
The Atmos Chronicles

Dayton Harris was 3 years old when Earth came into contact with Alien Life. Not a singular species as we had so dreamed for decades, but an entire Intergalactic Empire that spanned further than the Observable Universe. By comparison to what was out there, humans were not considered 'technologically advanced' nor even an 'intelligent species'. Folded into the Empire as an after-thought, nobody in the Central Sectors of the Empire spared a thought for the unknown world in the Outer Sectors. 'Small' didn't even begin to describe the situation of humanity. But Dayton isn't going to let that stop him. When he was 3 he dreamed of flying planes, growing up in a world with space ports made his ambitions grow. Now, his only goal is to get into a Military Academy so that he can learn the ins and outs of flying space ships. His plans did not foresee what would happen if he were exposed to the Genetic Enhancers that everyone going off-world had to take... Now, with his dreams laid out before him, it's going to take a lot of cunning and skill to make sure the secrets his body hides never see the light of day. Also published on RoyalRoad under the same title

Jelim · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Nine - Bane

Welcome to the Lusvellan Empire's First Military Academy and Congratulations on your acceptance.

As a First Year Student, you are about to begin a 10-year training course (by Universal Stardate, 8 years by Hedelian 5 dates). The first 5 years will be spent on Hedelian 5, the remaining 5 years will be spent between the Academy Base and on 'Cadet Missions'. These Cadet Missions will be available to singular Cadets, and Groups, and will give Cadets an opportunity to earn Military Merits and Recognitions prior to their formal joining of the armed forces in one of the Lusvellan Empire's 4 Armies.

Throughout your time as a Cadet, you will be ranked based on multiple criteria, both passive and active, that you show or develop during that period. Merits earned through missions contribute to these rankings. Combat rankings, class scores and attendance, as well as demerits, will also contribute. The higher your ranking upon graduation, the more likely you will be to receive recruitment offers from well-known Army Corps, or even select the Army you wish to enter. Once one enters an Army or Corps, it becomes difficult to transfer unless there are specific circumstances, so having the choice is preferred by many – but only so many places are available.

As a First-Year student, all classes are mandatory, and you will cycle through elective based courses over the year. From Second Year onwards, Elective Courses become something Cadets can select, but it is important to keep in mind that places are limited in each course, and priority is given to those who achieved highly in their first year, or have entered one of the Student-Led Armies on Campus.

There are 4 Student-Led Armies, Blue, Red, Green and White. Each army has its own rank, and the War-Games conducted each Term can lead to additional merits or recognitions for winning Armies. While it is not considered Mandatory to join an Army, it is highly recommended to do so during your first year – just make sure the Army you choose fits you!

Classes that will continue to be Mandatory for all students throughout the 10 years, are Military Drills, Team Combat, Combat and Mecha Combat. These skills are imperative to continue to improve even beyond the Military Academy. While some may choose more non-combative pathways, having combat skills is essential for every personnel member.

The other Courses, comprising your electives, are introductory courses over the following Military Schools;

Mechanics & Engineering, Communications, Piloting, Logistics, Analysis, Armament, Information, Technology, Medicine, and Research & Development.

Those who show exceptional ability in their first year will also qualify to attend the Officer School from their second year onwards.

All Mandatory courses are attended in assigned classes, all electives are randomly assigned in the first year.

Please keep in mind that following the first 2 weeks of assessment, your schedule will change, as will your class, based on your ranking.

With 30-hour days, Hedelian 5's years were 3 months longer than the Universal Stardate. Even if it was 2 hours, Dayton was grateful for the extra 2 hours of 'rest time' that he received. He's need it after the intense Physical Training he was about to undergo. He also learned that the code after the classes on his timetable were locations. The Territory, or Sector first, then the Quadrant of that sector, the building number, then the room number.

Moving from quadrant to quadrant would have to mean long walks or even taxi rides, so technically his meal times would have to be hasty.

The remainder of the welcome pack was filled with rules and protocol. There were even diagrams for how to wear the military uniforms, overviews of both mandatory and elective courses and information on 'late night drills' that occurred at random. All of which, Dayton was grateful to know being somebody unfamiliar with most of the world he'd found himself literally in.

According to the clock it was about 2200, so seeing as he was hungry, Dayton decided to check out one of the many dining halls that his taxi driver had pointed out. Apparently, they were in every other building in the residential districts. There were restaurants in the business district as well, but they were not free to students like the Dining Halls were. Well, 'free' as in the scholarship included his use of the dining halls.

It just so happened that his own building had one of those Dining Halls on the Entrance Floor, so Dayton made his way there with his link key. The Dining Hall was clearly a common area as well, as there were a few groups present that were playing games of some form with each other. The Hall wasn't very full though, probably only about fifty or so people in a space that could easily seat a thousand at peak times.

Dayton approached the buffet window and the attendant there asked what he wanted from the menu. Dayton wasn't sure what any of the food was, and explained this to the attendant.

"Would you mind giving me a few more savoury suggestions?"

She didn't appear overly impressed. If he wasn't familiar with the food, he clearly wasn't from an inner system.

She took a few random dishes and placed it on a tray, pointing to each and naming them rapidly. Dayton smiled awkwardly and thanked her before he tapped his link key as a check-in of sorts and looked around. Eventually, he spotted a rather large individual sitting to the side. He was at least two and a half metres tall, and had a bulky build. His dark skin had a bronze sheen to it, and as Dayton grew closer he realised there were scales there. He had a bald head, though several markings covered it almost like tattoos, no ears and his teeth looked slightly pointed.

All in all, he looked incredibly intimidating, but there was something about his lonesome form that drew Dayton towards him. He paused at the opposite side of the table.

"Sorry to disturb you, may I sit here?"

The individual flicked his eyes at Dayton, barely raising his gaze seeing as he was pretty much at eye-level even sitting down. His eyes were reptilian as well, with a diamond-like pupil instead of round, and golden-green irises. He seemed surprised for all of a split second before he nodded.

Dayton smiled and sat down, "I'm Dayton Wayfinder, by the way. A first year".

Dayton reflexively held his hand out to shake, only to remember it was an earth custom to shake hands. The large individual opposite eyed it suspiciously and Dayton withdrew awkwardly, "Sorry, reflex, it's a greeting gesture on my home-world".

"How is it a greeting gesture?"

Dayton had picked up his utensils, but explained honestly, "The other person grasps your hand and you shake up and down. It sounds weird now that I explain it but it generally indicates an honest and often respectful greeting".

The other individual titled his head in confusion, "You, respect me?"

Dayton raised an eyebrow as he picked at one of his dishes, "I've just met you, and you haven't given me a reason to disrespect you. Not by my people's customs, anyway".

"Where are your people from that they do not know a Kreish when they see one?"

"With all due respect, I don't even know what a Kreish is," replied Dayton, "I come from a planet called Earth that was only inducted into the empire about twelve years ago by our planet's timeline, hence, no idea about most things outside of my own world still".

The individual looked shocked, "Then why, no, how are you here?"

"General Scholarship," said Dayton, "I got lucky".

"Not sure if it is luck," he replied, "But if it is the General Scholarship that brought you here, you must have something notable about you besides your naivety".

Dayton chuckled as he ate one of the dishes on his tray, "One would hope".

The other individual lifted a hand cautiously, attempting to mimic Dayton's earlier movement, "I am Bane L'Tesh".

Dayton smiled and grabbed the other's large hand, demonstrating the shake, "A pleasure to meet you Bane".

"I don't think anybody has considered meeting me a pleasure," he admitted with a frown, withdrawing his own hand as Dayton did his, "Kriesh are…half-beings. Not of pure blood. Not one race or another with no home of their own. They are treated better in some places than others, the Military is one such place".

Dayton raised an eyebrow, "I see, I can't say I don't know what that's like on a smaller scale, at least. On my planet, while we are all one species, humans come in many different colours and from many different cultures and belief systems. It has made marriages between those cultures something that has been frowned upon through the ages. It is far more accepted now than it ever was, but that's not to say there is no Discrimination at all".

Bane cautiously pointed to his own cheek, "Is this a feature you cover to prevent this discrimination?"

Dayton shook his head, "Oh, no. I reacted badly to something in the Genetic Enhancers, several parts of my body are scarred terribly. The doctor that injected me feels quite guilty about it actually, he's trying to find a way to reverse the effects safely".

"I have never heard of the enhancers doing such a thing," he replied.

Dayton shrugged, "Apparently it's not common".

"It is painful?" asked Bane.

"No," smiled Dayton, "Just…not something that should be exposed. Even with these bandages, I'll blend in a lot better with them than without them".

"I do not think you will blend in at all," said Bane.

Dayton frowned, "Why?"

"It is obvious quite quickly that you are not from a high-ranking planet, nor do you look like a regular scholarship student. Then there is your naivety. I think you will stand out even without trying," said Bane.

Dayton sighed, "Yeah, I figured".

Dayton took another few bites of his meal, "Are you a first year too, Bane?"

Bane nodded, "Class 116".

Dayton frowned, "Not a General Scholarship then?"

"No, not at all," Bane shook his head with wide eyes, "It is strange from someone from an outer planet to catch their eyes, even stranger for a Kriesh to do so. I worked hard for many years to receive the qualification to attend here".

"I see, congratulations then," Dayton replied, "Though it is a slight disappointment that we're not in the same class, would have been nice to know somebody".

"Your roommate will be in the same class," replied Bane.

"They haven't arrived yet, and as you said, it's rare from someone from an outer planet to be selected. Who is to say I won't be an outcast there?" asked Dayton.

Bane nodded, "A fair thought".

Dayton chuckled, and Bane raised a non-existent eyebrow, "Something is funny?"

"You are very straightforward. It is not uncommon for someone on my planet to offer kinder words to someone who seems pitiable, even if they don't entirely mean it," said Dayton.

"What would be the point in that?" asked Bane, "Truth and honesty are far more efficient".

Dayton nodded, "Yes, I know. Thank you for your honesty".

"Honesty is not common where you are from?"

"Depends on the person. Besides, lying can bring plenty of benefits if done at the right times for the right reasons," said Dayton, "At least that's what some lie to themselves saying. The honesty is refreshing in a way".

"Your world sounds strange and complex," said Bane.

"More than you know," replied Dayton.

The two spoke for another half hour before Dayton insisted that they traded link-key contacts so that they might speak again. Bane was not opposed, but it was clearly the first time somebody had offered a social connection to him so freely. Dayton had instantly disapproved of the way people treated Kriesh. He had not even seen the full extent of the discrimination, but if Bane had never had anyone give him an obligatory respectful greeting as one creature of intelligence to another…it didn't sit well with Dayton.

Over the next six days, Bane met with Dayton every morning to exercise and spar. Bane was surprised at Dayton's skill ability at first, seeing as Dayton came from a F-class planet. However, Bane quickly forgot it as Dayton proved to be an above-average fighter, not necessarily because of his skill level, but because he adapted quickly.

Bane was used to using his size and strength against his opponent, but Dayton was quick to show him that in some cases, this would be a weakness. Within just a few days of meeting, the two had spawned a friendship. Dayton wasn't blind though. As more first years arrived, he became aware that others were looking at the two of them walking down a street together and not wanting anything to do with them.

Bane had apologised, but Dayton had waved it off, "If they aren't open-minded enough to take a chance on someone just because of how they look or where they were born, I hold little hope for their extended military careers".

Bane didn't understand Dayton's thoughts completely, but was grateful that he had a friend that wouldn't leave him. Everyone else left, quite obviously. They saw it every day when they entered a gym and those in there cleared out.

Bane also taught Dayton the foods in the fridge and how to use the kitchen, though he had found it quite amusing and likened Dayton to a child learning to walk.

On the seventh day, the day before they were supposed to meet together with the rest of the first years, Dayton's roommate finally arrived in the hour just after dinner.

He was about the same height as Dayton, with short, white-blonde hair and pale and sharp features, along with pointed ears. He was lithe in build, and his skin was surprisingly quite smooth and unblemished with full lips. Dayton's first thought was 'elf'. He looked entirely like an elf, from Lord of the Rings, or a fae from the ancient folklore tales. However, Dayton had seen a few people like this over the last few days and Bane had called them Lushti, one of the principal races that had birthed the Empire, and the same race as the Emperor.

He wheeled in a suitcase and a duffel bag, and upon seeing Dayton in the lounge having a snack, paused in the entrance.

Dayton stood, not having expected him to arrive at this hour, "Ah, hi, you must be my roommate. I'm Dayton Wayfinder".

The Lushti looked him up and down, eyeing the bandage on his arm and face that he could see, then meeting his gaze again.

"Tai Wayland," he replied.

Dayton nodded with a small smile, "Ah your room is the one on the right-" he pointed to it "-do you need help with anything?"

The boy shook his head, "No, I'm alright".

It lapsed into an awkward silence for a moment, then Dayton spoke again, "Well, I'll just get out of your way and let you settle in then. The dining hall downstairs is probably still open and there is some food in the kitchen if you're hungry. I'd offer to cook but I'm afraid I'm not great at it".

The other boy nodded in response. Dayton awkwardly turned and stepped into his room, carrying his snack with him as he went, "Just knock if you need anything".

The other boy nodded as he watched Dayton leave. It was an uncomfortable stare, like Dayton was invading his space. He didn't like the odds of them getting along.