
The Assassin And The Lord

When the shadow of death looms, it creates a chill that immobilize the heart and causes despair. The residents of Woamwood are kept on their toes because of the new disaster that plagues their land. An Assassin suddenly arises, killing the people in respective of their status. Everyone is a suspect and no one knows who will be the next victim.

precious_peter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Lord Damon.

 The room became so suffocating that the others in the room held their breath. 

 The laugh died down, but his anger was still palpable in the air. He tossed the paper to one of the men and asked,

 "Who is heading this case?"

 "Mr. Lawrence is. We are trying..."

 "What fucking trying are you talking about?" Haywood cut Eliana off before she could defend the man in charge.

 "If you were doing your job right I wouldn't have lost Mark today. Tell Lawrence to prepare an explanation for his failure, I'll see him in the council," Haywood turned and walked away from the room. 

 His footsteps were heavy and fast, and it echoed outside until it resided.

 "Huh. I somehow knew that he would react like this," Eliana sighed, bringing her hand to her face.

 "The assassin left no trail to trace him with. I believe whoever he is working for, must be someone of high status," Kilan, one of her colleagues, shook his head. 

 "Kilan, the problem here is what is the motive for all these murders. Mark is the seventh person, and we don't know who would be next," Eliana said.

 "Money." Kilan answered, "didn't you read him Kora," he turned to the blonde man with gray eyes standing beside Mark's dead body.

 "I did," Kora nodded, "but the assassin is smart. He killed Mark before he could decipher his voice. Lawrence can't handle this anymore."

 Eliana helped Kora to cover Mark's body with white clothes. She sighed and flexed her hands because it was hurting. 

 "The only option now is Lord Damon. But that one has more screws loose than any other person," said Kilan, taking the letter written with Mark's blood.

 Eliana frowned in contemplation, while her colleagues had frustrated expressions as they didn't like the idea of inviting the man who Kora mentioned.

 "He is the only way now, but I doubt he would want to help. The last case he had, he insisted on being rewarded with a holiday." Eliana voiced her concerns. 

 Lord Damon was the most feared man in the land that even the king was wary of. He was the illegitimate son of the duke but was more renowned than his father's legitimate children.

 The mention of his name was capable of making a person tremble in their shoes. Not only was he arrogant and egotistical, his words infuriated people to the point that they turned red and speechless. 

 He was infamous and a dangerous person to deal with. However, this was the charm that drew women to him. 

 "We have no other option then. Let's meet the council head, we need his expertise," Kilan shook his head and sighed. 

 He suddenly felt like someone punched his guts. Working with Lord Damon was the last thing he wanted to do in his entire life.

 They finished all their duties and investigations before leaving the room to allow the undertakers to do their job.

 As they walked into the room where the lady of the house was being comforted, Kilan sighed at the pitiful state of the woman. She looked nothing like her former self. There was no makeup on her face, neither were there any high-end clothes nor jewelry. 

 "We are sorry for your loss," Eliana said.

 The mourning lady looked up at them with the fire of hatred, grief and anger burning in her eyes. She said, "If you are sorry, then find my husband's murderer. Mark was killed so ruthlessly, h...he...oh my god..." She wailed.

 Eliana pursed her lips, turned and walked away. Her heart burned with the fire of anger. She couldn't stomach the cruel situations the assassin was subjecting to his victims. 

 She determined in her heart to convince Lord Damon to help in the case. There would be no more fear in the land, where everyone has to watch their backs and eye their neighbors with wary eyes.

 _____Boulderbay village____

 A luxurious brown carriage with a red flag that bore an image of a fiery dragon halted in front of a cloth store, attracting the attention of the passersby. 

 The coachman jumped down and quickly opened the door for the occupants to step out. 

 The first person to step out was a young man, with bright red eyes. He had a noble aura around him, and his chivalrous smile quickly stole the hearts of the women. 

 "He is so handsome," a woman squealed, holding her friend's hand. They were both drooling over him.

 "Eluney, help me down before you revel in the praises of the young ladies," a voice called out to the young man who stepped out first. 

 Eluney stretched his hand out and took hold of the hand of his mother. Her pale fingers were adorned with rings of different precious gems.

 She stepped down from the carriage and soon, another round of gasps and murmurs began as some people recognized her. 

 "Isn't she Dianna Lazarus. It's been years I have seen her out in public. That must be her second son," someone else said, pointing towards the mother and son.

 Dianna ignored the chatter and stares of the people as she decided to walk into the store. However, she stopped and turned towards the carriage. 

 "Why aren't you coming out yet? Need a special invitation or want me to make a grand announcement?" She asked, glaring at the half-closed carriage.

 Everyone strained their necks to see who she was talking to, as it seemed she came with another person. 

 The person inside placed his black leather shoes on the ground before he emerged. 

 "Oh my gosh! it's Lord Damon" a young girl, richly dressed, squealed before passing out from over excitement.

 "That is the reason I wanted to stay inside. I could be charged with murder even if she dies of a deadly disease," came Damon's annoyed words.

 His dark red eyes were darker than his brother's own and his gaze was anything but chivalrous or noble. It warned everyone to stay a hundred feet away from him. 

 He wore a red coat over a red shirt and black pants. His black hair was ruffled, and the fringes rested on his forehead. 

 Dianna and Eluney, "*sigh*"

Turning to continue her journey inside the store, Dianna suddenly heard her name being called by someone. 

 She turned her head to see who it was, and her lips twitched twice after seeing the two women approaching her. 

 "That's Mr Lancaster's wife and daughter. What a fine coincidence to meet trouble the day you decided to come out," Eluney commented, staring at the pair who approached them.