
The ATs

A seventeen year old boy by the name of Migo and his close friend Sarah discovered a subterranean word underneath the small town of Little Darth.

Demenssion_8888 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Kate's Cabin “Migo”,

My vision was foggy.... it slowly cleared and my senses got back to normal. The pain was extreme around my pelvic regions... I was surprised to see so many people badly injured.

Marcus was the big and muscler guy who was carrying me away on his back. Behind us was Itarogon who was savagely beating the hell out of the one's who kidnapped me.


Bond never did explain why a cloud just suddenly appeared right front of us, but he did say it was safe. The smoke acted like a portal of some sorts and before I knew it, we were in one hell of a fairly tail landscape..." Marcus!", I yelled as we locked on to each other's vision. Marcus was alive and in way better shape than I expected him to be, but yet again he is my big brother.

We tried to get closer to each other, but a scaly looking lady stopped us from getting too close to each other. " I'm sorry, but the Infernight and the REFORESTYER must never touch! the results would be catastrophic.

Human with the Infernight I'd like to say thank you for helping Bond find the Infernight, with both of these weapons in our possession, we can prevent the king's savage plans from progressing.

We need to take shelter Incase more Am Knights show up", the lady said before opening another portal, that lead to the biggest tree house I had ever seen.

It was basically a massive mansion with a giant tree growing out of it.


It feels good to be back home after one hell of victory.

" Well I guess for you it is, but I can't even be around my brother. Never the less I'm getting really excited, it's only a matter of time before we can finally mind Mom and Dad...Dad's gonna like you a lot",

A human interested in the likes of me, quite dreaming, all your kind loves to do is simply cut us open before we explode in there faces.

" I don't know, maybe he won't try to kill you once he discovers that you saved my life".

Marcus looked at me with relief, this gave me an idea... " We need to find Itarogon, and I've got an idea on how we can get him over here", I said before the orange furred Wolfriler said..


Are you talking about the one who saved Bond and I from the At King?

" I'm pretty sure he's the one, with him on our side Victory is certain", " I really hate to admit it, but Migo's right. That egg head's a genius", Marcus agreed with me.

My plan was completely impossible and unbelievably outlandish, but with the help of telepathic ATs it was brilliant. " So Bond, Pyro, Vision and Snow I'll need you to help me send a message to all the intelligent minds in the area. I'm aware of the consequences of doing this, but if we don't some really bad stuff's going to happen...trust me", I said to Kate.

" Hey Migo? it's almost as if you both knew this was going to happen. That egg head left this thing in my pocket, it's he's note book, just say something that will inform him about our situation", Marcus said to me with Itarogon's note book in he's hand.