
The Astral Genius Technocrat Shall Rule the World

"The World's Greatest Mind shall the rule the world..." Following the downfall of a prominent company that developed AEGIS, Rusthania is now back to its former state. Artificial Intelligence which has a record of harming humanity was thrown into oblivion, erasing the traces of what seemed to be a collective memory full of dread. Aiden Agneia, son of the Former Anti-AEGIS leader, is a child prodigy who excels in Engineering, Computer Science, and Chemistry. Born in an environment without the usual spark of early modern technology, he aims to bring forth a new generation of system and AIs that utilizes Astral Magic to help the country and improve public service. But what if these AIs suddenly became sentient? What if they suddenly become alive and can act, feel, or talk like normal human beings? What if they opposed what they should follow? Will his technocratic mindset solves his country's conflict? Or will it become a curse to destroy their peaceful lives? This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, organizations, laws, etc. are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.

CyrixIsUplifted · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Shopping Trip

I woke up early in the morning today.

It was time for my daily running plus a cardio exercise and a little bit of Astral Magic training even though I can't really conjure a spell. I still try it occasionally because who knows? Maybe I'll be able to use it somehow if I don't give up or if I force myself enough to actually reach that point.

Anyway, today is going to be a busy day for sure. Ever since we sold the Ice Candy I made, a lot of people are actually demanding more. Mama and Papa were informed of my movement and decision and they supported me by launching it as a side business owned by yours truly.

Papa helped fix the stall outside the gate while Mama advertised the shop through some social media and they instantly get popular. As expected of them.

A lot of people also requested a different flavor so I spent the night looking for some other recipes and found another fruit that will be a good addition to the flavor. It also has some benefits nutrition-wise so I didn't have any qualms about the choice.

As soon as I finished my routine, I immediately head back to the training yard and there I saw Lynn standing in the center, practicing her AEGIS control.

"Ah! Big Brother! Good morning!" Lynn handed me a cold bottle of water and indulged myself.

"Good morning, Lynn. You're pretty early today... What's up?" I took a break on the bench and watched her perform some Astral Magic casting.

"Hmm... Well, I thought I should also try my best like you, Big Brother." She answered with a smile.

"Hmm?" I cocked my head to the side. Is she talking about my daily exercise routine? Or...

"I heard from Mama that you're always doing this every day without stopping. I know that Big Brother can't use Astral Magic but even so, you still try your best to train. I'm not really good at studying like you, Big Brother. That's why I will try my best to get stronger instead so I can protect you."

Lynn might be shorter than me for now, but her heart, will, and determination are stronger. I can see in her lighted eyes that she is determined to do what's best. And I'm grateful that I'm always in her mind.

I smiled at her. "Mhmm. Thank you, Lynn. I'm counting on you..."

"Yes! Big Brother!"

(So that's why she insisted on training every day...)

I noticed that Lynn's Astral Energy was increasing day by day. In the span of a year, the way she controls her AEGIS has improved and she could actually launch a powerful if she decided to do so though she doesn't realize that yet.

She didn't have any particular element yet so it's difficult to discern what category she belongs to and what Path can she control.

Astral Magic / Art has what they call "Elemental Paths".

It basically tells you what elemental magic you have an affinity for based on the world's natural resources.

For example, if you can conjure electricity then you are a Lightning Astral Magic user. If you can use fire then you are a Fire Astral Magic user. If you can do water then Water Astral Magic user and so on and so forth. It is the simplest and basic categorical list they could employ to label someone based on their used element.

For Lynn, however... Although she can use all elements together, she doesn't seem to have any specific element that is stronger than the other. Maybe she is a Multi-Elemental Astral Magic user? But there's no category for that and most AEGIS users can do all magic as well so it's not that rare.

Hmm, I should probably monitor Lynn's growth in case she venture into some issues in the long run.

"Hey, Lynn. Do you mind if you can help me with something after you're done?" I asked.

"Hmm? Of course. I don't mind, Big Brother. But what are we going to do?"

"I want to test something with your Astral Arts. Your participation would be really helpful for my research. The only problem is..." I averted my eyes.

"Hmm?" Lynn tilted her head, waiting for me to continue.

"There's a possibility that you might feel extreme fatigue after excessive usage of Astral Art and it's kinda not what I recommend for someone your age so... Are you still willing to help, despite so?" I laid down the condition as early as possible because Lynn might come to hate me if she realized that these sessions is just for me to hurt her while I receive benefits.

"Oh, it's fine." She answered confidently. No hesitation whatsoever.

"Eh? Are you sure? This might be dangerous though..."

"You know me, Big Brother. I have a tough body and a good amount of resistance to everything. If you need help that requires Astral Magic then let me do it." She leaned closer to me.

"A-Alright then, I'll contact you when I'm ready. For now, you should focus on developing your Astral Arts." I nodded.


I'm not sure if it is a good idea but... I should probably lower the intensity and do sample procedures first before I use her.


Afternoon comes and Millie and I are now headed toward the supermarket to buy the ingredients for the Ice Candy.

"Well then, we're off now. See you guys later!"

"Be careful on your way!"

"Don't push yourself too much, Millie!"

Layla and Sarra accompanied us through the gate.

"Ah, please wait here for a minute, Miss Millie," I said.

"Hmm? O-Okay..."

I went back to the room and grabbed the thing that I made last night. I thought it was going to be hot today as well so I prepared myself. After that, I stepped outside and gave Millie my second invention for today.

"Sorry for the wait. Here you go, Miss Millie. Please take this..."

"Hmm? What's this, Sir Aiden?" Millie took the bag-looking sheet and examined it carefully. I'm not really surprised that her reaction to this thing is pretty mild since it's an unfamiliar object.

"It's an umbrella bag," I answered.

"A-A what? Umbrella and a bag?" She got confused for a second so I explained the features.

"Yep. It's basically a fusion of an umbrella and a bag. Please try to push the button underneath..." Millie followed my instruction and pushed the button underneath the bag. Suddenly, the white sheet expanded and a bow-looking umbrella emerged from the hidden stick.

"W-Woah! This is incredible! So it turns like that!" She exclaimed.

"Yep. Since it is hot today, I decided to make it for you, Miss Millie. You can bring this every time you go on shopping without worrying about your things or the weather." I explained.

"Aww~ Thank you so much, Sir Aiden!" Millie walked forward and embraced me tightly. I received it without moving and gave her a hug as well.

The idea for the umbrella bag was fairly simple. First, since the bow or the roof-like shape of the umbrella from the inside is not used, I decided to take it into account and used that shape to form a bag from the inside out. The handle or the stick that is holding it can extend long or get folded so that you can lock it when you close the umbrella.

Once the stick is locked, the umbrella can be folded inside and then you pull the sheet in front so that it will form a basket. After that, the handle will stick out from the pocket of the sheet and you can use that to carry it. To bring it back to the umbrella state, you just have to spread the sheet and fold the stick again to extend and then lock it again.

The idea of this umbrella bag was already on the internet but no one seemed to have produced it physically so I tried it myself. I just used an unused umbrella and re-engineered it to make it like this.

"Well then, shall we go?" I asked.


And so Millie and I went to the supermarket together.

It's been a while since I've ventured outside the subdivision. Neo Arcadia (Capital) is the only place that I've been to since it's relatively close to our home.

The capital of Rusthania is always full of people during the day. I could see a lot of workers traveling as well as students going to their respective schools. I still don't understand the purpose of the buildings installed in this area but I've heard there are a lot of companies established in this city so it's expected that it would always be buzzing with people.

Anyway, after we reached the intersection, we then walked through the side to go inside the overpass to reach the other side of the road.

The overpass was built so that people won't have to risk crossing the streets on the ground where vehicles are running constantly. I mean, instead of running with them, we could just go upward and reach the other side with a bridge.

We then crossed another intersection and after that, the Supermarket was finally visible.

"A lot of people are asking for a different flavor. So what are we getting for today, Sir Aiden?" Millie asked as she looked around through the stalls.

The Supermarket has two sections: The outside section has all of the miscellaneous stalls that sell fruits and vegetables as well as other ingredients that are mostly bought for cooking. The inside section is just the building to the end of the path where you can buy almost everything including appliances, toys, drinks, etc. It's basically the Waltermart of this city.

"We're going for Avocado for today..." I answered.

"E-Eh? Avocado? A vegetable for an Ice Candy? Isn't that going to taste weird?" Millie freaked out for a bit but I can understand her concern.

Most of the time when selling Ice Candies, the common fruits or ingredients that are always used are Mangoes, Melons, cocoa, and coconut. She is not yet familiar with the concept of avocados so I explained it to her.

"Ah, there's nothing to worry about, Miss Millie. While they're often prepared and eaten like vegetables, funnily enough, avocados are biologically fruits. Even weirder, avocados are actually single-seeded berries in the same family as sassafras, the bay laurel, and various species of cinnamon tree."


"Also, if you put milk powder on avocados, they actually taste really good. But for Ice Candy, we're still going to use the standard ingredients to bring up the flavor and add that sweetness."

If you're wondering why avocados are considered a fruit, it is because it has a seed surrounded by what's called the pericarp. If I remember correctly, it consists of three layers, one of which is a fleshy edible layer, which qualifies it as a fruit.

"I see! I learned something again today! Thank you, Sir Aiden. Shall we go to that stall then?" She nudged at me, turning around to the stall that sells avocados.

"Hmm, it looks cheap enough so let's go." I nodded at her suggestion.

After buying the right amount of avocados, we went straight into the next stall to buy the sugar and food coloring. We also bought a stack of evaporated milk so that we have some extra in case we run out.

"Shall we take a break, Miss Millie?" Noticing her excessive sweating, I was worried that Miss Millie might collapse again so I urged her to take a rest on a nearby stall that sells cold melon juice.

"T-Thank you, Sir Aiden. Sorry, it looks like I'm still not used to the heat..." She said as she drank the cold drink.

"It's okay, Miss Millie. Though, that's actually why I didn't want to force you last night, um..." I told them that Millie is not strong enough to go into the heat but they insisted—I mean she is the one who insisted so...

"Haha. Sorry, sorry... To be honest with you, I actually feel really bad." She hung her head as she spoke.

"Why is that?"

"S-Sir Aiden had to see my weakness and even get you to treat me. I'm supposed to be the one taking care of you..." She pouted as she averted her gaze. I find it really cute, not gonna lie.

"Hahaha!" I burst out laughing.

"W-Why are you laughing? It's true that I feel bad because I made trouble..." She added.

"Haha! Sorry... It's just that, I've never seen this kind of side of you before, Miss Millie. I thought for sure that you are strong and mature but... I guess you still do have that childish side of yours and I find it cute." I said with a grin.

Millie blushed deeply. "W-Wha—! C-Cute? Do you really think so? Well, I-I can't help it... I'm still learning, you know?"

Well, I was told that they are still young so I guess that makes sense. Wait, is a twenty-year-old above, considered young?

"Anyway, you don't have to push yourself too hard, Miss Millie. We're all family here. It is only natural that I will also do my best to take care of our members. You, Miss Sarra, and Miss Layla have helped me a lot during my infant days so..."

If it weren't for Millie giving me puzzles every day, I wouldn't be able to hone my mind. The same can be applied to Layla and Sarra who worked hard to take care of me.

"I-I see. Mhmm!"

"It's not trouble for me at all, really. Think of it like I'm the little brother, and you're my Big Sister." I winked.

"—Ah!" For some reason, she suddenly went blank. "Is it okay?"

"Uh, what...?"

"Is it okay for me to be your Big Sister?!" She is rather excited about that information.

"Um, yes...?" I don't see why not. I mean, I technically think of the trio as my three Big Sisters so...

"T-Then can you call me Big Sister Millie?" Her eyes sparkled as she leaned over me.


"Please! Please call me like that! Just one time!"

"A-Alright then, ehem! B-Big Sister Millie..." I tried to act mature as possible but my embarrassment is over the top so I let out a cute sound instead.

"Kyaa~!" Millie then hug me tightly. "You're so cute, Sir Aiden!"

"I-I would appreciate it if you don't call me cute..." She was not listening.

Anyway, after the break, we spent our free time exploring the market and going through each shop we find.

When we passed on the second road, I saw a workshop that sells water tanks so I told Millie to wait for me as I bought it.

"Where are you going to use that water tank for, Sir Aiden?" She asked, curious about its purpose.

"Let's just say that this thing will change the air around the house..." I winked.

Millie tilted her head. I told her that it's a secret for now so she didn't dive deeper to my plans.

We then went home and started working on the mix for the Ice Candies.