
A New Beginning

A few days passed as Astrid stepped in and out of her feverish state. Her tired body managed to recover slowly while she was in that inanimate state. Astrid could not figure out how much time she had been unconscious, but when she woke she could feel a little better than before.

The cave was dark around it, but dots of light could be coming from the walls and the water glowed in a shade of beautiful blue. It looked like a fairy tale scenario, now that Astrid stopped to pay attention she could feel that the concentration of mana there was far more dense than she had ever had contact with.

Being a witch and a half demon, this explained why she had recovered faster, with that high concentration of mana. Slowly sitting down, Astrid could still feel her wound aching, but she was not as strong as she was before fainting.

Astrid crawled into the water fountain and drank some more, now that she was calmer and aware of her surroundings she could analyze the situation. Picking up the water, she realized she could feel the high concentration of mana, Astrid drank a little more, feeling the water refresh her body.

She sighed in delight for something so good and pure.

Drinking the water with the strong concentration of mana not only helped to recover her MP, but also it satisfied the hunger of Astrid. At least for now, that would help a lot. Astrid grinned, her golden eyes glittering in the darkness of the cave.

Feeling a slight pang in her belly Astrid remembered again the sealed wound. Looking down, she saw the mark of the scar left on her skin. And just to make sure she checked her status again, to get an idea of how she was.

"Status" She spoke more excitedly.

Name: Astrid

Age: 22

Breed: Half-demon

HP: 1689/2340

MP: 2340/3790

Abnormalities: Slightly injured

Affinities: Water +80

Fire +65

Earth +50

Wind +50

Titles: The outcast (Rejected by demons, hated by humans),

Master Witch (The one who has already mastered her profession)

She widened her eyes in surprise as she regained more than half of her HP and MP! Astrid wanted to laugh, but restrained herself, being alone in a cave and laughing for sure would not be normal.

"Ah.. Hahaha... Who am I trying to fool? This is very good!" Astrid's laughter reverberated through the empty cave, she could not be happier.

After calming Astrid put her hand on his wound and intoned the spell.

"Accelerated healing"

A soft blue glow wrapped around her wound and she could feel a slight itch in the area while the healing process was accelerated.

A scar stayed in her womb, but she was no longer bothered at all. Astrid got up determined to explore the cave, but her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a fight outside the cave.

Astrid carefully stepped out of the cave. Creeping among the plants, what greeted her was a great battle between a Silver Fenrir and a Blood Bear.

Between the danger levels, both were at the level of Calamity, they were creatures that if they left the forest could destroy one or two kingdoms without any problems.

The Blood Bear was a big monster 11ft in height, his massive body weighing well over a ton and a half. He was propped up on both hind legs and was in an attacking position, the mana around him was red and violent, as was his pelage.

His claws were huge and his black eyes were looking angrily at the Silver Fenrir. In exchange the Silver Fenrir had a much smaller body, reaching a maximum of 4 ft in height while standing on all four legs.

His fur was handsome silvery and his ice-blue eyes had a sizeable nobility, as well as showing great intelligence. The difference was disproportionate, but it seemed that the Fenrir had the slight advantage of the situation, even though both were equally wounded.

Watching the fight for a while Astrid was able to understand that it was the Bear that was defying the territory of the Fenrir. In a fit of rage the Bear attacked the Fenrir with its flaming claws. The Fenrir managed to deflect, but was followed by another Bear attack, which this time ended up hitting his back.

Astrid's will was to come and help the Fenrir, but she was afraid she would not be welcomed. The Blood Bear, approached the fallen Fenrir to launch a final attack, Astrid was already stepping out of the cave to help the Fenrir, but she was stopped by his icy blue gaze.

Astrid felt her skin twitch from the look she received, but that was all she could feel before witnessing the Silver Fenrir's attack. Opening his mouth a ball with an electric ray was fired at the head of the Blood Bearer. Letting the body fall, with no head to the side in a tall 'TUD'.

First of all, I would like to explain that the question of levels and geography is still not well defined. Soon I will be doing a glossary about it. The reason is simple, when I started to write I did not do a draft or anything, just wrote and put it here.

Just one more warning, tomorrow I will have an evaluation at the university, so it is likely that the chapter will leave later, but it will still leave tomorrow without problems.

So excuse any confusion.

Xoxo <3

Lela_Madahacreators' thoughts