son's desire. At first, she had been wary of his intention but she wasn't one to judge without a proper explanation. This was why she was preparing herself to pay Zain a visit. She had missed him a lot this past year.

On the other hand, Zain has been a confined prisoner who was mostly only known by name. Few knew his appearance which would be an advantage imminently. The queen dressed elegantly, an attire befitting the crown. Despite her age, she didn't look a day older than 30. For the paranormal world, she was one of the strictest queens to have reigned all over the world.

To her children and family, she would be a doting mother where possible and a queen when need be. Her steps quickened with time. How she missed her lovely bunny. It had been five years since she last saw him. Finally, she stood before his palace, heart racing and fingers sweating. The door was flung open before she could raise her hand. Zain threw his arms around his mother's delicate body. She fit perfectly in his arms as his taller figure towered over her shorter one.

"Mother, I missed you immensely. It has been so long. His voice cracked as a tear slipped out of his eyes. Warda teared up in her son's embrace. He was her child after all. Her youngest and most beloved child. "I am sorry my love. Mother was keen on keeping you safe. In the process, she forgot to show you that she loves and misses you too. I have been missing you all these years my dearest child. Mother is sorry."

It was a reunion between a mother and her son. Unknown to them, there was another guest on his way to meet Zain. Shahzad had been busy trying to protect Zamarad for a while. He got wind of what the young prince said and was not impressed. Like his mother, however, he was a good judge of character.

Being the future king, one had to be just and wise. He watched his mother and little brother cry in each other's embrace. Shahzad was a man who had a soft spot for the people he loved. He could feel the sting of jealousy stab at his heart. He turned away to leave the two.

Albeit his intention to leave, he was pulled back by his brother's voice in his head. "Brother, aren't you going to say hello to your little and only brother? Don't go. I have missed you." He turned around and meet the tender gaze of his mother and brother. Shahzad felt the blood rise to his cheeks.

Gosh. This was awkward. How can a future king blush so bashfully without reservation! He ran into their open inviting arms, and the family reunion was complete. Zain cracked up laughing at Shahzad's predicament. "Shut up. " He heard his brother's reprimanding voice in his head.' I missed you, big brother. You are so mean. You couldn't even visit me. This brother is sad.' He pouted. The chime of laughter rang in the hallway making the two brothers look at the source of sound.

"You two are making your old mother feel lonely in your presence. You should at least include me in your conversations you know, " She teased. They looked at each other having no answer to give her. Zain finally snapped out of his euphoria and invited his family inside. His palace was unique and could not be invaded easily unless he let one enter.

This included even his family members. Shahzad, Zain, and Warda walked into the comfortable sitting room and sat together. This was a rare thing. They hardly saw each other as everyone was busy with their responsibilities. Warda was still taking care of the whole kingdom as she prepares for the throne ascending ritual.

Shahzad, on the other hand, had been busy taking care of both his lover and the other being. He was the supreme being and everyone looked at him as a god. The power was there without restriction, or so everyone thought to buy it all came with great sacrifices and pain.

Whenever he punish someone, he would make a new enemy. When he rewards, he still makes an enemy. Most men hate his mere existence for he attracted every species of people wherever he went. People liked to claim what they could not get and he was such a rarity. Then there was the confined bird. Zain.

Despite his confinement, without his help, Shahzad could have never managed the Kingdom on his own. Zain was in charge of the Ifrit and ensured that the djinn who made a covenant with the witches are not too many. He kept the records of all the djinn that were bound by a covenant, and those that were free.

This was no easy task as most of them liked being independent while others would gladly make a covenant with the other mystical beings. He was like the gatekeeper who knows when and who left and who came in. thus the family enjoyed many privileges and luxury yet lacked the most basic thing, time and attention for each other.

Warda looked at her boys and held each of their palms in her tiny ones. "Tell me, boys, how have you been? Mother is sorry that she neglected you both after you grew up. The responsibilities are taking a toll on your dearest mother. Forgive me." Zain let Shahzad talk first.

"Mother, I miss you. I have been well. I just want to marry my darling soon. Every minute that I am away from her, I feel empty. Her emotions drive me crazy. The pregnancy has also been hard on her. I can feel her happiness whenever she is happy, and feel her pain when she cries.

Mother I feel the need to bind her to me forever. With her, I felt insecure. I don't know if she will forgive me for making her pregnant without her consent. I violated her privacy and after knowing her, she might resent me for it. " This was the most he had spoken in a long time. He was madly in love with her.

Anything that hurt her would hurt him. He felt extremely vulnerable. Warda looked from one son to the other when a thought crossed her mind. " Zain, how do you feel about what he said right now?" A frown graced Shahzad's face. How were his feelings concern and affect his younger brother? before he could ask, Zain spoke." Mum, I could feel her pain. It's growing more intense with each passing day. I have a feeling that she is in danger. It was one of the main reasons why I wanted to leave my confinement."

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by that? How does the way she feels relate to you?" Warda felt that if she wouldn't handle this issue properly, her sons might end up fighting over one woman. Zain, on the other hand, was amused by his brother's question.

He could smell the vinegar from where he sat. "Son, your brother and your future bride have each other's soul. One half of each is with the other. It's because of this that we confined him to this palace. His death would cause your girl's death. It was also why I hid her from you. If you had known of her existence earlier, she would have been killed by even her parents."

Hello there guys. So sorry havent updated for ages. being unwell. I will be updating everyday as long as i am well. stay safe.

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